Taoist Law

Chapter 33

After calming the Song Xiong, Zhao Ran came out and let the gold come to come from and Jiang Zhiheng talk. Although Jiang Zhiheng is embarrassed to others, it will never make himself, and Jin Long shows several pieces of criminal kit, and the roots do not have to be executed, and Jiang Zhiheng will recruit.

Self-timing is the same as the Western Wu Palace, Dong Zhikun is not able to stand in the day, and the unprotive affairs is almost stagnant. Everything is ignorant, just rushing around, I want to transfer.

Jiang Zhiheng heard that Dong Zhikun first went to the Sichuan government, but it seems that it is unregistered. After returning, when Jiang Zhiheng's face is over, the Sichuan government is surprising. Later, I heard that he also sent people to Song Cang, giving the Tianhe Palace New Supervision, Du Teng, just the result, Jiang Zhiheng did not know.

A few days ago, Dong Kun suddenly found Jiang Zhiheng, and took him a dog's blood head. It is said that it is news, and the sincerity of the Sanxiang is not dead, and it is hiding in the Junshan area. Jiang Zhihua immediately panicked, and regret that it was that Feng Tang was rushing away by the river, it must be dead, so that there is no searcher to go to the cliff.

Zhao Sihu, Zhao Zhuang, Zhaozhuang, Shiquan County, is reported that some people in the Junshan Temple have expanded their houses in Zhao Mingjia. This person surnamed Temple, claiming to be a fireworks in Zhaoshan Temple. Jiang Zhiheng is big, and she rushed to Shiquan County. When Song Xiong was drunk, he tied him to Longshan Temple.

Zhao Ran asked: "How can Zhao Si Ti will report to Jiang Zhiheng?"

Jin Dao said: "Dong Kun, I have already stared at Zhao Ming family. He suspects that the temple wishes to hide the big man wealth ... I have been connected three years ago, I have been settled, what is the same, Zhao Ming Tiger Acceptful housing sent letter. "

Zhao Ran is speechless, shakes his head: "It's damn!"

Jin Hui nodd: "Dong Zhijun is greedy, actually turned his thoughts to Zhaozhuang, indeed damn."

Zhao Ran asked: "I have said from Zhao Zhuang to tell you, Zhao Sihu got into the fire, you said Dong Zhikun ..."

Jin Long smiled: "I also asked, Jiang Zhiheng unclear ... But this kind of thing, just watch the temple, the temple is said, then there is, there is no, then there is no."

Zhao Ran thought, sigh: "Forget it, if a county is awarded a worship, the influence on the Ease of Help is too bad, not only the unpopular hospital, it is afraid that it will cause the entire Sichuan Taoist vibration. We are still To try to take care of the overall situation, don't make it difficult to do it. "

"The Temple is said."

Zhao Ran has been waiting for two days in the Junshan Temple, and the news will continue to pass on the land.

First, someone shouted in the gate of Xizhenwu Palace, and shocked the exquisite Western Wushu Palace, and then Bai Teng Ming commanded the Western Zhenwu Palace.

After Xi Zhenwu Palace, he asked the case, shouting the people in the first few years of the poor and fierce, the three ugly, three uglies, and his head, the first sentence, the noctus, Dong Zhikun, buy a father and two uncle , Conspiracy to the Junshan area, then the one is full of mouth.

This appeal is too amazing, and immediately attracts the high concern of the Ximuwu Palace, and the Xi Zhenwu Palace has decided that it is personally brought by the Tong Tenghong, who is promoted by the promotion.

It is approverated for a time, Zhao Ran will be born, and the second and others are found, and they will start immediately.

Jin Dynasty Q: "Temple can't go to the mountain?"

Zhao Rong said: "I am practicing a critical juncture, I need to be closed, I will not go. Rest assured, not something big,

You go fine. Anyone who remembers, don't bite people, you will tell Chiang Zengng Zhizheng Song Xiong, do not mention other things. "

Jin Jiu nodded: "Temple is relieved, will not be chaotic, this matter I understand." Jin Jiji is the old penalty name of Yugang County, the most good at handling the prison, there is him, Zhao Ran can have no worries.

Jin Long and Guan two have ten personal people, using the carriage to solve the inspection of Jiang Zhiheng and the Hand of the Hand, and rushed to the unpolaricorn on the same day.

After the Qi Qi Mountain, the Jin Jiuyun team took a while. After a long time, Jin Jiuyuan is expected to see a team of official roads, and immediately played: "Shangshan!" So a group of people straight in the hospital, in the Taoist Stop at the door, let the fireworks behind the fire immediately report high-powered Liu Zhiguang.

After Liu Zhiguo heard, he finally came, and immediately rushed to the unpolated hospital.

Jin Longyi saw Liu Zhiguang, immediately shouted: "Liu Gao Gong, you have to do the owner of my Junshan Temple!"

Liu Zhiguang Zhengqi: "If there is anything, don't call it in front of the mountain gate."

Jin Jiu said: "Gao Qi, my Junshan Temple will be booked by the square, Hui Zhiheng, no reason, the fireworks in the temple, Song Xiong, privately prescribed, is not a crime!"

Liu Zhikuo shocked: "Do you have this thing? How is it possible?"

Jin Jiu said: "Song Xiong has been saved in time by my Junshan Temple, Square Jiang Zhiheng is also available at the scene, the human card is full, but also high-job taking care!"

Liu Zuoguang, pulling the curtain, and saw Jiang Zhiheng, who bundled a group, Jiang Zhi's face, bowed, and the square inspections struggled: "Highwork, this is not, I will wait, I Waiting for it is an action! "

Liu Zhijin has a blow to blow the husband and open his eyes. What about it. What is the saying of Zhao Shi? It's a waste of expression. "

Jin Long smiled: "Zhao Temple also said, full of play. Don't joking with high work, in fact, I am waiting in the mountain, they are behind. Dong Zhikun is there? Didn't run it?"

Liu Zhiguang is a strong spirit: "Reassuring is, always staring."

I am talking about it, Xi Zhenwu Palace is the hometown, Liu Zhiguang and Jin Dynasty are busy up.

Zhong Tenghong was strange to see the lively mountain gate, asked: "What is this?"

Golden Jiu Jiu quickly, will pass by, Zhong Tenghong married his tone, said: "It's a stupid, I didn't find it, Dong Shen will make this kind of thing."

Everyone immediately entered the accepted house, and the three-Qing Dynasty, the top of the temple, and the Taoist Taoist heard came over.

See Yuandu kitchen, Zhu Cheng is here, the people of the deacon are almost Qi, Zhong Tenghong asked: "Dong Zhikun? Zhao Ziran?"

Liu Zhiguang, told: "The EDQ faculty is in the supervision hall, maybe it's not heard? I will go to come over."

Jin Jiu replied: "My Temple will wish to practice a critical juncture, and in the past few days."

Zhong Tenghong nodded: "Wonderful, you will call Dong Kun soon."

Not much time, Liu Zhiguang took two Dong Zhijun who was trembled by the war. Dong Zhikun had a pre-hunch, and came to the Sanqing Hall. When he saw this, it immediately fell to the ground.

Zhong Tenghong was disgusted to see Dong Zhikun, such as the mud, shook his head, said: "Dong Zhikun, today I will suffer from the white army, the life of Xu Xu Shu, specially verify your things, what is wrong, you have to go back, no Concealed, can you know? "

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