Taoist Law

Chapter 14 Duo New Ideas

Zhao Ran was very surprised. He was surprised not to see him in Zhao Yunlou in Xuanyuan. Zhao Yunlou once met him in Ye Xue. After that he made out, he left in the minds of Zhao Yumu. I ampriliability, I'm going to see what is difficult for Zhao Laowu.

He was surprised that Xue Tengqian went out to a tea, and he came back to tell him that Zhao Laoban is just free, and now you can see it.

So Zhao Ran quickly got up and thought about it, and changed his own yellow crown law. With the body of Xue Teng, I went to Zhao Laozu's book.

Zhao Yunlou got up from the back of the table, to the door, will let Zhaoran come in, indicating that Zhao Ran sat down on his own.

Xue Tengqian took the tea, but he was robbed by Zhao Ran, giving himself to the old capital, but also wants to give Xue Tengqian, Xue Teng, shake his head, put the door.

Zhao Ran took out a paper bag in the storage, inside the two two scattered tea, to Zhao Yunlou Road: "Differences of the old people, this is the tea leaves of the five flowers, and the tea leaves, which is good for the body. "

"Five flower clouds?"

"Yes, there is a ranking, the number is not much, only these. This tea is clear, and it is good for the eyes."

Zhao's old man didn't have any good things, but it was also shocked by Zhao Ran's big hand: Take a ranked spirit to scrambled tea, he is still ahead! So precious things, just take the paper bag, I will send it, he is more headed!

Is this a legendary "low-key luxury"?

"That ... I will not be polite with you." Zhao Lao took a jade jar from behind the genus shelf, Zhao Ran quickly helped the helper, poured the tea in the paper bag.

Packed up the tea pot, Zhao Yunlou asked: "How is your Junshan Temple? It is grateful to jurisdress, and people have a little more than tens of thousands. Can you adapt?"

"It's okay. In fact, this problem is not so troublesome. Since last year, after the Junshan Temple has a lot of power, we have begun to pay attention to the people's livelihood, we have built two roads, and the city of Xilai County, the east The road to the set, the surrounding people all benefited, forming a Junshan radiation circle. Therefore, before the Junshan Temple, the people have reached this number. "

Here, I have a slider. In fact, the number of people in the Junshan Temple has only 10,000 in the jurisdiction of the Junshan Temple last year, he turned this number directly to 40,000. There is only one reason for this, reducing Xuan Yuan's view to the period of the next year in Junshan Temple.

Otherwise, Jiajing has been ranked for 20 years.

The credit value of the Junshan Temple can't be done in the same price, isn't it my own? But you can do the same proportion, what is easy? Is the population increased nearly four times, is the credit value of the Junshan Temple to increase four times?

From 33,000 Gui to 1200,000 Gui, it is too difficult.

"Junshan radiant circle?" Zhao Laozu is curious about this word.

Zhao Ran explained: "Through the development of Junshan, let the people of Junshan will drive and affect the common prosperity of the people around the surrounding area, I called this phenomenon."

Zhao Yunlou thought for a moment, nodded: "No wonder, the Junshan Temple can grab the first position in the province, and the Qingcheng Temple is more than, it turns out what you have done. What is the idea? "

"The Li Jun House and the support of the old capital, the status problem of Junshan Temple is solved, and there is also a lot of preparation, the next line of debut, or people's livelihood, through solving people's livelihood, increase the brigade, we There is a slogan, called building a civilized and rich road. "

"Oh? Damn Damo? How do this?" Zhao Yunlou is interested.

"First of all, it is the belief that the people 's belief is unswerving. It is willing to always follow the way, no matter what!"

"Yes, this is the primary affairs of our ten-party jungle."

"Secondly, the people are willing to follow the door, what is it? In addition to letting them get from the suffering sea, the people are going to the Eastern Paul, I think we have to pay attention to now, pay attention to them, don't have food, have any clothes, there is no house can be Sliding the wind and rain. We must let them understand, follow the road, these are not a problem! "

"You will not think that this, hey, the matter should be done, will there be a crossed suspicion?"

"I think it is not contradictory. In the end, the Daming House is also established under our leader. There is no road, will there be Daming? Of course, there is a difference in specific matters. When the government is doing bad, We must supervise and correct it, let the government do well, this is not contrary to our past practice; and in the official government, we must give full play to our strength, especially the advantages of the township, Do things well. "

"Is there still?"

"The third, what is the characteristics of the door, of course, to carry forward our thoughts, strengthen the teaching, from the young children's literacy, will tell them what is doing for them, telling them what to do in the future, tell What did their doctors do, tell them that they have no way, what will they be in the future? "

"What you said, we are in the imperial imperial examinations, there are the contents of the class."

"Yes, but far less! And I feel, in terms of teaching, we have continued to weaken these years."

"How to say?"

"Take me as an example. I don't know if the old capital tube knows, I have passed privately, in my memory, private guest hall, in addition to literacy, the gentleman's three often, etiquette respect, think To get into the homework, you have to learn the jujube before you start to participate in the child life trial. In the future, the class industry is actually more than four books, and learning the hole, Meng Yuanyuan than learning the old village, not to mention, I thought This is very unpropted, long this, the foundation of the Taoist will be taken empty. "

Zhao Yunlou was very surprised to look at Zhaoran, "These are all you think of? Is it a fairy in Huayun Hall, such as your teacher Jiangxiao pointed you?"

Zhao Ruzhen is vain: "If there is a bit of fool, if there is something wrong, please ask the old manager to correct. My teacher is quite good for me on weekdays. His eyes and thoughts are not I can, I can have a teacher. One or two is my blessing. "

Zhao Ran played a slider, did not know that Jiang Teng crane did not point to his truth, but said that it was quite a lot of guidelines from Jiang Tenghe. After years of experience, he also cultivated the skills of tiger skin to a deep place.

This is the meaning of the library's fairy, I do this, shouldn't it be a mess?

Zhao Yunlou sighed: "The guerker is really a high person, in the cave, the heart is outside."

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