Taoist Law

Chapter 111, the friend of Junshan

Sending the Miao's brothers and sisters, the brothers and sisters got on the horse, the brothers put their hands, when they left. The sister hesitated momentum, rushing Zhao Rongdao: "Zhao brother, you really can't ... Let's see!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Well, look back!"

I died in the nodded, and I would like to pursue my own brother.

Meng Yanzhen did not know when to wait on the side, see the shape and he said to hello, and chased it on a clip of the horses. " ," "" go the same way……"

I saw a muddy horses and horses, the Meng Yanzhen, who was rushing up, hooked, Meng Yanzhen, hurried to catch up, and rustic.

Zhao Ran is slightly surprised: these two actually play?

Just listening to Meng Yanzhen: "Yan Sister, the stupid is even more than a few words last night, but also ask the teacher to refer to me ... Yunxiao is smothering ..."

I suddenly saw the midday waist, a vain flashed, flew up and swept it.

Meng Yanzhen thinks that it will be this treatment. He is half-eyed in the eyes and shake his head. It doesn't matter to prevent it. Plant in the fields.

: "I am bored!" I went to the horses, and the horseshoe won a piece of dust, leaving Meng Yanzhen to eat ash in the field.

Zhao Ran looked at the door of the temple, so unhappy. He remembers that the Meng Dynasty has also been entangled by Rong Niang in Changning Valley, and touched a non-hard nail. This time, it is finally in the harden!

This is still a role. Why didn't you see it in these days? It is true that Meng Yanzhen is really exquisite, and the Master of the Jin Dan Master is actually being smashed. Is this intentional or deliberate?

Zhao Ran frightened to the midnual flying legs and screaming,

I touched the nose: I haven't seen it for a few years, the girl is not a long, this big long leg ... "

I saw Meng Yanzhen climbed up, and she did not care about the mud on her clothes. It was only a muddy, her palm was gentle, and her palm was softly caress. Can be recollected ... "

Zhao Ran shook his head back to the temple, seeing Jin Long up to tell: "The temple wishes, the monk named Du woke up."

"You ask Rong Niang, how to do it."

"Rong girl knows, she said that death is alone, she has nothing to do with her, she went to Xiaojun Mountain to find five colors."

Ok, Zhao Ran is a landlord, and it is a person who is shot. Between the two sides is not deep vetement, but they can only take a look at it.

When I entered the guest, I saw Du Xingyan wearing neatly, sitting in the chair, and the whole female crown Hao can talk to him with him.

See Zhao Ran into the house, the two stopped talking, Zhao Ranzheng asked: "Du Daoyou is good? Is it hurt?"

Du Xingyan is cold and cold: "Live Temple wishes."

Zhao Ran did not worry, ask: "The head really doesn't hurt? Is there any memory blurred or can't think of?"

Du Xinglu said: "Temple is relieved, the poor road says that it will not be gambled."

Zhao Ran is relieved, see Hao Siku is next to it, slightly, there is some embarrassment: "Where is the friends say, I just care, ask, haha ​​..."

Du Xingzhi asked: "What is this?"

Zhao Ran: "Moon Ming Fantasy Scener." Take the "Gossip" two words, and the other party wants to study.

Du Xing densive head: "Being taught! But you have a little bit." Said, very hard will shoot a silver ticket at the table: "Two thousand silver took it, lost, a little silver, I still still Lost! "

Zhao Ran is shocked, and the heart said that the brain really had a problem, but he listened to Hao Siku and asked by: "Do you change your gambling in the array?"

Du Xing densive nodded, Zhao Ran can only follow his head, and quickly put the silver ticket. He can't hear Hao, saying that Du Xingrui has a problem? Du Jia is not looking for a door!

Hao Lao said: "Thank you Zhao Temple to wish you a few days. Today, the Du Shi brother has not been a problem. We are ready to move, return to Zhejiang Province."

Zhao Ran asked: "The law is no longer playing more than a few days? The scenery in Sichuan Province is very good."

Hao Siki said: "Sichuan Jingzhi, greatly and more, don't say, Single Mountain here, it is very interesting. Just in the ..

Du Xing derived, the interface: "Junshan scenery is picturesque, it is really unpleasant, um ..." picturesque scenery ... "

Zhao Ran counsed a scorpion, and quickly interrupted his thoughts and said: "It's better to live two days, turn your way?"

Du Xingzhi snorted, said: "Although the landscape of Junshan is pictures, even if I am a friend of Junshan, I like Junshan, not Zhao Temple, so the guest's words are free ..."

Hao Siwei can't help but ask: "What is the friend of Junshan?"

Du Xingyan does not look: "Men talk, women do less mouth! In short, I am a friend of Junshan! But this is a concern for the people of Junshan! But I haven't need to do it with Zhao Temple. I heard that you are born before night? Good, I will wait for me Next time When you come again, others will not say that I am in a cultivation of you ... "

Zhao Ran: "..."

Du Xingli is going to see the Rong Niang, but he is admonished by Hao to persuade, just say that Rong Niang is not in the Junshan Temple. She didn't say anything, and Rong Niang did not be in the Junshan Temple, but Zhao Ran, who was in Xiaodun Mountain, and did not interested this Du Daoyou, so he had to leave.

Ruru is obviously very interested in this medicine garden in the back of the mountain, so that Jin Long and others helped to build a mad, these two days of taking this.

When Zhao Ran finally took the guests almost sent it away, I got the back of the mountain to find a lady, I saw the two big trees in the horizon in the middle of the mountain, and even awarded the land. High swing, is swaying in the swing?

I have a smile to spend the orientation to accompany: "The people have been sent away?"

Zhao Rong said: "All gone, surnamed Du's and the full-real female crown, returning to Zhejiang Province."

Rong Niang is in the swing: "Damei wish, most of you! You have a good medicine in this medicine garden. Listen to the gold meditation is a rabbit demon and a cowmore build? It is still a bit taste, stronger than you."

Zhao Ran did not accept: "There is no water in the mountain, lack of aura, where are you thinking about the Lingquan flowing in this pharmacy?"

Rong Niang thought about it, said: "Do you have a few things ... Where is this helpless? Oops, rabbit, green cattle, fairy crane, Jinou, I think it is fun! You put Where are they all? Nowadays are gone, let them come out, I play! "

Zhao Ran was also surprised, said: "I don't know, this is free to be free to spread, there is no organization without discipline, where is I hide? They will have disappeared with me before I have no longer mountains. Didn't come back ... said that you didn't play with five colors? Can you play with him? "

Rong Niang immediately jumped from high swing: "I can't play him? The ice golden paste in my hand is vegetarian? He breaks his bird mouth and claws all grinded No, who tells you that I am doing him? Is that broken bird? Ah! Mo. I am! "

Zhao Ruyo is visually: "You have to win, last year of Yu Shi? People can be a spirit! Let's talk, do you want you?"

Rong Niang said: "Is that I ran? I have something in my family, the fly is let me go home!"

Zhao Ran did not precaution: "Please do you think a little excuse is good? There is something in the family ... What can be?"

Rong Niang explained: "I did something wrong, he ran from home!"

Zhao Ran "cut" a sound: "Who is your second brother? What is the relationship with you?"

"I ..." Rong Niang suddenly laughed, "Well, the stunned? This girl will blame!"

The Oriental attached to his two fights, after a moment: "The brother can get together these spiritual demon together, but it is quite difficult, but still needs to be strictly looked."

Zhao Ran promised: "I know the brother, I can't help it. I will give the brothers, Qingcheng Mountain is not too far away, and will also work together to come to help me."

Dongfang Dao: "You don't ask for the big master, what do you do?"

"Is it a Luo brother of my spirit sword?"

"Yes, Luo Tao's name, this year can not, the whole Longanfu, and even Baing, Chengfu, Sichuan, the young generation has been hit by him, many of the Master's number of seniors are also planted He is name ... He is just a Huangshou? Hey ... "

"A few days ago, listened to my teacher's news, Luo brother went back to turn off, prepared to link golden Dan."

The Oriental respects: "After waiting for him to fight, find a chance to pass his hand, learn about it."

Zhao Ran originally thought that Rong Niang had to stay more than a few days, but also gave her to lay a job, such as hosting the Junshan spring plowing, knowing that this gimmick is also left.

Rong Niang's own statement is that there are many things in their home, she can't go too long, go back to help.

The original words of the Oriental respect is: "This girl is crazy in the first two years, and now it is estimated that the house is strict."

Rong Niang waited again for a day, still did not see the group of spirit. She is very uncomfortable, "lesson lesson" that is evil colorful, unfortunately, I can't hold one "cute" rabbit, I am sorry that I have not "riding a" beautiful white crane and "listen" The song of green cattle.

Zhao Ran said that there is no face, but you will see you, you will be too stunned, and there is no light in the sun and the moon.

The two people have a lot of fits more than others. Ruru mounted on her snow-white clouds, turned into white light, and went out. Dongfang Jing also didn't know what the law, the body rushed to a layer of gold, the whole humanization made a mockup vague vantage, three inch of the ground, fluttering with the wind, see Zhaoran Straight.

Standing in the Junshan Temple, I launched a long time, Zhao Ran turned into the temple, spiritual, high-speed: "Jin Long, the people of the temple, let us meet!"

(This volume is over)

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