Taoist Law

Chapter 16 Another Interpretation of the Virtual

Zhao Yunlou said: "Today, the Temple of the Junshan Temple, Zhao Ziran, he came to the view. I met him, talking to him, he told me that the next step in the Junshan Temple is intended. It is very interesting. "

Li Yunhe asked: "It seems that you appreciate him? What did he talk about?"

Zhao Yunlou smiled: "He wants to build a new Daming in Junshan."

Li Yunhe has a word that has never heard of it, and he repeated twice: "Damagin Damn Damo? Damn Damo?"

Zhao Yunlou explained in detail, Li Yunhe silently listened, after explaining, Li Yunhe couldn't help but laugh.

"It is really a very interesting small temple wish, and the law is very fresh, it is also worth thinking. So ... what do he want to do in the view? What do you want to do with him?"

"He is very active, and it is very active. It is still for the sake of green seedlings. He is very straightforward, the next step-by-step reform, hoping to give him support, saying what is a good service environment."

Li Yunhe suddenly laughed, couldn't help but shake his head: "I can always hear some unimblely words from his mouth, but I have to admit that these proposals are very reasonable, and they are very vastness."

Zhao Yunlou sighed: "It is also very energetic, and there is a direct tube. We want to have a position. But I am not angry, not only is not angry, but I still feel that he must be very reasonable, haha!"

Li Yunhe did not plead: "Is he not just rising? This is only a few months, I want to climb up? Do you actually feel?"

Zhao Yunlou said: "He is not to come to himself. If he is for himself, I have already driven him out! He wants to let him go to him, change the Qi Qi Dong Zhikun, it is best to get one more The person who supports him, goes to the abbot of the Xizhenwu Palace. "

"Little Temple, good tone, direct interference county house, the people in the courtyard, you didn't refute him on the spot?"

"If someone else, I am sure to reprimand on the spot, but he has a young person in his twenties, and it is a thing of the heart. It is quite a bit of our family's act, watching like his own children, talking It is also normal, so I'm not tolerant. If I take him out, I am really afraid of giving him the enthusiasm ... He lived in the Qingcheng Temple, I let him wait, brother I feel that he is not reasonable, let him go back. "

Li Yunhe leaned against the back of the chair, with a cup of tea, and his finger kept hit the edge of the tea. It was obsoleted, and suddenly he remembered that when Ye Xueguan did a good idea, there is a strategy? "

Zhao Yunlou will contented: "Xi Zhenwu Palace is the white Teng Teng. Why don't you remember,

In more than three hundred policies, only this article is a blueprint. "

Li Yunhe looked at Zhao Yunlou and nodded slightly.

Zhao Yunlou said: "I let the custom build a white Teng Teng's resume." After that, some hesitate: "What do you say there?"

Li Yunhe smiled: "Xin Tong is not wanting to rise? Song Du Tianhe Palace, three are still two, let him go to Du Teng will kitchen, and the level of the Daoan Taoist Turk Old leaves should know. "

"Qi Eunian?"

Li Yunhe put his hand: "Taoist Division's movement, when is it round to the eunuch?" Donned, added: "Don't drag it again, you will call three ages. You communicate with Tengchuan, ask Ask his opinion, this candidate can be accepted, don't make a dozen when you age. "

"Ok, Tengchuan has no problem."

"Yes, you will find Bai Teng Ming talk about the things of Qingming money, listen to his statement, the idea is not important, the key is to see his attitude, the attitude towards Xuan Yuan."

"Will it be too late? Take him from Long An called ..."

Li Yunhe smiled: "If I don't have it, Bai Teng is probably in Qingcheng Temple."

Zhao Yunlou was ,

The big matter agreed, Zhao Yunlou got up and prepared, suddenly remembered something, said: "Do you want to look back, call Xu Tonglong, I will talk to him?"

Li Yunhe said: "Yes, you will talk to him, make sure Bai Tengming publicly promoted. Zhao Ziran did things in Ye Xueguan, don't let Xu Tonglong learned to go, um, I have to hit it to beat Zhao Ziran, let him don't do Put your mind on this day, do things on it. "

That night, Zhao Ran is practicing in the Qingcheng Temple, and the intensiveness of the Junshan direction is refining into the mana, condenses into the Dan.

Since the expansion of the Jurong Temple, the Junshan direction turned the power of the Junshan direction, it began to increase slowly, but because the time of Junshan continued to be short, many policies have not started to be implemented in the whole district, so the growth rate is relatively slow.

Zhao Ran's expects that through half a year to one year, the Junshan policy covers the Junshan policy to more than 40,000 people in the entire region, at least makes the absorption amount of the merits to achieve multiplication, even three times the original.

As for growth with the number of population, it is difficult to achieve, which can grow three times, I am afraid it is the best result.

However, even if this is, it is still not enough compared to the huge sophistication required by the Dan Feth.

Zhao Ran has entered the Huangshou in the Huangshou, and he really felt that it was Jin Dan by Dan, and the process required for this process, more than ten times more than ten times!

However, after another monk Dan emerged, the speed of absorbing the aura will also have great improvements, so the progress of practice is not too slow, usually in five years - the time required to understand, the time is said.

Compared to the fact that Zhao Ran's cultivation is far from others. It is possible that others can absorb the constant aura in the world. There is no problem with the aura, and Zhao Ran can only absorb merit, and the merits can only be by him. I want to create a way.

So the problem in front of him is that even if the merits in the Junshan area increased three times, it is not enough for him. If he follows him in the cultivation speed of the Yu Shi, you want to advance the Jin Dan Master, at least It takes six or seven years.

Perhaps Zhao Ran, who just entered his mouth, can accept this time span, but it is too long to say that Zhao Ran, the current Huangguan Monach, is too long. He has been accustomed to breaking a realm two to three years, really waiting for six or seven years, how is it?

Can't wait, you must find a way to include 100,000 people in Yugoyang County in order to contribute your own Deli, in order to ensure the shadow of Jin Dan in three years.

Insuspective, Bai Teng Teng will take the weapon of the West Rushwu, is the key step by him. This step is going well, and next, I will kneel, and I have the foundation of the Great Large Council for him.

If not ... What should I do?

Zhao Ran's cultivation, thinking about the way to cultivate the road in the future, if the teacher Jiang Teng crane knows that when he cultivated, he actually distracted, I am afraid that a big mouth is fanned up - don't you be afraid of walking into the magic?

Zhao Ranzhen is not afraid of what is angry into the magic, and there seems to be no such problem for his cultivation, so he is not annoyed at the end of the door, and the buckle of the buckle is not annoyed. It is very casually parked. The exercise is running, waiting, open the latch on the door, and the sound "come in".

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