Taoist Law

Chapter 32 grabs people

Guan Qi took someone to send a few unprofessional hospitals in Jiang Zhiheng in the box of Song Xiong. It was an acquaintance in both sides. At this moment, he became a life and death.

Jiang Zhiheng and other four have been, only the surveillance of the moon traveled in Song Xiong, and the second class is confronted.

Guan Erqiang face: "Moon shadow, everyone has passed the Communist Party of the Commodible hospital, belonging to the same way, why do you suffer? Do you have to sell Dong Kun and Jiang Zhiheng? You put people, what is going on, don't talk ? "

Moon shadow: "Where is the last name, what is the same? Do you know what my name is? Less than the big dart, a big prestige, a big shelf, for two years, do you have seen me?"

Guan Er, I thought about it, "" There are more people in the squares, and many of the green forests, many of the same portions are reluctant to show people with the past name, how can I ask? "

The moon shadow is angry: "What is not good casually? Inquiry? As long as you ask, can I still say? Guan Yuanshan, you are looking for me!"

Guan two stunned, said: "Please call the poor town Guan Yushan, and now I have been being hurt, theory is a rain letter!"

Monthly Asked: "Are you suffering?"

At the point of the point: "It's awkward ... It's a negligent in the past, I'm really doing, please call the name of the surname."

The color of the moon shadow face is disappointed: "Guanyuan Mountain is how good, why do you want to call Guan Yushan, this name, not majestic, can't help you ..." Head looked at Song Xiong, who was in his arm, said: " Still his name, Song Xiong, this is true hero. "

At the second: "If he is affected in the future, the same thing is a rain letter."

"Song Yuxiong?" Month Shadow shakes his head and joking, even the voice: "Not good, I don't agree! Don't call Song Yuxiong, it is called Song Xiong!"

I suddenly see a gold dart flash,

, is taking the shoulders of the moon shadow, the moon shadow people are weak, the moon is, and he is pushed by this effort, and the sky falls.

When I was on the two steps, I stepped on the chest of the moon shadow. I was struggling with the moon shadow people to step on the ground, and the two hunting villages were tied to him.

Guan Erqi to the hanies of the thumb: "Good!"

That man smiled: "It is also good to point on the fairy. I don't know if the relationship between the director knows, Zhao Xianshi's twelve money darts, it is absolutely!"

The moon shadow road under the feet of the second "" spitted the mouth, smiled: "When you look at you, you are not yin, the yang is not yang, the man is not male, female, who is tired to say a nonsense ? I also inquire about your name? Are you still a full? "

Monthly shadow sounds: "Guan Yuanshan, you lie to me, you are not a man!"

In one sentence, the people in the house are waiting for one tolerance. At the eyes of the eyes: "No one is laughing! Who is smiling, I will, who is booked! You are really unfair ..."

At this time, Lu Jun came over and shook his head: "Since it has been searched, there is no other different."

At the side of the two, Zhang Ze said: "Let's take away, you will leave Dong Zhikun, you should ask what is coming, you will say that Jiang Zhiheng is walking, you don't know."

Zhang Ze nodded: "Reassured, I know."

Song Xiong saw the two and Lu came in to save himself, and the tone mentioned in the heart immediately vented, and quickly fell into a coma.

Zhang Ze slammed his carriage out of the temple, let Song Xiong go in, then look at the monks of the Junshan Temple whistling, and this is relieved, dark road: the EDU, this is true Can't blame me, you are dying, don't pull me together.

When the second and other people returned to the Junshan Temple, the sky has been in the afternoon, and Zhao Ran heard that he personally greeted the temple door.

Jiang Zengng haired, was bundled by the rope, and was taken to Zhao Ran, and he was self-adult: "Zhao Ziran, I am the square of Fangtang, you have no right to tie me, let me let me go."

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Jiang Zhiheng, the thing is now, you still have a lucky? Don't say the rest, single is the private sentence, no reason to abuse my Junshan Temple, the fireworks in the Junshan Temple, you can't please Ok, actually face, let me let me, what do you think? "

Waving, ordered Jiang Zhiheng and others, and asked: "Song Xiong? Nothing?"

Song Xiong was in the carriage, he had something to eat in the middle, and he returned some of the gas and reached the wall of the carriage. He heard the words: "Temple Wish ...".

Zhao Ran pulled the car curtain, and he lifted Song Xiong from the car and put it on the stretcher. I personally sent the stretcher into Song Xiong's house.

Song Xiong was lying in bed, hehe said: "Almost give trouble to the temple, it is the fault of Song Xiong, Song Xiong is very good, so that it is a small small."

Zhao Ran sat on the bed and looked at him. He couldn't help but sigh: "Where is your fault, it is what I want to thank you. I have to find you back. These days, I I have been glaring in my heart, I am afraid that you have a flash. "

After listening to this, Song Xiongxue was red, and he said: "Temple wishes Dame, and the little people will die, this time they were caught, I didn't reveal it to them in a word ..."

Zhao Ran, said: "I know, I know, I will tell me. You are wide, good to get, look back, I will show you the injury, it will make your original model!"

I thought about it, and I said: "Jiang Zhiheng and let him live for two days, can not revenge you immediately, then the rest, first slaughter a for you, okay?"

Song Xiong said: "Temple will not need this, if you have use, and then say it."

Zhao Rong said: "This is nothing, it is dead, and die for two days, it is nothing."

Song Xiong biting his teeth: "The little man begged the temple, first kill the moon image, this person ..."

Zhao Ran asked the two: "Is the Moon Shadow Taoist, is it that spoke, yin and yang strange? After many years, I can't remember."

At the second: "It is this person. Last night, people refused to arrest, were seriously injured by us, have been blood flow, I am afraid it is not living."

Zhao Ruyi Head: "You, it's too heavy, it's too heavy. I will pay attention to it. Really doesn't live?"

Guan 2 certainly nodded: "The injury is very heavy, save it."

Zhao Rong said: "Then bring him over, see you before I am dead."

"Yes." Guan 2 went out to recruit people, Zhao Ran in the house and calm the Song Xiong two sentences: "You are all traumatic, waiting for the two days to slow, I will treat you."

When I said, Zhao Ran got up, I saw that I was a big step in the moon.

When I passed, the Moon Shadow Taoist said: "Zhao Fang, I ..."

Zhao Ran looked at it, and sighed: "Sure enough, it is very serious, it is not human," sighing and shook his head. "

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