Taoist Law

Chapter 25, Glang

There is a large bamboo house under the stone wall, and Zhang Foupeted, when in the first, Guan 2, Jiang Zhuzi peeside. I saw an old man in the middle of the bed, sitting in the bedside, a twenty-year-old young man, is driving a spoonful of drinking medicine.

This strong Han is the iron leg dragon three, the family's iron leg tract Kung Fu, the martial arts in North Yunnan is famous.

Dragon San busy put down the medicine bowl in his hand and turned to hold the boxing. The old man also remembered, but he was driven by Jiang Zhu. "Dragon old man, you have a disease on your body, just take a rest, the relationship is looking for the old three," said the medicine bowl, then feed the old man Drink.

Dragon San is grateful to rush Jiang Bamboo nodded, followed by the bamboo house, he heard Zhang Wu said: "The old three, the Guan Dao is going to see the head, you can take it."

Dragon Sanlian nodded, he drilled into a cave on the stone wall, and the two cats were followed by, and Zhang Wu was guarded outside the hole.

I walked in the past tenth, I turned around, I suddenly became bright, but I turned into the patio in a hole, the top of the top of the top of the top is to three inch and wide stone seams. Down.

The ground is piled with a few big stones, and the stone with iron chains with a thin prisoner, the prisoners are sitting on the stone, long hair and knees, thick beards cover the whole face, only revealing a pair of eyes. After listening to moving, he turned his head, stared at the second, smiled: "The Guan Dao is coming again?" He was two years ago to the Junshan city, and the Song Xiong is the only future person, Their adopted child seal Tang Feng Dago.

I was sitting on the stone opposite him, throwing a hugging: "Junshan has a new rice wine in the new rice,"

When the Tang took it in his hand, with the iron chains of the body, he sniffed with the gourd plug. He smelled the nose and smiled: "Not bad." Like the head, it will be long after it. Zhang said, I drunk a few mouthfuls, and I have grown.

I didn't talk, wait for him to drink, took a hollow gourd, and the three-legged three-way three: "The third three, gave him a shaving."

Dragon three touched the dagger, pressing his head before, first put a long hair, then gave him the beard on the side.

Feng Tang also did not resist, Ren Dragon Sanshi is, there is not much time, showing a pair of hands, full of faces.

Guan Second also touched a bronze mirror, and the Tang took over and took photos of his face for a long time, and he had a few drops of tears.

I was separated, and the Dang said: "For two years, are you planning now?"

I took out a model from my arms and handed over: "Holding this order, go to Xizhenwu Palace to call the door, and make things a little bigger, the bigger the better."

When the Tang took over, he received his arms, after a moment of silence, he did two: "Guan Dao, I really want to be said."

At 2 o'clock.

Feng Tang and sigh: "My Kung Fu, I didn't think about it. I didn't think about it. At the middle of the people, I taught me a few gentlemen, taught me a book, literacy, and learn the channel. After learning, I will get it, and I will be more and more. I am not only to be a Taoist, but I want to be a monk, I want to practice! "

I didn't talk, continue to listen.

"But no one told me how to practice? No one told me if there is any qualified root bone? No one tells me where I can find me to enter the practice threshold? Where is the legendary hall? Where is it ... ...

...... These don't matter,

I am willing to start from the fireworks, I am willing to work hard, I believe that as long as I work, I can find my own fairy!

... MY, Second Uncle and Three Uncle, in order to let me enter Xi Zhenwu Palace, I promised the condition of Dong's conditions, but therefore died in the dead, the surnamed Dong's unreasonable ...

... Where is the opportunity to go to the unprotive housing? Only go to Xizhenwu Palace, go to Xuanyuan, I can have the opportunity to see the immortal ...

...... My family is dead, you can survive! He actually unsupported! He not only doesn't work, he also sent people to kill me! The Square of the Node's surname Jiang, took me a cliff from the hills of the Polarless Mountain ... "

At the second: "As long as you go, my family is a revenge for you."

He nodded: "Thank you ... Guan Dao, I said so much, not to complain to you, I just want to tell you, in order to find a wire practice, my home has paid! I was deceived Once, I don't want to be deceived for the second time! In order to practice, I am willing to do anything! "

I thought about it, said: "My family is a happy immortal, this you know."

Sealing Tang nod: "I listened to Songzhai mainly."

Guan 2nd: "My family is awaiting, this time you may be going to go in to eat the lawsuit, slam, even to eat hard work, three years or five years. But your righteous father is their own, they already Defense, as long as you have not made it, maybe not die. "

"I have a fortune."

"But my family is not to protect you, I'm so ugly, the reputation is too evil."

"I understand this."

"Maybe you will never go, die in it."

"I know."

"But as long as you have passed, you can come to the Mountain to find my temple wish. Is there anything to say?"

"... Please send a letter to Zhao Xiancheng Chen Yimei: I have arrived in a sinful person, and the three elders who died to me are hope that I can go to practice, I hope that the immortal is full ... I am Really want to practice! "

Guan two got up, three of the three: "I will give him a full meal, then find your clothes, let him go down the mountain."

Guan Er from Jun Jun, returning to Zhao Ran, and the original model will repeat the words of Glang.

Zhao Ran listened to the last words, the last time: "The fairy is difficult ..."

The story of Glang did not touch Zhao Ran, let him think of the desire to find the desire of the fairy, he even born a impulse, lifting the pen to plan to write a letter to the West Zhenwu Palace. . But the pointer is a pen, for a long time, still put it down.

The life of Glang has not been Zhao Ran. His destiny has been destined, or some people need to use him to wash it out of the stains.

After sighed, Zhao Ran can only let go, let's talk about what save people? At this moment, he regrets it. It is not to die. If he doesn't give Glang as a chip to white Teng ...

It's late now, so when I am not sigh at the moment, he is now waiting for the progress of the incident.

On the evening, Zhao Ran received a letter, and the letter was sent to the unprofessionalism. The letter is very short, that is, tell Zhao Ran, recently, Sangtang Fang Jiang Zhiheng has not appeared, just disappeared, Chen Zhizhong calculated, probably has never seen Jiang Zhihua for nearly ten days.

He also specially went to the classics, did not find that Jiang Zhiheng had something to go out or leave the record.

Chen Zhizhong did not fix things in the end, but since he discovered this problem, it is best to report the principle of leadership in the best thing.

With Zhao Ran's sensitive, he immediately realized the incomprehension, immediately let Zhu Huai went to the Accenture, inquiring the news of Jiang Zhiheng.

Zhou Huai went back for two days, and he came back overnight. He told Zhao Ran, Liu Zhiguang, Ma Ri-Li, Fang Zhi and Mo Zuxing and others have not seen Jiang Zhihua. However, Liu Zhiguang has found out that four good hands in the Ease of Hall are in the holidays, and they are not on the hill.

Zhao Ran immediately fell into the meditation.

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