Taoist Law

Chapter 19 Latex under the name of the number

After leaving Qingcheng Mountain, Zhao Ran went around the road, accompanied by Bai Teng, and then returned to Junshan. He used eight days before and after this, most of the time spent on the road.

Zhao Ran wants to mention the immeasing thing to fairy, but it is still forcibly, this time, the time is not good, if Bai Teng thought that the fairy is encountered, even if the interest is exchanged, this is not this Just arrive. Still, wait, and find a right opportunity.

After Zhao Ran left Junshan, the Junshan Temple Expansion Project soon began to start. According to the rules of the Junshan, what the Junshan Temple should do what the project is a big opportunity to earn a few villages.

At this time, the mobilization of the river, the mobilization of the golden mobilization will reach, only half a day, and organize more than 800 young people. After a few years, these Qingzhuang is a good hand of construction, and they will soon invested in the expansion project of Junshan Temple in more than a more than ten tricks.

Jin Jiu originally wanted to go to the back garden, please ask the five-color master and other spirits to help, but after a few times, he did not wake up these guys. He did not Zhao Ran dared to throw the guts and bottom gas, which can only be returned, and continue to organize manpower to prepare for the preparation.

After preparing the soil and stone, after purchasing the bricks from the brick kiln in the county, the project finally entered the progress of the excavation foundation, hundreds of people were surrounded by the site, shouted with the slogan, using various tools , The big driver is dried.

In such a hot fire, the construction scene will naturally become a gang of sleep in the back garden.

The rabbit squatted in the pavilion, two long my ears touched, turned around, three pettons, Ses, Ses, slightly slightly, smelling in the air.

Russia, she opened two red eyes, and a golden light flashed from the eyes.

A lot of rabbits, and the legs, the pavilion, the big boat, and I saw it in the mouth: "Stupid cattle, got up!"

"" of the big cow, slowly climbed up, smashed the cattle tail, sweep away the earth's saushes, turned to see the rabbit, and never refunded two steps.

"The fairy woke up?" The big cow is more fearful to the rabbit, and carefully winks.

The rabbit got the big cow on a glance, whispered: "Yes, it is originally black, it is ugly, now it is a blue, and it's a bit."

The big pokeed a self-owned butt, I was happy: "Fairy Fairy, I finally became the green cattle, my name of the Queen Qingtian is coming!"

The rabbit disdainted a bite: "Stupid! Is Qingtian and Green Bulls?"

At this time,

Bai Mountain Jun, the five-color master and the old age have also woke up, a bunch of spiritual demon activities with a stilked body, and look forward to the west side of the wall.

The five-color master couldn't help but fly on the wall, explored the neck, and fly back.

"Gigle, there seems to be in building a house, digging the ground, just like me when I just moved to Junshan, the small taoisa seems to have to expand the Junshan Temple."

"Expansion? Why?" Qingtian's hunting is angry.

Bai Mountain Jedao: "It is a suspicion of his back garden. He didn't live in place, so did you create a new one?"

Ask the five-color master: "Does the tao:?"

The five-color master shook his head: "Gigle, don't. Remember that he seems to have a far door, it should have not come back."

The palace fairy turned around the pavilion, and the coming back: "I remember what you said when I said."

The old donkey "Angang" has two sounds and is ignored directly by the demon.

A bunch of spiritual demon thoughts, I suddenly saw that the palace fairy is three feet high, excited: "I remeracted, I think it, the small road is born, into the Huang Guan, become the door of Long'anfu. walk!"

The monster suddenly awake, and they have said: "I remembered! I think it!"

Qingtian's hands were also excited for a long time. He looked with a stupid, laughing, some unexpected points: "Fairy you are happy? The tao said that the Taoist Taoist Tao should be returned to the mountain? The taoist is poor than his brother, and there is no Luo Dao Chang so you can play, do you pull it out useful? "

: "Ah! You are a dead cow, is it used to fight? He is not Luo Dao Chang, let's use the identity of his door!"

There is a disturbance, Zhao Ran finally came back, I went back to the back garden, see this helper, I couldn't help but ask: "Fairy is good! Mountain Jun! Master is good! Good luck!"

Seeing the old man and smashing his palm, laughing and laughing: "Old good!"

He is a smooth city in Qingcheng, and there is a good mood, so he will say a good question, one is not falling.

The five-color masters fell to the wings and flicked over, rushing to Zhao Ran, the birds were not stopped: "Gigbled, the turtle is coming back! Fast, there is a barbecue? Starvate the master!"

Qingtian's house is in the palace fairy, and the tail is swaying around Zhao Ran. From time to time "".

Even the Bai Mountain is a elegant pace, come to Zhao Ran, bright wings, flying out a few spirit: "The little Taoist has worked hard, reward you."

Zhao Ran and this helper will get a long time, where to have this treatment, suddenly a little ring.

"You are too polite, haha, this is just a few days, it is really enthusiastic, so that the poor move is touched, master, don't mess."

The palace fairy stepped on the back of Qingtian, and the two small paws explored: "The little Taoist, the brand, take it out?"

"Ah? What brand?"

"Your Taoist Walking Token."

"It turned out to be this, it really made the poor treasure hurts and hurts! Reading! Don't turn, the poor road can't talk to the fairy!"

Qingtian "" has a sound of Zhao Ran, and the circle is happy, the circle is happy, the palace fairy road: "Fairy, my old cow has risen, the small tao is dizzy!"

stepped on him: "Stupid, two things? The little Taoist is not dizzy, you turn to him, you can't talk to this palace! Turn it? Stop down!"

Zhao Ran did not easily throw two chicken legs to give five colors and old age, this only got rid of the entanglement of the two guys, took out the token, and lit up to the rabbit that finally did not have a circle.

The monster saw the token, confirmed, and broke out again.

Zhao Ran made a little understanding: "What is it meant? Let's say it first. Although the poor road is walking, it is not a chaotic, you can't take it very familiar with the poor, , Huzu is not, the poor road is not refined! "

His words were overwhelmed by the cheers of the demon, and the root did not play.

The five-color hand holding chicken legs, happy: "Tao door to give this master barbecue, wait for the master to eat, good face! Good face!"

Bai Mountain said that he did not accept, and once again, he flew out a few Zhu Fei fruit, "" twice.

Zhao Ran's consciousness reached a copy, lied in his hand, throwing a chew in the mouth, other stuffed reservoirs.

Seeing, Bai Mountain Jun is bursting, and the neck is high: "Ben Mountain will take the door to the door, so there is a face! It's good!"

Zhao Ran didn't close the mouth for a long time, and the black line of a face was, and you are in the name of this name.

I saw the green cow and smashed the tail: "Hey! Little Taoist, old cow, my butt, there is a bug, help me hurry!"

Zhao Ran flew up, directly, leaving a clear shoe print on the butt of the green cattle.


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