Taoist Law

Chapter 24 Junshan Huasanti

(twenty one-)

Listening to Zhao Ran asked, Zhu Cheng said that he looked at the horse to sit on the side.

The horse rushing him nodded, so Zhu has talked about the moment, sighed: "I don't want to be alive, I am old, my own thing is like that, there is nothing too much, especially nearby When I came to gradually, I was getting more and more bones, and I was very bad. "

Zhao Rong said: "The old people talk about the bones of the bones, and then do it for ten years for the people of Yugang County."

Zhu Cheng said that he huh and shook his head: "If you don't have to comfort me, my own thing is at home. There is nothing else, but there is a thing, always worry."

"Lao Shu speaks."

"It may also have heard that my son has been earlier, I have not left the blood, and I have been a grandson who has given me a grandson since the clan. My young woman is now seventeen, but it is nothing. The future is out, it is really reliable. "

Ma Richuan added: "The old people talking about the young and tend to read the book, but the class is some flat. Several gentlemen invited in the family, I am afraid I have to read a few years. But the child is very screwed, I have to participate in this year. The county trial of the month, the old man said that he is worried about his industry, and he is afraid that the child should try it, what is it? "

Zhao Ran asked: "Is the Lao Coal and Kong County?"

Ma Zhihu Road: "Have mentioned, the Kongxian order did not dare to give a message, saying that the Xia Zhifei has just arrived last year, in case his county is trying, it will not be able to explain there. "

The county is trying to pass, the government has tried, this is normal, but the Kong County is concerned, that can only explain a problem, Zhu Cheng's lecturers have passed the young age, the article is afraid. No, not afraid, it is probably being hampered by the family, thinking that the article is beautiful, full of talent, and the imperial examination must be high.

This kind of bear child, is more difficult than Zhao Ran.

I thought about it, Zhao Ran asked: "If the county test, the government has passed, and it is not an examination without examination."

Zhu Cheng said: "As long as you can get a child girl, I am also satisfied, and I will go to the exam for a few years, and I will have a stable."

In this world, Daming's imperial examination regulations have passed the childcourse after the festival, and there is a qualification to participate in the hospital and go to the exam.

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "I don't have to follow my heart, I will do it, I will talk to him when I go to Junshan last year, I will talk to him, maybe the Xia Zhifu will sell me a face."

Zhu You said the big hi and said: "Somet, there is labor."

Everyone understands people, and then don't say anything more. In such a situation, Zhao Ran has any thoughts and requirements, don't guess, if you spend it, it has fallen, turn it into the interests of the red strip - Although it is the interest exchange, it is too ugly.

Tell the heart-free Zhu Yucheng, and told Ma's gift to send Zhu to talk back to the mountain. I have a few nights in the mountains. I must pay attention to the concern of concern, and tell a Zhu Tuo to the old and comfort. , Zhao Ran returned to the house.

After returning to the house, I don't have to ask Zhao Ran again. The golden handcuffs personally moved their hands, and the disabled will re-replace the wine.

When there is not much time, the treasurer is pushed, and I will tell Zhao Ran: "Mo Kumou will take the Yuandu kitchen."

Zhao Ran quickly got up, holding a boxing: "Thank you, Yuandu! Come, old is coming in, just hungry, sit down, drink a few more cups ..."

Zhao Ran went a day in the unpolaricorn, did not go up, met the people who met, and then returned to Junshan.

I will call the two to the front and ask: "Is Song Xiong have not come back?"

At the second: "Is the Temple not give him a three-month shipment? He is left in May, this is still almost?"

Zhao Ran asked: "Do you know what you are Dagran?"

At 2 o'clock: "Song Xiong went to hand over, he was afraid that the temple wished to use it, so I told me this matter. I wish you feel free.

This Song Xiong is very meticulous. Zhao Ran can't help but nod.

"You look back and go to the Glang to talk, put the conditions, let him go to Xizhenwu. It is clear to him, this matter is there, everything is good, if it is not, only dead road One. Also, if you want to escape, then see the Tian Luo Site that he can run! "

That night, Guan two came to Junshan Mountain, found the "Hunting Village" that was disguised into a hunter village.

Today, "Hunting Village" thief has nearly 100 people, and more than ten people are called the name of the name. These thieves have lived in the Junxiang Mountain for four years, and they were teach their service posts.

It is not how to say the second and Lu Jin mean, how to put these people how to don't resist the power, but they are now quite moist, it is quite moist, and it is very satisfied with the living conditions of Junshan. Go to the rivers and lakes to reinstall the courage of rushing.

Daming for six hundred years, now is still peaceful, not a chaos, except for a very few people, who is willing to be a thief who is unsuccessful all day?

As for those who came here, those who came here, or confirmed that the hands of innocent people lived in the hands, I have touched the county kill. Zhao Ran did something, this bottom line is still there, he does not dare to give yourself a disaster.

Even the famous green forest masters of the rivers and lakes of the opening of the monument. It is inevitable, and the robbery is also inevitable. Give him a white in the government.

Instead, because the existence of "Hunthai", Kim County, Yogang, a lot of merits, caught some tired of the whole government and even the province, but for a few years, Jin County is a few In the heart of the big person, he left a good impression of the punishment of punishment.

The Junshan Temple once agreed, as long as "Hunting Village" is old, it is old to sell for five years, and it will give them an extension in Yanyu County.

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