Taoist Law

Chapter 4 is affected by the yellow crown

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Zhao Ran's Huang Crown is beginning to start.

As a promiserator, Wei Zhizhen is out, said to the elder, the disciples of the ghizes, Zhaoran's cultivation has been to the "chemical" period, and the Dan is cultivated, and it will be cautious on weekdays. Treasure to the Duler Du Chang, apply for it.

Du Chang Xue asked the rest of the old and elderly and asked them to come out.

When Zhao Ran was in the past, several long-term assessment had understood his understanding of Tao and Taoism. At this time, it is natural to ask these questions. Directly please Ru Chang to reach out and try to explore Zhaoran's gas sea.

After the old pulse of Lu, I nodded and said, "Dansheng has become", so Zhaoran successfully passed.

Du Chang took out a blue word, Zhao Ran passed the hand, and then took it back, worshiping the Firedex Star Jun Statue, devout memorial, and then worship the younger words.

The bell is playing, and Du Chang is the law, and the law is set off, and a hot prevention is covered in the whole hall.

The younger words slowly increased the upper half, turned into a flame, and he didn't enter the fire.

After the appearance absorbed the cym, it began to gradually become transparent, and the bloom layer kept flashing blazing.

At the same time, the various kinds of fantasy, spirits, spirits, spirits, etc. are available, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Du Chang Lao will prepare a good jade, and the star of the Star is flying out of the redness, transferring into the jade, printing a flame seal in .

After obtaining a severe agreed consent, Du Chang was in Zhaoran, and his court was immediately highled as a third flame.

At this point, the entire ritual will end.

Zhao Ran inquired, in his Yellow Crown, a total of the credits of seven thousand thousand defenders were consumed.

Zhao Ran counted, probably one of the five-fifths of the Yunyu value of their own Junshan Temple, that is, in the past year, the credit history of the Junshan Temple can allow five monks to be treated as the yellow crown. .

So how much is the cost of other credit values?

The Taoist Taoist is 10,000 thousand Gui, the Yu Shi is 36,000 Gui, the Huang Crown is 70,000 thousand princes.

Master is 36 million ,

Big. Master is 70,000 .

The above-mentioned post-duty also said some, probably a rising value value of the county all year, after the refining teacher, it is more amazing.

The refiningant is 36 million Gui, and the big refining is seven million. Basically equivalent to the annual credit output value of the place of the family.

The live or Tianshi is 36 million Gui, the big real or Da Tianshi is 70 million Gui. It is roughly equivalent to the capacity output value of Sichuan Province.

The above-mentioned , actually, the quota of the total allocation is more than enough, because the high-order monks above the refining techniques are difficult to appear. For example, Huayun Hall, the average of five years can have a refining teacher is very good, the number of big refining teachers can only be kept at one to two, as for the Tianshi, I have been there 20 years ago. Press the rule now in the Yuhuangge Pavilion.

The joints that really consume credited efforts are rising and flying, and the required credit value is quite horrible, which is consumed by millions of units. In addition to the overall view, there is no strength to protect the monks and flying.

After listening to clear, Zhao Ran's role in credit has been a bit more respect.

After the end of the instrument, I saw that Du Chang said to Zhao Ran, and Zhao Ran said, I have something to say, I am busy asking: "Du Chang is good, thank you for your old, I don't know what you have?"

Du Chang Lao: "A few days ago, I came to Tiantai Mountain in Du, I called Du Xingli. Have you seen it?"

Zhao Ran has originally arrogant, he doesn't know what Du Xing is, so this is ambiguous: "Yes, a few days ago, a friend in several practice is a banquet in my Junshan Temple ... Faith, everyone mutual Exchange and practice, discuss the skills, this Du Daoyou is also coming. It turned out to be your old child? Oh, it's really sloping, I know so, I will have to stay. "

Plus this sentence, actually I want to tell Du Zong, I don't know if I am not sin, what is the definiteness, your old man is forgiven.

Du Chang smiled and said: "I heard that I can't be frustrated under your hand."

Zhao Ran is busy: "It is not to be frustrated, half a catty is eight or two, half a catty."

Du Zi Teng said: "Who will win, you tell me the truth, he is a confirmation of his art is not as good as people. Can he still envelope?"

Zhao Ran stunned, the heart is really, I didn't expect that this Du Xing Yan is so bright, and the fight is lost to a monk with a low realm. It does not cover the decoration. It is good, at least low-key, how can I take it everywhere? Saying?

Or Is Du Xingzhang is not willing? Want Du Chang, the old elder? It's not that I have received a silver, let's spit it back?

"This ... Du Shi brother is really, huh, in fact, he is still very powerful, maybe it is great ... Just I didn't expect him to come to a trip, tell you this thing ..."

Du Chang put his hand, said: "He is coming to me and the pavilion is a long life gift. Speak the strength, he is also good in the young life, but if you encounter your master, you can't see it, you can let him Affected by a frustration, there is a good thing in the mountains, and it is also a good thing. It also saves them that the cave is always on the top of the head, no one looks up. "

Zhao Ran sneakers, carefully drafted: "After the Tiantai Mountain Du, I will continue to fight with them?"

Du Chang was very strong and waved: "It's better than! I will take out the strength of Huayun Mountain disciple. How to play! This is good!"

Zhao Ran understood, Limao: "The disciple understands. That ... disciples will never give our Huayun Hall, even the disciples can not beat, the brothers of my spirits are also ..."

Du Chang smiled and took a shot of Zhao Ran's shoulder to encourage. I suddenly asked: "Your Junshan is so good?"

"Ah?" Zhao Ran did not respond.

"My nephew has always been praised by you, saying that it is picturesque, he also said that he is a friend of Junshan, I have the opportunity to take pictures of Junshan in the future. Oh, have a chance to go to Junshan to see it is good."

Zhao Ranzi, busy to take the words, so it is easy to deal with it, thinking that Du Chang is still finished: "Tiantai Mountain Du is ready to build a broad-fashioned church, put my Du's ancestor, the relics, the relics, etc. It is supplied to the ancestral hall. "

Isn't this a personal museum? Zhao Ran nodded: "This idea is good."

"Do you feel good?"

"Yes, you can make the spirit of the ancestors, and the age of the generation will be the power of the generation!" Zhao Ran said that he is strict, full of positive energy.

Du Chang Lao said: "Indeed! I am consistent with my ideas. I also plan to build a fax Tianshan in the and , just in the Qing Du's good item, just take it out to show a two , Incentive, with the same trend. "

Du Guang Ting is both Guang Cheng, but also a fax teacher. It is highly respected for the Cave Yuan and Shangqing, and the Tiantai Mountain has built a Guangcheng Mr. Huang, Huayun, built a fax Tianshan, Zhao Ran. It is really a little meaningful to blink of an eye.

I was grinding, I listened to Du Chang Lao: "I have always heard that there is a psychicate in the middle of the ancestral book" The fairy feeling "fifth volume, I don't know if this is true?"

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