Taoist Law

Chapter 26 Zhaozhuang Change

Zhao Ranzheng is trying to think that when Jiang Zhengzheng is missing, Qifeng and come in to tell: "Temple wish, some people seek to see Temple, he said he is from Zhaojiazhuang, Shiquan County, is a family brother of Temple, called Zhao Tianbao ..."

"Let him come in." Zhao Ran commanded.

When I was in Zhao Zhuang, Zhao Ran often received the care of Zhao Daxie. When Zhao Daxie's son Tian Bao was just seven years old, and he often wrapped around Zhao Ran, and he listened to him, now this child should There are also fifteen, six years old.

Just see the juvenile and his older, there is no juvenile, and there is no Qifeng and the richness, but the face is simple, and the body is much more strong.

After this boy came in, the two eyes didn't care about Zhao Ran, and some did not have to be confident, and the thickness of the roughness: "Summan?"

Zhao Ran has changed too much in eight years, and at this moment, wear a robe. I want to recognize it. It is really not so easy.

But Zhao Ran immediately recognized this boy, in addition to his eyebrows, there is still a shadow of the young, the black fetus under the right ear is the most obvious sign.

"Tian Bao is coming in, come in and sit." Zhao Ran smiled and waved his hand, and let Lu Feng went to the kitchen to eat.

Qifeng and Just went out, Tian Bao fell to the ground, crying: "The three brothers go home with me, save my mother ... ..."

Zhao Ran is shocked: "What happened? Say!"

Tian Bao cried and said that things were told.

Since Zhao Ran went to the nephew, Zhao Dadet sent it immediately in Zhaozhuang. First, the Weiyuan Dunner came to a few people, spending the silver sent by Zhao Ran, and raised a big house in the village, let Zhao Daxie moved in, and then put various means, from the family Zhao Summer bought nearby Two hundred acres.

The Weiyuan Dunner is in the Longanfu, and the small darts are commanded, who does not sell strength? After a toss, the four uncle's home was hollowed out, and Zhao Daxie was a family, and he couldn't bear to retaliate four uncles. Otherwise, the Weiyuan Endou will really toss the Zhao's family.

Si uncle had such a big loss, but there is no way to do, his family's father - the former group of the Qi Xiwu Gongshui has already passed away, and he encounters Zhao Ran's giving water in the unprotive hospital. He is not going to find it back, and this is a few years.

The original day has been so over, who is aware of the way.

Last month,

There was a firemanship to Zhaozhuang. This person claimed to be from the Junshan Temple, called Song Xiong. When he arrived in Zhao Zhuang, he went straight to Zhao's uncle, and he bought a variety of gifts. He was a wine banquet in the village. Later, he saw that Zhao Daxie's home is somewhat damage, simply went to Shiquan County to invite the mason And carpenters, helping Zhao Dafu renovated the house, and expanded several rooms.

Song Xiong had heard the past to mention Zhaoran's past. Knowing that Zhao Si's elders have bullied Zhao Ran and Zhao Dade, so there is no good face for the upwards of Zhao Si, so Zhao Si is very depressed.

When the renovation of the house, Song Xiong was once again banked. It enjoys the whole village Zhao's family to celebrate. After drunk, after being drunk, he was taken away by several outstanding foreign people. These foreign people claim to be the Tao Tang Gu , Specializing in causing fugitives, soon, I will never tie Song Xiong.

The next day, Zhao Si's uncle's young men and the servants broke into the homes of Zhao Daxie, saying that Zhao Daxie has challenged the imperial territory to make a criminal, and did something wrong. At the same time, I also reported on Shiquan County, and I contained that Zhao's uncle has a chalp thief and is in a disaster.

Tian Bao is a private book in the county. After listening to it, I will continue to rush straight to Jingshan, find Zhao Ran to save people.

After listening, Zhao Ran immediately asked: "How is the uncle big? How is the other people at home?"

Tian Bao Road: "I don't know, I know this, I will run directly to the three brothers, I didn't dare to delay in a moment! Three brothers, you will go back to save my mother ..."

Zhao Ran took his shoulder, nodded: "Do it, it is very fruitful! You eat first ..."

Xu Laobu has a table, with a dish, she holds it on the table.

Tian Bao said in a hurry: "Three brothers, I am not hungry ..."

Zhao Ran comforted him: "Not bad, this work, first filled his stomach, there is a problem to ask you."

Tian Bao saw Zhao Ruyi, and the heart was slowly stabilized, and the plenty of chopsticks began to eat.

Zhao Ran looked at him to eat, asked: "When Song Xiong was taken away, when is it?"

Tian Bao Road: "It should be four days ago, I am still at home one day, I have not going to the county."

Zhao Ran asked: "How many people have to catch Song Xiong? Have you seen people? What look?"

Tian Bao shook his head: "I came out from home in the morning, I didn't see the arreste. At that time, Song Dado should still be sleepy, he drink too much."

"Now Uncle, where is it? Is Zhao Lao Di in the house, or locks the county?"

"When I heard, I was still at home."

Zhao Ran wondered, and called the gold for a long time, and it was easy to say that everyone was very angry, and the people were very angry. "" "Must be Dong Kun dry, the hand is definitely Jiang Zhiheng!"

Zhao Rong said: "He grabs Song Xiong, must have rushed to our Junshan Temple, as for the story of the chalk thief, but the excuse of the people. Song Xiong's identity, the county is reported there, it is right. Jinshi? "

Jin Long is very sure to nod: "Not only Song Xiong, the rest of the Zhaizi, etc., all report in the county, our family personally personally."

Zhao Ran also asked Lin Yuwen: "Song Xiong's fireworks, you are also reported in the unpopular hospital, this is no problem?"

Lin Yuwen Road: "Chen Zhizhong helped handled. Nor excluded Dong Kun to do hand feet."

Zhao Ran asked: "In addition to this, there is no empty to diamond? You think about it."

Everyone wanted to go, just doubt that Song Xiong had any big cases did not say, and others didn't think of it.

Zhao Ran sneak, said: "Jin Massen will return to a county, find your family, re-verify the things reported by Song Xiong and others, the rain is the same, returning to the neutral hospital to find Chen Zhizhong. Guan, Lu Second The teacher mobilized the man, and four things, one, try to find the trail of Jiang Zhihua, the second is to explore the fall of Song Xiong. "

Several people agreed, ready to start immediately, Zhao Ran said: "I want to go to Shiquan County, soon, there is any news, Jin Massen, I will know me."

Zhao Ran is now walking, from Huayun Hall, a lot of reports that can be used to use, that is, the one-way transmission but can't reply. It will give it a tribute to Jin Dynasty. If you have something to tell Zhao Ran, you will go out, and Zhao Ran can know that there is something on the Junshan Temple, and quickly go back.

But what happened, Zhao Ran must come back to listen to the golden detail to know.

After the command is completed, Zhao Ran called the old, let the Tian Bao are sitting in front of the back, sitting behind him, flying in the direction of Shiquan County.

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