Taoist Law

Chapter 34

Dong Kun didn't breathe, after a moment, I finally slowed a little spirit, straight to the body, squatting in Tong Tenghong, said: "Old Nursing House ... Co-tube, please ask."

Zhong Tenghong said: "The day before, some people have appealed to the Ximuyu Palace, and you will admit it to the killing, what do you admit?"

Dong Zhun wiped his tears and cried: "This fact is embarrassing, what is it, the teacher, I am willing to face quality!"

Zhong Tenghong and asked: "The chalk thief, the harm of Junshan, can you admit it?"

Dong Zhun is cry: "I have not known this matter, I don't know why, I am so poisoned, I look at the bell, I will also be innocent!"

Zhong Tenghong said: "I will tell you, I claim that the Sichuan east thief is three ugloes, the surname is famous, you can know?"

Dong Zhikun said, the more prominent, said: "I have heard this person, but I don't know why you want to harm me? What can he present?"

Zhong Tenghong shook his head: "That is never, but this is quite big, so the white army, Xu Hui Institute is very shocked, I have a special question. You have to think clearly, in the face of the whole court, tell me if there is any What did you have? "

Dong Kun's heart is big, and I am busy high voice: "There is no such thing, I am relieved! This is a small person climbing, I am deliberately polluting that I am unprotive, I'm still looking forward to me, I'm doing a small person. ! "

Zhong Tenghong nodded: "Somet, I am relieved. You and get up, after all, is a supervision of a hospital, or some of the face."

Dong Zhikun was heard, how can he be fluttering? Dizzy, hugging a boxing to Zhong Tenghong, finally restored some of the courtyards. He secretly pondered, is it a Du Teng and Xu Tonglong to be afraid of these things to climb him two, so this is to protect himself?

Anyway, so easy to escape, Dong Kunxin is inexplicably, secretly seems to be over, there seems to be overwhelmed.

How can Golo's no thing?

On the occasion of the squad, I suddenly listened to Liu Zhiguang, I've "" Today, the clock is tuned, today Junshan Temple ", the privacy, privately prescribed, arrested the abuse of Junshan Temple, Song Xiong, how to Disposal, please also agree. "

Dong Zhili hop in the heart, he noted that the Temple in the temple stood in the Taoist Taoist Temple, so the dark road is not good.

I listened to Zhong Tenghong asked Jin Long: "How is this, in detail."

The Jin Jiuyu is a trick, and the second class will put Jiang Zhiheng up and put him on the ground.

"Tell the bell, the next day, Sangtang's main Jiang Zhiheng will take me Junshan Temple of fireworks Song Xiong, privately punched in the Linhan Temple, and smashed Song Xiong hopped with bouting, fortunately, I, etc. After receiving the news, immediately go to the rescue, this only saved the Song Hao, the Song Xiong injured, so far in the Junshan Temple, lying on the bed to move. "

After the Jin Dynasty said, Zhong Tenghong asked Jiang Zhiheng: "Why are you privately control Song Xiong?"

Jiang Zhiheng replied: "I am a life, it is the EDQ Institute to let me do this."

In a sentence, Dong Zhun suddenly shouted in the mouth: "Jiang Zhiheng, be careful, don't have a bloody spray!"

Jiang Zhihua did not dare to look at Dong Kun, just low-headed: "I had some time, the EDXA told me that Song Xiong was in Zhaozhuang in Shiquan County, let me went quietly, hide the Junshan Temple ..."

Dong Kun said: "Jiang Zhiheng ..."

I didn't finish it, but I was interrupted by Zhong Tenghong: "Let him finish it, he said after he said."

Dong Kun was in a hurry, after being interrupted by Zhong Tenghong, suddenly changed, the original Lord did not tell the results, what is it afraid? Du Teng will be aware of this matter at the time, they will definitely do it, otherwise they will involve them, when you see how you will be in the case? See how Xi Zhenwu Palace is disposed!

Thinking of this, the heart must be sure, it is not anxious, let Jiang Zhiheng continues to argue.

Just listening to Jiang Zhiheng: "In the Junshan Temple, I will not be willing to strictly punish for a confession, but the EDU urges that I have to make Song Xiong, so I have to go to the big sentence ..."

Zhong Tenghong, "You said that the EDU urgently urged it, what is it to listen to the Song Xiong?"

Dong Zhikun smiled and stopped Zhong Tenghong: "Zhong Tui, this is still good."

Zhong Tenghong's face is sinking: "What does the EDU mean?"

Dong Zhun smiled: "Some things, say everyone is not good, why bother to be difficult?"

Zhong Tenghong Zhengqi: "I am from the white earthquarte and Xu Jun Institute, come to verify the problem of noctus, what is the fear? What is good? Jiang Zhiheng, you only do it, there is no hidden concealment ! "

Dong Kun was cold and said: "That's also, let's talk, the clock is not afraid, there can be people fear!"

Jiang Zhiheng replied: "When Song Xiong was young, he was famous in the green forest in the rivers and lake. The EDU doubt that he has accumulated a lot of private wealth, so he wants to torture the loss of the silver."

Dong Kun heard was a boy, and then he was very angry. He pointed to Jiang Zhiheng: "Hu Yan! I have let you torture Song Xiong 's silver? It is a slandering ..."

Time Teng and Dadao: "Dong Zhikun, you give me a mouth!"

Dong Kun still said, Zhong Tenghong is about to say, and it is time to come up. He re-paid him in the ground, and tied him with sweat towel.

Jiang Zhiheng said: "Do not dare to deceive the duct, the director of greed, no matter if there is no strength, this matter is all known."

A group of people suddenly drilled out in the crowd, but the guests of the guests.

I saw Chen Zhiko to take a book from his arms, the big channel: "Zhongdu tube, Jiang Zhiheng is the truth, I have an iron one here, there is a mountain!"

Zhong Tenghong took the account, while looked down, listening to Chen Zhizhong, he listened to Chen Zhizhong: "Since the 16th year of Jia Jing And Jiangyou County Liu Jiku, collude, high-priced acquisition of Liu Yi three thousand stone, profit six hundred eighty two; with the name of buying and selling, there is a series of excitement of the family, and the profit of one thousand Eight hundred and two; with the inferior sand rush to Jinsha, Ding Zhenwu Palace, fold silver five hundred two; arbitrarily deduct the mountain ginseng, Longtong, etc. 30 pounds ... "

One of a full column is on the book, when, and what person, what have been done, how much profit is profitable, all in detail, clearly can be checked, see Zhong Tenghong brows cry.

Chen Zhizhong said a fragrant, this is all finished, according to the records of the book, Dong Zhijun's total corruption college will not have two hundred!

Zhong Tenghong was originally prepared. He listened at this moment, and he couldn't help but take a breath. He shook his head: "Tie Dong Kun tied, banned the account of all accounts, all sent to Xizhenwu Palace!"

Dong Kun, did not expect that he did not appear on a three-ugly case, but when he was brought to the carriage, he was still unable to think.

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