Taoist Law

Chapter 31 Longshan Temple

After the second and Lu Jin, I went to the Hui Zhaoyi in Junshan. I got some of Zhang Wu, Jiang Zhu and other doors, and each ride on the horses equipped with Junshan Temple, and I wish Zhang Ze in Longshan Temple. Go to the direction of Longshan Temple.

Longshan Temple, the unprotive courtyard Jiang Zhiheng is sleeping, suddenly being knocked on the door, there is no clothes, starting the door.

At a look, it is the heart of your own hand. The people in the rivers and lakes have sent a moon shadow person. This person is not a monk, like Lu Jin, and collect the martial arts of the unprofeve. "Month Shadow" is said that he is light and outstanding, good at hiding, and there is no good night, and it is accompanied by people.

"What?" Jiang Zhiheng asked.

Moon Shadow: "Square, I just came back from the mountain, and the EDQU also urged."

Jiang Zhiheng is irritability: "This only two days, how is the supervision of the Master? The surname Song did not speak, how is this good?"

Monthly Road: "The EDQ faculty said that if you can't find Glang, we don't want to have a good day."

Jiang Zhiheng sighed: "Something, call the brethren, and trial overnight tonight!"

The moon is busy to arrange, Jiang Zhihua came back in the small court to return to a few turns, see that the wing room is already ready, and put it in the back.

The monument of the monument, Song Xiong is tied, bonded on a table, becoming the upper body, face, shoulders, on the chest, the back is bloody blue marks, see Jiang Zhiheng coming in Angry, look at it.

Jiang Zhiheng is from the Tang Dynasty, it is not martial arts, but he is in charge of this booth for many years, but let him practice a slap.

In this case, Song Xiong is angry with him, and the chin is lifted, and the hand is handled.

The criminals and means used in the square temple are the set from the county. There is no surprise, but this set of actions, but after thousands of years, the end is to make people feel unhappy.

I took out a hand clip, I went up, I went in, I went in, in the middle of Song Xiong 's 10 fingers: "The surname Song, the first two days respecting you is a good Han, really reluctant to use the big sentence. Can be different nights, If you don't say it, you can only abolish this hands first. You don't blame me. Hey, the monument, the rivers and lakes, the big names, dozens of hard work, your home is? I can't take it ... "

Song Xiong smiled: "There is a kind of to kill grandfather, grandfather is the fireworks in the Junshan Temple in the boutique, you can see who can be good! You are today, you have my own temple, I wish you a lot of money, grandfather I am afraid that your grandson, my Song Xiong 's Song Zi has been writing from now on! "

Jiang Zhihua said: "To tell the truth, your family is very can't afford, I am afraid, but what can I do? I don't have to open your mouth, don't ask if I have a big gang's hidden, I will die. Since the poor is not good, it is better to let you die first. Do you say this is this? "

Song Xiong said: "Okay, my little fireworks can be pulled with your big square square to die together, die!"

Jiang Zhiheng nodded: "Try it, see your mouth hard, or I am hard!"

The moon has got a blend of Jiang Zhiheng, pulling the two-headed rope out of the rope, Song Xiongtu's whole body shocked, biting his lips, did not want to issue a weak voice. But Nai Ten fingers, it is really painful,

In the end, I still shouted out: "Ah ... I don't know the 18th generation ancestors of Jiang Jiang ... ... you can't die ..."

The hand clip is connected to two times. Song Xiong's hands are almost deform, and the sorrows of tears can't help but go down. The sweat is even gathered on the ground, but he bite his teeth.

Seeing the shackles, Jiang Zhiheng commanded, wound the soldering iron, the moon shadow people will have a few hands to burn the carbon bowl, put the soldering iron on the carbon basin with iron shelves, on the Song Xiong chest, shoulder, back I was aid for five or six times, and my peeled peeled is rotten, and it is scattered.

So torture, I have been hurting the Song Xiong. But I was waking up by cool water, but I still just drink, I didn't recognize it.

Take it to toss, it is full of time, Song Xiong is still not open.

Jiang Zhiheng handed a lot of cloth, while slashing his nose, frowling.

Just listen to the moon track: "Square, then I am afraid it is useless. This is too tight, it is really a man."

"What do you say?" Jiang Zhihua shouted the . ..

The moon shadow smiled and said: "When I mixed the rivers and lakes, this is more than the good guy, the more heroes, the more heroes, and the small people seem to cut his egg ..."

Jiang Zhiheng did not help but be self-reliant, glanced at the two-eyed image: "Do you get it?"

Moon Shadow is a memories of eyes: "If you are a person, you can't get it. I am afraid that I will die, but when I walked on the rivers and lakes, I used to learn with a public, and I couldn't die."

Jiang Zhiheng is disgusting, but it is a little curious: "Then you try, I can tell you, I can't let him swallow!"

"Hey, the square is wide, I can't die!" Monthly Taoist said, slamming a small dagger in the boots, smiled, Song Xionghong, squatting: "Song Heroes, I can't say it, I will take you practice today. "

Song Xiong was awkward, screaming: "Beast! Don't die!"

Month shadow will bring his mouth to Song Xiong ear, bite his earlobe, finely breathaver; "Song Heroes don't be afraid, to bear to endure, after cutting, you can find life! "After the finish, the tongue is in the Song Xiong ear, and it is not to abandon the stains and sweats next to Song Xiong, and the mouth is inhau, and it is extremely enjoyable.

Song Xiong closed his eyes and was trembled. The moon shadow people opened the Song Xiong 's pants, and the eyes were inxunched at the crotch and looked for a long time.

Jiang Zhiheng, I know that this person is full of enthusiasm, but I didn't expect one to here. I couldn't help but get rid of the chicken skin. I coughed two sounds, and urged: "Something."

The monthly shadow promised to reach out, in the Song Xiongzhen, the part of the Song Xiongzhen, was turned to the dagger, and he was going to switch.

The sound of the "" of the homogeneous door, was opened from the outside, and it was a few big men. When one was the first one.

Jiang Zhihua has not been able to react, and he was turned on by a big mouth of the mouth, rolling two laps, hitting the wall, stopping down, a time seven episodes, not arguing north.

There is no way to have a few patrols in the hand, and you are caught in the neck, you can't move.

Only Month The video is faster. After a bone turns to Song Xiong, the arm rings with Song Xiong 's neck, and the dagger is facing his throat, and the scream is screaming: "Don't come over, I will kill him again!"

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