Taoist Law

Chapter 13 Xue Zhike

Well, Bai Teng Mington, Zhao Ran replaced the courtyard of the yellow crown monk, and once again came to Xuan Yuan Guanyuan.

Two new round values ​​of the Taoist Taoist Taoist Trior San Flames on Zhao Rongshui, and quickly came over: "This fairy teacher is?"

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "The poor road has been there, and he also handed the post, but that is accompanying others. This time I have to see your family Xue Zhiguan, please also ask Tongji, Junshan Zhao Ziran seeked. "

"It turns out, please ask the immortal to enter, I will immediately tell Xue Zhiguan." Said, and will introduce Zhao Ran.

Drinking less than half a cup of tea in the familiar Yacouse room, Xue Yuan's knowledge of the knowledge of Xue Teng will come in. This monarch is forty years old, and the richness is strong. It is a real-time person who is in Xuanyuan's eight-year-old deacon. It is the strength person in the ten-way jungle in the Taoist Tangmen.

Xue Tengqian and Zhao Ran have seen a few times, and it is an acquaintance. When Zhao Ran came to Xuanyuan, I was in Xuanyuan, when Zhao Ran came to Xuan Yuan, when Zhao Ran lived in Yunshuang Hall rooms in Xuanyuan, because Song Zhiyuan is , I got the Xue Tengqian, who was in Zhao Xing, saw it.

The two are really familiar with Ye Xueguan. At that time, Xuan Yuan's eight major actors went to four, including Xue Tengqian. With the help of Song Yuan, Zhao Ran and Xue Tengqian sat together a few times, and there was a understanding of each other.

Between the two, one is the knowledge of the eight major deacons level, one is the small temple in the county, and the order from the grade of the firm is definitely unable to interact, Song Zhiyuan is desperate to pull Zhaoran, and useless . It is really let him talk with these big men, it is the identity of Zhao Ruomu.

Zhao Ran hopes to have more acquaintances in Xuanyuan, how much less can help himself; Xue Tengqian believes that Zhaoran's monk monk gives their own face, and there will be a meeting in the future. From a purely interest point of view, there is a need in the distance between each other, so it is very pleasant, and it is quite impressed with each other. This is the foundation of the intersection.

"Haha, Zhao Temple, Zhao Xian teacher, this time, how is it free to see me?" Xue Tengqian entered the door, first holding boxing, then pulling Zhao Ran, pulling it out, enter his own office Inside, he passed the tea.

It is a lot of people who have been doing a lot of people, and the enthusiasm of this is just a lot of enthusiasm of Ye Yunxuan.

"Hey, I will come to Xue Zhike to do things, so I will be angry." Zhao Ran is not polite, open the door to see the mountain.

"If you have something to find me, this is right, this means that the trick is in place. If you don't come to me, then my old Xue can tell you!"

Be aware of the people, that is, the fireworks are heavy,

Do something, but this customary is the most like, such as Ye Yunxuan's kind of spring, Snow, Zhao Ran said that he is not a way.

"Yes, when Ye Xueguan, Xue Zhike is not a lot, is it a hot? I will return to Huayun Mountain, please let a few in the same door, with the sky, the five flowers, Xiangyun leaves, give a few altars. Drink a daily, if you don't see it after three months, the brothers come to me. "

Zhao Ran moved out three small wine cosmelless from the reservoir, placed on the table.

Xue Tengqian picked up one of the altars, took the opening of the mud, and made a smell of the nose: "Good fragrance! Don't say it, even if you don't treat disease, light this wine, you will be full!"

Can the five flowers be brewed, can you not be fragrant?

What is the sky and five flowers in the temple, there are many inventories in Zhao Ran, and others must not take the wine. He is great.

In fact, this wine is Zhao Ran's family in the Junshan Temple. It is not what Huiyun Mountain is brewed. It is not "a few way" to work together, saying that these do not add "Xianhua", let the wine on the grade.

The feelings have been deepened, then talk about it, it is half-time.

"To be honest, I will find a sense of knowledge, it is for the Xi Zhenwu Palace."

Xue Tengqian said: "You won't you want to see this award?"

Zhao Ran quickly explained: "How can I? I just did the unprotive hospital, even if the Academy of Monors, how could I want to think about the Western Wuwu Palace. Is my elder, waiting for me very thick , Xi Zhenwu Palace will speak Bai Tengming, knowing him? "

Xue Tengqian shook his head and smiled: "Scared me. You have to say that Bai Tengming, I know this person, the Taoism is deep, it is straightforward."

"Indeed, Bai Lao said that he did not say, but people were too straight to him, and they gave him a few decades for the Taoist Taoist Taoist. I think I can help him. Always return him for a few years. "

Xue Tenghe said: "I can't insert this matter. You also know that the abbot of the palace of the house is a question that Li Jun Institute thinks, I am in turn, one is useless, two can't get it Smash it. "

Zhao Ran, "I understand this, I will see the people, mainly I want to inquire, now the Ximu Wu Palace is one, and the white said there is no chance. If there is a chance, where should I start? I still want to know the guest pointing "

Xue Tenghe thought, said: "Since you speak, I will talk about my opinion."

"Thank you!"

"The first opinion, you are waiting, you can't get there later. Since Du Teng will go to Song Fan Xianhe Palace tenure hall, Xi Zhenwu Palace will have a vacancy. Of course, the abstament is missing, not Be sure to immediately set up, the province's ninety Taoist Palace, there is no abbot to account for half. But the Xizhenwu Palace is really considering, but now I have not contained, I heard that Li Jun House is going to have a few The day convened three ages and discussed this issue. "

"Second, from the current situation, some difficulty. On the way, several people want to go to the West Rushwu Palace, Bai Teng's opponent is a lot. Tell you a little news, you have heard it. Yes. It is the old man, and it seems that he wants to go to the West Rushwu Palace as a law. He is a person who speaks. "

"Can't it? He is a master, just a level of the county court, how can you think about it? This jump will be too big?"

"You don't know this, Lao Xin went to Syria, and it was a year. It has just been transferred to the Syrian in the last month. Although it is a job, the level is really enough, you have to say the qualification too Shallow, I really want to mention him, is the qualificance is the big thing? Again

"It turned out that the knowledge of the guests went back."

"Speaking of leaves, you still have to pay attention to this time, try to hide."


"You have made that time when Ye Xueguan is publicized, I heard that Ye is very comments on you, and I have fallen a cup in his book. I didn't see it, but many people saw it."

Zhao Ruzhen: "This time is self-policy"

"Haha, I understand, I was also present, I learned. The third, Zhao Tui can't see Lao Xin, if you want to help white Teng, just hurry to find Zhao Tui, walk away."

Zhao Ran said, it seems to be like a Zhao Yunlou like his original program. However, there is a pointer to Xue Zhike, Zhao Ran knows more thoroughly to the situation, see when Zhao Yunlou, it is more direction.

"When the guest, when Ye Xueguan, I once again returned to the business. He also knows me. Can you worry about it, help me with Zhao Laoyu, I said that Junshan Temple Zhao Ziran ask to see?"

"This is no problem!" Xue Tenghe pleasant.

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