Taoist Law

Chapter 5 takes the time

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When I listened to Du Zong, I mentioned "God of God", Zhao Ran's dark road.

"The fairy feelings" is the fax teacher Du Guangkou, which is six hundred years ago, told the story of the people in the world, and the existence of the fairy, is an important pillar of the World Dow Door Theory Building. It has been included in Taoist Tree.

When Zhao Ran learned from the hospital, this book is divided into five volumes. The book is very precious, and the original handbook is extremely precious and existing in the total view of the classroom. In the unprofitable hospital, it is a change in his immolatology, and I don't know if it is changed, and it will stay after finishing.

Such a valuable relic, was sent to Yuan and Zhao Ran by the year's Song, only to ensure that the Houji Hospital, and it is also tangled. If there is no "protecting the artifact" concept, Zhao Ran really does not dare to do this.

Now this "The fairy feeling" is in the hands of the west of the west, how should I explain with Du Chang?

Only listening to Du Zi Teng: "The world only knows, this handbook has a total of five volumes. In fact, in recent years I have turned over the ancestors to describe the text. I found that the five volumes collected in the unprotive hospital may not be simple to change. Many of the ancestors may be ancestor Subsequent, so I want to be true, please also help. "

There is still such a secret Xin, if Du Chang said, the five volumes of the "God feel" is not changed, but it is too expensive. Between the electro-optical flame, Zhao Ran has not made a clear and clear answer, but it is just a way: "Du Chang is worried, the disciple of this study went back to the nephew."

Du Zi Teng said: "That is troubled, you can help you see, if you can, I still want to retrieve the relics of the ancestors, there is any requirements for the nephew, but also as much as possible, I can do it. Of course, if it is really It is not convenient, and it is not good for it. Let's take the person, everything goes natural. "

Zhao Ran nodded and agreed, and the heart of Du Chang is also a high person, this is positive, and it is said that it is "not strong", but obedient must listen carefully.

Du Chang said so much, there are two key points in the words, one is "the ancestor's relics", accounting in morality; the other is "really inconvenient", what can be "really inconvenient" ? almost none!

After the old and Du Chang, Zhao Ran was blocked by Song Yuqiao on the way from Firedex Star Temple.

"Zhao Shi, how come you enter the yellow crown so quickly?"

"Song Sister, haha, what, Dao law naturally, I don't know, I am bullish."

Song Yuqiao is not happy: "Do you can't talk about Zhao Shi?"

Zhao Rong said: "Sorry, the teacher,

But I am so embarrassed ... "

Song Yuqiao didn't shake his head: "Forget it, it is born, but it is reminded you that if it is closed, it is best to ask, one is stable, no one is stirring, and there is also the same door. The elders have no worries; if the two are closed too long, the mood is prone to problems. If you have a farewell, you can help you to disappear. "

Zhao Ran is busy in the troubles: "There is a teacher's sister."

"In addition, my master's injury has been healed. She said that I would like to thank Cheng'an, but Zhou Mi said she is thanked, don't need us to worry, do you have to make a good time? Master let me ask your opinion. "

Zhao Ran is not comfortable, and there is a fever on his face. "Hey, I heard, um, I heard that, I seem to be thankful, this is not to worry about Lin Shi."

Song Yuqiao nodded: "In this case, if there is any difficult thing to make Cheng'an, let me ask me to ask us, you know him."

"This is no problem, it will be transferred!"

Heshend, Song Yuqiao said again: "There is something to tell you ..."

"The sister please say."

"Let's talk to you ... Can you help me contact Cheng An?"

Zhao Ran stunned: "What does the teacher mean?"

"His hand has a borrowing of 100,000, is the dragon Mountain Zhang brother is signed, but in order to save me in Summer, this silver is not the brother. You help me talk to him, Silver is owed, I will find a way. But I can't give him a time, give me a few years, slowly ... "

"This is the meaning of the teacher, or the meaning of the Zhang Dynasty, the Dragon Hill?"

"It doesn't matter with Zhang, I have never seen it for a year, there is no contact. This is my own meaning, in short, you contact me, or simply tell me about his contact method, I will find him directly Talk. Is there? "

Zhao Ran thought: "Cheng Yuan did not only do sales in Xia Gu, but also often traveling in Tubo and Western Regions, all the year round, I can't find him, generally he took the initiative to contact me. But the teacher's things Not a big event, I am a buser, but I am not a fascination of gold and silver. He said with me, I have nothing to do with the teacher, the sister's silver is free. "

Song Yuqiao looked at Zhao Ran: "Good tone, 100,000 silver, can you avoid it?" Ask: "And what is mean? Is it not because of saving me?"

Zhao Ran explained: "The Sister said, Cheng An has fully entrusted me to handle it. But according to Cheng'an's statement, this silver is the dragon and brother, although the main reason is not To this end, it is the festival between Cheng An and Zhang's brother, and has nothing to do with the sister. This borrowing is a solution to the dragon and the dragon, don't worry! "

Song Yuqiao was committed to: "How to call me? Things because of me, I have to pay this silver! Unless you find Cheng'an to find it clearly, this girl will always hang his day. Save a rescue, sleep, sleep, don't you have, this is not going to go, but also delayed the practice! "

Zhao Ran is speaking: "What is the teacher going?"

Song Yuqiao asked: "You can't contact him now?"

Zhao Ran spreads his hands: "This is really no way!"

Song Yuqiao stared at his eyes and doubizes: "What about flying?"

"The sister, Cheng Yu is an unpredictable business, I want to give him a harmonic, he must have a book! We usually contact your letter ..."

"Let you have a ghost!" Song Yuqiao smiled.

Zhao Ran quickly shouted: "Heaven and Earth conscience, teacher ..."

Song Yuqiao said: "Well, I don't want to say it! In short, I have to return this money, I don't want to do it. As for the things between you and Dragon Tioli Zhang, I don't want to manage. "

"Sister, really don't ..."

Zhao Ran also to persuade, see Song Yuqiao, touched a silver ingot from the sleeves, throwing Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran received the consciousness, and I was born in my hand. This is a five silver ingot, so I laughed: "The sister is too polite, this little thing is also rewarded. Everything is so familiar, everyone is not looking down, I am sorry ... "

"What can I reward? What do you want to do?" I only listened to Song Yuqiao: "This is the first silver that this girl returned to Cheng'an. I got it. I didn't forget to give him a collection!"

What is it? Under 100,000 silver, the first repayment five two? Also write a receipt?

Zhao Ran is crying, said: "The sister, can you don't make trouble?"

Song Yuqiao willow eyebrows: "This girl doesn't have much money! Willing is still not bad, are you still less?"

Get, Zhao Ran's heart can't help you, busy should come down: "The line is in the line, receives the silver five two, and write to you immediately."

"That's not, you can't write, I want to be ad hoc!"

"That can be all waiting ..."

"Don't worry, I am waiting!"

It's easy to get out of Song Yuqiao, Zhao Ran wiped the sweat beads, and this non-Tongmen sister is getting harder and harder.

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