Taoist Law

Chapter 15

Zhao Ran's Work Raid reported that I was a paragraph, a lot of new nouns, a lot of new ideas, successfully caused interest in Zhao Yunlou, next, to talk about Bai Tengming.

But as a temple wish, find a problem directly to ask the Western Zhenwu Palace, it is obviously extremely unsuitable, so he wrapped around a circle, or from himself.

"This time I came to Xuan Yuan to see the old manager, because of a question in the Dangdao business, I have always been ideal, I don't know what to do."

"Oh? Do you talk about?"

"The old man can know, I will promote the establishment of charity, and I will try to build a charitable gold. Let's return the court to the farmers. The farmers can really spend the disaster."

Zhao Yunlou nodded: "I know this thing, Yugang County is not bad, but also achieved grades."

Zhao Ran sighed: "But later West Zhenwu Palace Zhang Jun Institute wants to promote this system in the whole government, it is born. This thing is not promoted. Now, it is now better to do better The rest of the county is gradually abolished, and the charity is only implemented in my Junshan Temple. "

"I heard that the effect is not bad? Junshan's charity gold system, it is very stable, and the entire Junshan people have benefited."

"You also heard it?"

"I listen to the new Xia Zhifu, which Longanfu's new arrival."

"Ah ... haha, this, let you have a laugh."

"What is your problem?"

"Yes, I will first promote this system in the newly expanded Junshan Brigade District, but the people in the Junshan area are mountain people, the people are born, and they are awarded the fields of my Junshan Temple. There is no place in it. There is no resistance when implementing the charity gold system. Now, 30,000 people have been added, many of which are the largest households ... "

"The resistance will be big?"

"There will be a little resistance, but this is not a big thing, I have this confidence, put the charity gold system. I am worried that I don't know what attitude is our Xuanyuan? Old Baoduat and Li Jun Institute, What is the idea of ​​promoting charity? "

Zhao Yunlou pensive moment, asked: "In fact, what do you want to say?"

Zhao Rong said: "Lao Tuo Yingshen! The county is hit, Kong County is endorsed to promote charity,

It was also in his strong support, and charity has achieved initial results in Yugang County. So now the problem is that the Qi Qiyuan will not hinder the promotion of charity. And this problem, it is necessary to see if the Ximuwu Palace will intervene, and finally, the bottom of the chasing is still to see the attitude of Xuan Yuan's view on this system. "

His idea is very simple. If Zhao Yunlou behaves, saying that Xuanyuan view support Zhao Ran to promote charity, then, then I will have to policy with you. The biggest policy is to give me a loose environment, kick me the badges, and replace people who are willing to support me.

In this way, it is recommended that Bai Tengming this person will be successful. When Ye Xueguan, people white Teng Teng said that in his strategic, I have written the reform of the Qing Miao. I will definitely hope that the people will take my leadership?

If the Xuanyuan Guan does not support the promotion of charity gold system, let's not say anything, let's take a way back to the government, just have not been there - this is so simple.

If you want the runner, you have to focus on your policies. The big political must have a certain power, and the duty is a small section. It does not have to expensive strength. If you want an official, you can get careful, you have to be bright and big, you don't even get a sneaky sneaky.

Zhao Ran is waiting for Zhao Yunlou, but Zhao Yunlou has not promised. He looked at Zhao Ran with his eyes. He saw Zhao Ran from the beginning of the best, and gradually became a bit guilty, this only said: "Some things, from Slowly starting slowly, what do you want to do so? Do you support you in the county? It is also doing things within your Junshan Temple. How do you interfere with you? "

"Old Tube, I just want a good service ..."

"So, yours, I think about you again. Where are you living now? Is it in Yunshuang Hall?"

"Ah ... I am in the Qingcheng Temple, Ye Xueguan, and Xing Temple wish more knowledge, and go to the autumn wind, huh, huh. That ..."

"Okay, you will stay with Qingcheng Temple for a few days, wait for me to think about it, look back, look back, try this today."

Zhao Ran's full-made abdomen only said half, the second half is preparing to see the true chapter, and when he promised the white, it was directly blocked by Zhao Yunlou. One word did not say, it was a bit depressed. But Zhao Yunlou has been sent to guests, how can he not leave? I can only smile helplessly.

Walking Zhao Ran, Zhao Yunlou called a Taoist of a tour: "Do you go to see if there is any empty, I have something to see him."

After a lot of time, the Taoist came back: "The Supervision is coming to Sichuan Xuan Xiqi to guard, saying that you have to have time, and participate in the dinner together, if you don't have time, you will say it after the feast."

Zhao Yunlou frowned: "Qi Tai Jun? What do he do? You told the supervisor, I have a lot of things here, and I will pass later."

Zhao Yunlou handled official duties in their own books, and eaten dinner sent to the house. He had been busy to the night, and people went to the hall to inquire, I heard that Qi Tai was taking away, and he got up, see Li Yunhe.

Li Yunhe seems slightly tired, holding a piece of wipes, and sipping while drinking.

Zhao Yunlou came in and found a chair and asked: "Supervisory House, I heard that Qi Taicheng? Does the townhouses are not going to come back?"

Li Yunhe shook his head: "I don't know what happened, I heard that we have to consider the abbot of Longanfu, and then rushed to find it."

Zhao Yunlou said: "What is the relationship with him?"

Li Yunhe said: "According to him, Lao Li, Xuanwee, Lao Li, who has a life-saving, he wants to help Lao Li activities, transfer to Longanfu from Sichuan Xuan Hai,"

Sichuan Xuanshi is a jurisdiction of the West of Sichuan Province, the grade class, the same state, Xuan Sheng Palace, which belongs to one of the 19th palace of Sichuan Province. The abbot of the Sheng Palace moved to the Xizhenwu Palace palette, but the location is different.

Sichuan Xuan Wei Si Directs to Tubo, the pressure is very large, the days are not good, I want to call Longanfu, I have said it.

However, with the view of Zhao Yunlou, the truth is certainly not so simple, the cold, said: "Then he is not fighting with the old leaves? Old Leaf can promise?"

Li Yunhe slowly said: "That is not necessarily, I can't agree with the old leaves, I will agree? The abbot of the Sheng Palace came over, is it empty? Old Xin wants to be the abbot of Longanfu, the qualificance is gone, But when you go to Sichuan West Xuanfeng, there is a square feminine, is it more reasonable? "

"The idea is so good ... Old leaves don't you really look for the eunuch? How can I get together with the surname?"

"Currently, what is it can't be put down?"

"I don't know how to think about it, it is ..."

"If you use it, don't worry about it, you can't come down. Do you have anything?"

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