Taoist Law

Chapter 18 will not act

Ok? I heard a five pounds, Zhao Ran is a glimpse, this kid is not small.

"Oh? Where is it?"


When I saw this five pounds, I was obviously biting, and Zhao Ran asked: "Ye do is difficult to pass by you?"

Zhang Wuwang said: "The surface appearance is, and the private belly is bare water!"

This can be very serious allegations, Zhaoran is coming: "Oh? You said that Ye Cohe, isn't it afraid?"

Zhang Wuji sighed: "If you are next to people, little must not say, but Zhao Xianbei is a cultivated figure, I can't think of a small person."

Zhao Ran nodded, encouraged: "If you want to talk about it, if you want to talk, you will be a story, and I also as a story. I will forget."

So Zhang 5 pounds began to tell his story.

Zhang fifty is a Chinese farmer family in Mao County in the north of Dufu. Zeng Zu has done the Chinese version of the Classical Tang, but only, it is not enough to fall, Zhang Wuqi is born at home. For a living. Fortunately, I also recognize this fragrant love, otherwise he is a farmer's children, thinking that Xuanyuan is a fireworks, what is easy?

Five years ago, Mao County was suffered by the disaster. Many farmers did not in the past, lending usa to Haoji, and the money is still can't afford it. It can only take the debt, and even sell children.

Before the 5 pounds into Xuanyuan, private and his young woman in the neighborhood of Yumiji, the neighborhood of the bamboo horses, which was treated in Xuanyuan's view, and immediately went to the door. Unfortunately, the other family is too bad. Zhang Wuqi has just entered Xuanyuan. It did not accumulate how many houses. If you tried your best, it will eventually come over, and the family has to sell girls in the Green Building.

Zhang fifty pound is a very serious relationship. He doesn't like to abandon the gimmick into the Qinglou, and a heart thinking is working hard to do things in Xuanyuan, and strive to save money.

Just in the beginning of this year, Zhang Five pounds saved and finally took two hundred and two silver. I plan to go to Du Fu, I have been talking to the old, but I was transversely pulled.

He is definitely not willing, and I am so busy in listening to it. The result is a question, it is the Xuanyuan view to speak Ye Yunxuan. Ye did he went to the Du Fu, and the gimmick was in the past, so he spent three hundred and two silver bought it, charged his own room.

Just rushing a front and rear feet, then Zhang fifty pounds were traged.

Zhao Ran also feels good after hearing,

Q: "Do you not find leaves for this matter?"

Zhang Wuqi is depressed: "Where do you dare to find him? What can I use again? People are in his room, how can I get back? I have said to him, I can't find a reason to drive out Yuan Guan, what should I do at home? "

At this point, Zhao Ran has no good way, can only comfort Zhang 5 pounds: "Some things are life, except for you to see some, what can I have?"

Zhang fifty pounds finished his own business, long vomiting, slightly alleviating a little depressed: "The fairy said that I also know that things have been here, I am unable to save. I am so happy. , I still want to think about women, I can't give you an empty bone, and I am a good time. "

Zhao Rong said: "I don't have any use, cheer up. If there is any difficult at home, I only come to the Mountain to find me, I can help you, I will definitely try to help you."

Zhang Wuji is busy with a hoe: "Thank you for the fairy."

Just finished, I saw that Bai Teng Yixing was coming back, rushing to Zhao Ran, and two people got a look at Xuan Yuan.

Zhang fifty pounds waiting to send, Zhao Rong said: "Go back, don't send it, remember something to come to Mushan to find me."

Bai Tengming looked at the five pounds, asked: "What is this fire with you?"

So Zhao Ran said Ye Yunxuan's things, Bai Teng Simedi snort: "Sure enough, there is a generation!"

Zhao Ran asked: "What is the old, how is it?"

Bai Teng walked to the corner, suddenly heard his footsteps, turned to hold the box, and rush Zhaoran deeply applied a gift.

Zhao Ran quickly returned to courtesy: "Lao Do this is what it is?"

Bai Tengming straight, sigh: "Today, you will lose you!"

Zhao Ran said: "It seems to be it! It is still the ability to be in the ability, and the Li Jun Institute and Zhao Lao Duwan are important."

The two continue to go down the mountain, out of the fear, the people in the road are less, and it is also clean, so Bai Tengming will start talking.

"You know, you know that you will thank you to spend the rushing, I thank you for inspiration in Ye Xueguan. You may not know, when you write, I will not write, I won't write. What kind of green seedlings, do not write to the Qingming money, this abbot is selected, there is a turn to me. If there is anything, you are my noble. "

"This is too folded, I am not so saying."

Bai Tengming said: "I am old, what can't you say? Say you, you are."

Zhao Ran was so unparalleled, said: "The old man can go to the Western Rushwu Palace's abbreviation, this is the blessing of the entire Longanfu, but also the blessing of my Gugang County, in the future, the leader of the old , I will be a better tomorrow! "

Bai Teng said that he also smiled: "You don't use words to put me, then there are public pushers, since you come to Ye Xueguan to make such a name, no one can guarantee that it is no problem."

Zhao Ran's full of heart sweat: "This is, at the time, special situation, it is difficult to repeat"

Bai Tengming said: "But there is also no good, and Xu Tonglong is a turtle. He absolutely no Du Teng will be so bold. If there is a success in the future, there is a trouble, the abbot is better than to surveillaarize the House. Many things can't interceach directly, I want to go out for you, I have more effort to make people picked up. Who is it? "

"What do you mean? Who is right?"

"Three people, after I upgrade, I have been empty, I still haven't added it, this is empty two seats, I want to pack people, I don't have a law, still It is necessary to rely on the procedure of Sandu. Who are you right? "

"This is, the old man is difficult for me, I haven't been a county supervision, where can I consider such a big thing?"

Bai Teng said: "Is it hidden with me? There is a good idea to say it, use your words, what is right, there is no one in this village!"

"This way, I think" Zhao Ran did a bit of meditation, after a moment, crying and losing his face: "I really don't understand, the old people spare me. You have experienced a dozent Damn career. Don't understand? I really want to help you out, but I will enter the door for a few years? Now I have a temple wish is not enough. "

Bai Tengming gaveneited Zhao Ran, continued to go down the mountain, walking around: "You still have to look at the show."

"Hey, good! Well -? Lao Sheng talking about this?"

"The play is not good, very bad!"

"This old is said, I will go back to play, and learn."

"Ghost Machine"

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