Taoist Law

Chapter 27 Shiquan County

Zhao Ran started from the night, the old man's foot is getting more and more fast, and it is like a wind and electricity. The next day, when the oriental is white, it has rushed to the Pinnam Department of Shiquan County. What should I do if my two eyes discredient? Of course, go to the landlord!

Tian Bao has never rode so fast horse, and I have to bear it all the way, I'm going to the ground, turning over, holding a big tree outside the pure house, wow wow.

Waiting a little bit better, Zhao Ran let him drink a drug wine made from home with Yangxin Dan, and Tian Boton felt better.

The Cantonese Hospital is located in a willow forest outside the South 5ri-Shui City, Shiquan County, has not yet opened the door at this moment, which is extremely quiet. Zhao Ran picks up, slamming the door, after a moment, the side door opened.

There is a fireworks come out to ask, Zhao Rong: "The poor road is the unprotive court to manage Zhao Ziran, there is an urgent matter to see your hospital, please ask."

The three of the roads of the county said, for these fireworks, it is like a general existence, and the fireworks are not darent enough, and they will be busy with Zhao Ran and Tian Bao, and then quickly go in.

The so-called human name, the shadow of the tree, if Zhao Ran still does not show the mountain, then since the early Ye Xueguan, he is completely famous, it can be said that all the provinces are all, not to mention the same It is Shiquan County of Long'anfu.

When there is not much time, Shiquan County has a knowledgeable, and a high-job person will hurry out, and they will shout: "Zhao Tui, Zhao Xiancheng, today I have time to see it! Haha!"

Zhao Ruyu: "The Monitor is good, the same is good, and there is no inappropriate in advance, it is reckless, and I hope that I have forgivers for forgiveness."

The Monitor laughed: "Zhao Tuoto is a discount, you are the highway of our stone spring, can walk around, I will wait until the joy is still too late."

Zhao Rong said: "If it is a compulsory department and everyone, please call me that Zhao Shi is good?"

The knowledge of the knowledge next to himself, high-powered, and the owner, smiled haha, "", a group of Taoist hits each other, the scene is very warm.

In the case of Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran took a boy, busy asking: "Which brother is this little friend? Is it a practitioner of Zhao Tui?" He didn't call the immortal, but never refused to call the brother, Dear.

Zhao Ran pulled Tian Bao, let him kneel down, said: "This is my customs, big name Zhao Tianbao, I looked at him from childhood."

The Monitor is busy to support the Tian Bao: "It turned out to be a little friend, and he really faced the phases. He is a pros and is a pro-person." Just pulled the Tian Bao: "Dozen this year Gung? Where to read? "

The net Mingyuan is not equipped with an abbot.

The Monitoring Institute is the first large person in Shiquan County. Tian Bao is only heard in weekdays. I have never seen it. Today, I have got a narcotive of myself, and suddenly exclaimed.

Tian Bao slowly agreed with a few sentences, and the mentality quickly adjusted. He looked at Zhaoran encouraged the eyes. Suddenly cried, and he was shouted to the Monitor: " Reputted the Supervis Office to save my family! "

The Monitoring Institute immediately lived, and the Tian Bao was pulled up, and inquiry. Zhao Ran did not plus the words, let the Tian Bao have said things.

Waitian Bao will finish the matter, Zhao Ran added: "The few people claim to be the inspection of Daomen square, which is the fireworks of the Junshan Temple, Song Xiongh, hard to say that Song Xiong is a thief, it is really a wonderful. "After that, he signs Song Xiong in the text of the fireworks, and handed it to the Monitor.

Listening to the cry of the Tin Bao, I also looked at Song Xiong's signs, and I have angered: "What is the door inspection? I don't know where the banner will come to me Shiquan County?" Square, have you heard of this? "

The main road of the main road of Shiquan County Dowen Tour: "This matter has never heard of it, even if it is going to take people, it should also know that I will pure the courtroom."

The Monitor is asked: "What is the one of the Zhao Si? Who knows?"

Still reputation: "Zhao Sijia is the fireworks of Xi Zhenwu Palace, for the Zhao Zhuang family, I heard that the weekdays are quite lifting, for the adjacent, just unattended, he himself It has not been guilty of him. "

Tian Bao wiped tears: "When I didn't get in the past, I was strongly swallowed by his family, and I had to go back to the country. Later, after the opportunity, I met the silver, and I bought some fields. My family has been better. His family is a thin price of my family, the old thing to do in the same year! "

I have a lady: "I am the first year of the pure court. I have been in the government. If I know Zhao Tuo, I must watch it! I know too late, I know too late!" Still walking in the next day, there is less, this is blame me! Blame me! "

Zhao Ran is busy: "How is this strange to the head of the Monitor? Also in the past two years, the family of my family is still honest, so I didn't ventilate with you."

Tian Bao said again: "My family has taken it, I don't let me add trouble to the Daoyang, I have to do things with my honesty, this is a person."

Huh? Zhao Ran is surprised, this child is very machine, this is said, it is not easy to take care of it. "Hidden is doing things, this size is a person", this is what they have to treat Song Xiong, and if they want to be Song Xiong, I will mention it with this child, I don't want this child today.

The Monitor said: "Zhao Tuoto this is good, it is worthy of the fairy people practitioned in the museum."

At this time, the three capitals of the net midamas, and the tours, etc., and they also came to see the courtesy. Naturally, it is a cold.

Zhao Ran and that he had a good time, and he said: "This, since Zhao Si said that Zhao Daxie said to take the official, let's ask the old, see if people are not in him. There, I will save people and say the rest. "

Zhao Ran is busy: "That's more thanked."

The Monitor is angry: "Where is it so much? Is it not so much?

Zhao Ran said: "Then, I am, thank you,"

This laughed, finally changed his brothers: "Mayful, go, I personally accompany Zhao Shi to the county."

So, the Municipal Supervisor Head, staying three, with the four deacons, tour, tour, high-strength and square, and point the 20 inspections of the Pei Mingyuan, ride, riding the horse riding, vast Go to the county town.

In the case of Zhao Ran, he asked: "Is this donkey to practice?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is very human, but you can day."

The Monitor was lamented two sentences, and said: "Zhao Shi is willing to with me?"

Zhao Ran's head, laughing in the car of the Monitor, two people talked laughing in the car, talked about the personnel of the Xizhenwu Palace, inadequate, in order to enter the county.

X767E; X767E; X741C; X7D22; X3010; X4E91; X6765; X9601; X3011; X5C0F; X8BF4; X7F51; X7AD9; XFF0C; x8ba9; x4f60; x4f53; x9a8c; x66f4; x65b0; x6700; x7684; X7AE0; X5C0F; X8BF4; XFF0C; x6240; x6709; x5c0f; x8bf4; x79d2; x66f4; x65b0; x3002;

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