Taoist Law

Chapter 35

In late June 20th, the Longanfu, Sichuan Province broke out, and Dong Kun was drained by Xiuru Palace. At the same time, there were also a few pros who were close to Qikun, and the close-up business, Master, etc. Total one thirteen.

After the Xi Zhenwu Palace, the recent trial, and finally realized that Dong Zhijun's case involving corruption, the loss, strong buy strong sale, accepting bribes, etc. Dong Kun himself will reach more than 10,000 yuan.

On July 3rd, Dong Kun was born in the Ximang Fangtang County, and the case was transferred to Longanfu to continue to trial, and the case shall be sentenced to three thousand miles, and the relevant personnel have all copied. Half In the truth of the truth, half fill the deficiency in the unpopular hospital.

Jiang Zhiheng was already in the place of his family, but he was received by Zhao Ran to resettle the Junshan, which is from the displacement. This is the condition of Jiang Zhiheng, Zhao Ran's commitment, and take care of Jiang's thirteen.

As for Dong Kun, the thief, the thief, the Mushan, and the Xi Zhenwu palace detailed trial, I have no real, it is set to be a desperate, according to the big mission, the rod is eighty, and the sanner is three years.

Afterwards, I found a lot of releasis, and he had a lot of disquestation, and the children who were born in the family.

"The Lord, the case is true, I want to think about it, I don't think I don't understand."

Jin Long smiled and asked: "Where don't understand?"

"It is clear that Dong Zhikun colluded with three ugly disaster, why is it convicted of crime?"

"Dong Kun has hooked the three ugly, in addition to the Dangdang, there are other people's cards, is there a certificate?"

"This ... I have never had ... But we all know that this matter is true, it's a good interrogation, you will make Dong Kun spit!"

"Guan 2 brother, this matter is not true, you have remembered, this is an oblete,

Whether it is also the Ximu Wusong, Long Jiafu is also good, the result of the audit is to accumulate! "

"How can it be a false?" Guan Er inuts, said: "Jiang Zhiheng said, spent two thousand silver, please hit three ugliness ..."

"There is no evidence! And Jiang Zhiheng did not say this, Guan 2 brother, you must remember, Jiang Zhiheng has never said this sentence!"

"This ..." Guan 2 doubtfully looked at the tangible golden gold, and asked: "How is the three uglies die? Is this not a murder?"

Jin Long smiled: "The three ugliness is a multi-end, there is a hatred home to revenge, this is normal, unrelated to this case!"

It's not awkward, said, "Because I am three ugliness, my Junshan people also died several, this hatred did not report?"

Jin Dynasty asked: "Guan 2 brother, how do you want to revenge?"

Guan Ergua Nail Tao: "The necessary Dong Zhikun, Jiang Zhiheng and then fast!"

Jin Jiu said: "Dong Kun and Jiang Zhiheng have already vollate, and the hatred has already reported."

"Dong Kun is self-sufficient ... and he may be self-sufficient?"

"Self, it is also a kind of death method!"

"In short ... unknown ..."

"This case is very clear, very clear, Feng Tang belongs to the , Dong Zhikun and others did not collide with three ugloes, their case is a grim, it is so simple.

Golden answered the question of Guan 2, but he also had questions: Since only want to punish Dong Zhi and others with the cold, why did you let Feng Tang to go to Xiwu?

Zhao Ran's actual executive of his own Junshan Temple is very valued, thinking about it, or decided to tell him part of the truth.

"The three ugliness is indeed that Dong Kun and Jiang Zhiheng kill, the bottom behind you, you don't ask again. I don't fully understand the truth. The crime of the Cigarette is Dong Zhikun, but if it is not from the incident, Dong Zhikun's greed The disadvantage can be denied, I don't know. "

"I understand, Temple wish this is a crazy snake?"

"Yes, a crime, some people want to protect Dong Kun, there are many hands and feet, we want to set up Dong Kun's sin, you must throw out the three ugly things, and send it to the Tang Dynasty. This is an exchange. So Dong Zhikun is dead, it is better than we think. "

Jin Dynasty Q: "Can you live?"

Zhao Ran knows the answer, but it is not good to say, just shake his head: "I don't know, it depends on the meaning."

Jin Jiu sighed: "It is a bit unfortunately, then a big case ..."

Zhao Rong said: "There is nothing unfortunately, the process of struggle is often accompanied by compromise, as long as the results are in line with our expectations, it is enough."

With the detonation of Dong Kun, the situation in which the unprotice current is currently serious, and the Xizhenwu Palace is specially below, and the unprotive court will neat the duties as soon as possible, and the candidate will be produced from the hospital.

After receiving the brief, the unproficate was immediately convened to convene three ordered nominees for several important papers. To this end, Zhao Ran came back to the unpolaricorn.

The participants of the Three-Done, to the Monitoring House and Three Subsigters, and Tour, Gao Welfare, and Guests, and the former is a decision of decision, and then three deacons can only listen, and accept the insors.

Liu Ziguang rushed to the three Qing Dynasty, and the three were all arrived. Zhudu said the longest, sitting in the middle, Zhao Ran and Yuandu cooking points, next to the knowledge of the knowledge.

Because Zhao Rong is a two-way duty, the three people today have only five people.

Zhao Ran coughed, said: "People are all, let's start to age. You know that the West Louu Palace has a text, several of the unprotive hospitals, there is a need to nominate, report Xi Zhenwu Palace. First of the supervision, is there any suggestions? "

Liu Zhiguang grabbed the first: "Mon the military, I think that the non-Zhao Baodian is a. Zhao Tuo, in these years, in our unprotive hospital, the fireworks are made by the fireworks, when they are, I have been, I have been a square, I wish I wish. At present, there is also a sense of people, both the knowledge, whether it is the experience or talent, is a vision, Zhao Tui is a supervision, and there is no need to serve the nephew. "

Chen Zhihuang is also busy: "Zhao Tuo is prestige, and the Junshan Temple has a well-known well, and after remiting the court, I will have a big throne under the leadership of Zhao Tuo."

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "The two kinds of kindness, I have a heart, but I am indeed a candidate suitable for the regulatory hall."

Liu Ziguang and Chen Zhizhong were shocked: "Where is Zhao Tuo? Mon the hospital, Zhao Tuo is not proper, who can be?"

Zhao Ran sway: "I listen to me. In addition to being a priest, there is an identity. I am the door of Huayun Hall. Do you want to do it, you must often go out, Shocking the triviality, the madness of the trivial matter, the general affairs, will be greatly scattered, I don't have so much time to handle. So I am acting as a supervision, I am not deliberate, but the truth is. "

"This ..." Liu Ziguang and Chen Zhizhong looked at each other, I don't know what to say.

Just listening to Zhao Run: "My opinion, please discuss the discussion of the three books, nominate Liu Zhi Guangguang brother to the public selection of the government, and I don't know what it is?"

Liu Zhi Guang did not dare to believe his ears, and the heart was emerging, and suddenly stayed.

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