Taoist Law

Chapter 28

I heard that the Net Mingyuan has brought a big guide to the door, Renxian Order is busy welcome. I saw this trend in front of the door, my heart was a sudden, and the momentum immediately three points.

While he was secretly thinking about himself, he had a sinful school, while smiling: "Which Today, the Dongfeng, let the supervisor have come to my Shiquan County, really there is a disappearance, there is a disappearance!"

The Monitor is walking in and said: "Go to your Tuen Mun."

Renxian is busy personally leading the way to the flower hall.

Zhao Ran secretly, this is very strong in Shiquan County in Shiquan County, so that the Xuan County is so humble, there is a mouse to see the cat.

The guides of the Tong Mingyuan Fangtang are guarded outside the hall, only the inspectors and Zhaoran, several deacons entered the seat. Renxian is awkward, saying that there is something wrong with you, and you will be more faint in your heart.

The entrepreneurized of the courtesy of courtesy, introduced to Renxian County: "This is the Zhao Tuo tube of Yao Yixian, and is also the monk of Huayun Pavilion. It is my friend, but also the high of Shiquan County. Tao. This boy is the family of Zhao Tui, I am taking advantage of Zhao today. "

Renxian is busy and is busy: "It turned out to be Zhao Xianshi, I heard a big name! I heard that Zhao Xianshi is Zhao Zhuangren in our county. The county has a gift! Is this small friend, Zhao Zhuang?"

Zhao Rongji is the first: "I have trouble to the old parents."

Renxian order asked: "Is Zhao Tsui come to the Zhao's family?"

The voice just fell, and the "Ha" has taken the table, and the table is taken: "Old Ren, really is here?"

Renxian made a cold sweat that wipes the end, and secretly did not mess, otherwise it was not good today.

So said: "The day before yesterday, the Zhao's family will be Zhao Ming couple, and together with the family servant, the servant is tied to the county, and he will take his family to hit the thief. I originally not believed, but the Zhao's long words, said It is the Taoist inspection, has been taken to the thief. It is undoubtedly, and he only has to accept people. Yesterday, I have passed one, and I feel that there is a embarrassment. It is pressed down. Due to things related to the door inspection, today is going to pass the text The supervision of the Monitoring, the official documents are written, and they have not come out ... "

Said, Renxian resisted the servant serving the house outside the house, and lied to the sentence to take a document, and it was issued to the Monitor, requested to check the matter.

The Monitor is satisfied: "Old, you really cautious, tell you the truth, those who claim to be self-proclaimed, I don't know if I have a thief, and the so-called tack thief is pure.

Zhao Rong said: "The old parents, Zhao Ming couple are the uncle of the poor pass, the family, the bodies of my brother, honesty, and the people are good. The poor road is taken by them, and it is most understandable. It is impossible to collude with what the thief is coming. As for the few roads, I don't know where it is coming out, the Song Xiong, who took away, is not a thief, but the fireworks in the Junshan Temple of Yugang County, the poor road Here is Song Xiong 's vocabulary book, please also ask the old parents! "

Ren County Zun said: "Zhao Xianshi is polite, the original Zhao Xianbei is such a relationship with Zhao Ming couple, the county is not known, please invite the immortal forgiveness." I took a signed scripthed two eyes, said. Sure enough! People, go to Li Pi! "

Not much time, Li Pujia in the county's house is coming in and returns to the county, and he will listen to the county Zun said: "I will arrest Zhao Zhuang Zhao Sihu family. Today, I will open an auditor. Lee Pickle, this matter involves the customs of the road Some people pretend to be a door inspection, do not leave one person, if it is a pool, set up you must not! "

Zeng Cheng said: "This way, some people pretend to be inspected in our way. The matter is not easy to ignore, or let the Square go to a trip, Li Pi is helping from the road, we have a horse, so fast, Don't know that there are too many people, to prevent the wind, let the thief escape. "

Renxian is: "Then listen to the tident."

At the moment, in person with the protocol, he received the inspection of the twelve pensions, Li Pi did not dare to neglect, just lead the way in front of the head, and rushed to Zhaozhuang in front of him.

Zhao Zhuang is sixty miles away from Shiquan County, and the road is not good. The regular people will take a day of work, but the square is riding a horse, but it is such an important affairs, the road is fast, a fast horse, one Many times arrived in Zhaozhuang.

The crowds were in Zhaozhuang, and they came directly from the house of Zhao Shouhu. When I saw the homestead, I had a good-end-legged feat, I didn't say it. I didn't say it. I flew up. I only listened to "", the door was suddenly opened, the door latch inside was shocked Two sections, falling to the ground.

It's really a good hand, the inspection in the heart of the court, is really a good hand, which is really not the same as that of my hand.

The inspections swarmed in, the homes were scheduled to fly, and the big search, but did not find the Zhao Teng Zhao Sanhu, just took his family.

Li Pi came asked, only to know that Zhao Sihu gave birth to Zhao Ming family's house. I have lived over these two days, saying that I have to help the official to take care of the home.

The big house of Zhao Ming family is outside the village. It is the most conspicuous place in Zhaozhuang. Li Piped him fingers the tall house, in the party, the main policy of the horse rushed.

When I came to the door, I saw someone standing outside the door, and the appeal was unexpected.

Yu Fang Hao hippo, drink Q: "Who are you?"

Li Pi Han rose to come up with the main road: "This is the housekeeper in Zhao Sihu house." And asked: "Where is your owner?"

This person is a Zhao Wu, who is touched and twisted by Zhao Ran to Shiquan County. He met Li Po, accompanied: "Li Ye is here? Please enter the house ..."

Li Po said: "Less nonsense, Zhao Sanhu is not?"

Zhao 5 o'clock, Hardwood: "In the case, my family is inside, help the door to protect this house, beware of the barters to steal, small now, go in and go in."

Square, Word: "Take it!"

An inspection immediately throws a set, the set is fast and accurate, and the direct circle is on Zhao 5. Go back, Zhao 5 is tightened by the set, and the emptiness fly over, and he will fall under the horseshoe, and suddenly fell seven episodes. The whole person is all.

If the inspectors are like a wolf, there is not much tiger, and there is not much time, the Zhao Sihu, who will barely hit the bike. It turns out that this person has a day-day, about the horse widow in the village, is in the bed to reverse the phoenix.

The Zhuang was caught in the scene, and there were four five Zhao Shouhu's family's son.

Zhao Sanhu panicked, was bundled with a slap in front of the protagonist and Li, and he kept shouting: "Li Ye, Li Ye, this is why? What is this?"

Li Pi head has just answered, but he is stopped by the Lord, strive to make an inspection before questioning.

"Zhao Si, your income! Speed ​​speed" clear crimes, otherwise, from severe punishment! "

Zhao Sihu's argumentation: "I Zhao Siyu is innocent, the father is for ten years for the Ximuwu Palace, where is the crime? Is it Zhao Ming's anti-I?"

The question inspected a slap in the face, and suddenly played Zhao Sihu's eyes of Venus, on the nose, the mouth was blooding.

"Dare to sieve, tell you the truth, this time is the case of my home, I'm at home, my family has personally ask!" The few Zhao Jiazi, who turned to the ground, said: "Moreover, etc. , Want to live, speed up your speed! "

The housekeeper Zhao 5 was set on the ground, with the ass to force, horing it, shouted in the mouth: "Dao is forgiving, I want to report! Report Zhao Shouhu to hook the demon!"

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