Taoist Law

Chapter 36 1

In the ten-party jungle in this world, the supervision government or abbot is directly elected by the Taoist priests of the eight major deacons, and the three are all in the middle of the three, which is equivalent to directly skipping the post, telling the truth, Zhao Ran to this The selection order has never adapted.

Sansu is a respectable position in the door, but there is a native of the old age. This is in Zhaoran, and does not meet his cognitive habits. According to his thoughts, the correct publication should be Jin Sanbu, and then by the Sanbu, the Jin Nu Institute or Fangzhang, as for the three, he believes that this focus should be heavier, but should not be used as The privilege is treated.

But the real situation is like this, he as a small three, at least in powerless changes. However, he has already exchanged this with Bai Tengming, and the white Teng Teng, who is born, is a sure attitude, and Zhao Ran is planning to reform this in the selection next step. Of course, this needs to wait for him to control the nephew to operate, and now I can't talk.

Listen to Zhao Ran proposal, to nominate Liu Zhiguang as a public candidate of the unprofic court, Chen Zhi, did not help but losses the gods, and he is so envious. But he knows that this is the compensation obtained by Liu Qiguang's "stand firm" in these five years, and herself, often swing left and right, Zhao Tuo, his old man does not nominate himself, this is normal.

Chen Zhizhong did not dare to have a dissatisfaction. On the contrary, he can keep the current tour, which is considered to be a thicker report given by him "anyway". Otherwise, in the past two years, don't say it, Zhu Yucheng will not let him talk to Yuandu kitchen.

Liu Zhiguo retired for a moment, immediately wording, but Zhao Ran's attitude and tone were very firm, which made him uneasy, and gradually believed in Zhao Ran's sincerity.

What is Zhao Tui wants to do? Don't you want to be a law?

Liu Zeguang just turned to this thought, listening to Chen Zhi Zhong Shangpian: "Since you don't want to do supervision, please, please, please, you will have a difficult situation, and I know these trivial affairs in the hospital. Qing Dynasty, but if there is no tube, we have no main bones, such as night road swings, homeless ... "

Liu Ziguang heard that he couldn't help but heshave it, but he also admired his face from his heart, and admired his face. At the moment: "Please also consulate it for me."

Zhao Ran has been carefully considered,

The Supervision is too eye-catching, with his age, with his monk, no matter which one, public push is a more abrupt, especially the monk, will give many people to do. Of course, if he has an old man who can give him the waist behind him, this problem does not exist, but unfortunately he didn't.

Relatively speaking, the importance of the abstament is much lower, it is easier to accept the world, after all, no matter the daily affairs, you can continue to rub the edge. Low-key, don't make a supervision, you can do a backfinder, level, other or something?

So Zhao Ruyu Hikao: "This ... is not appropriate ..."

Liu Zuoguang and Chen Zhizhong only had the power of recommending the statement in the Third, the truly clapper made a decision, it is three, Zhao Ran's embarrassment to say "that is so fixed", so I still have to watch Zhu Cheng and Yuandu kitchen.

Zhu Yuc took the legs, said: "It's so fixed, Zhao Tui is not any abbot, however, can't say."

Yuandu Kitchen Road: "Then I report to Xi Zhenwu Palace, Zhao Tuo, the prisoner of the Hiriyu, Liu Gao Gong, said,"

This nomination list quickly reported to the Ximuwu Palace, although this is Zhao Ran soon with the tacit understanding of Bai Teng, but he is still a bit. It's so young, less than 28 years old, I will go to the place of the quarter of a county. It is the monk in the library. Although the taking the war is not a supervision, it is still too special, and I don't know all kinds of efforts before. And exchange can not play, white Teng Teng can have such a large ability to grasp the high level of the West Louu Palace.

It turns out that Bai Tengming did it. Three days later, Xi Zhenwu Palace Sanbu confirmed that officially prepared to hold public push ceremony. At the same time, the Xi Zhenwu Palace will drive to the EQ, personally serve as the monitoring staff of the unprofessional court.

Zhao Ran is really a breather.

On July 22, Zhao Ran led the eight major executives of the Academy of Extremely, and the proceeds to pick up the official pavilion. Kong County, Yueyang County, Zunzi with the main book, and ten people in the county and counties.

A lively is very lively.

Kong County respected long-awaited: "Zhao Temple Zhu Rong Square, the county is not very happy, in the future, you must call you Zhao Square, huh, huh."

Zhao Renxiaoxiaoxiaoxiao said: "Not public, do it."

Kong County Zun said: "Where is the words, but it's all."

Zhao Ran said that your old man did not see the public pushes of Ye Xueguan, even if it was a full floor, I am afraid it is really true, and I have a little tiger.

The new Yugang County main book Mngtoti has also come together: "I heard the prestigious name of Zhao Xianshi, just have never been a meeting, today I have seen it, when I am so lucky!"

One county main book palm in the county grain tax and household registration, in the next Guanyang New Deal, which is about to start, this Meng's main book will be an important assistant, so Zhao Ran is also a gift. Congratulations: "The poor pass has seen Meng's main book, and they can't say it. If there is a pain in the main book, it is possible to return to the spring. Haha."

The distance between the two is close, and the Meng main book laughed: "There is a fairy to watch, I can have a low pillow."

Zhao Ran also saw Jinxian, who was behind Meng's main book. This can be said to be a hard friend, and there is no polite between the two. Jinsheng Yu will "please" asked the small voice. : "Zhao Dao Chang, my Zhao Fang, Congratulations to you high. You still don't care about my kid?"

Zhao Rong said: "The Junshan Temple wishes me to resign, but this paid you also know that it is necessary to hang the no-pointer, belonging to three, the qualifications of Jinshi brothers is too light, and it is impossible to be a temple now. My The idea is that he will continue to host the Dunshan Temple in the Lord's identity. After a while, the unprotive people's knowledge, and this qualifications will be turned to the Junshan Temple. "

Jinxian listened, arched his hand: "Somet, I will thank Zhao Fangzhang as a boy for my family."

Talking about it, when the afternoon, there is a fast horse flying report, saying that the car driver of the white earth has arrived outside the three miles.

So everyone quickly gotten the crown, 6 to come to the official road, and since naturally, it is waiting in accordance with the official level.

Zhao Ran is in the first position, and his back is Liu Zhiguang, Zhu Cheng, and Yuandu. The right side and him are also Kong County respect, but the Personnel of Kongxian is half-step, and the officials in the officials are semi-step.

Zhao Ran returned to the team behind him, along with the Daomen square inspection, the county scorpion three classes, the rich business, totaling hundreds of people, a silent, seeing his eyes and sweeping, and respectfully bowed . In an instant, Zhao Ran couldn't help but sigh.

When I had a little bit of a small farm, I even had a little forced by a family member of the fireworks in the family, and she had to leave the country. I thought about the eight years later, I have already standing in the highest position in Yueyang County, which became the final ruling of the county's nine more than 90,000 people, and even one county county had to bow down.

This is the change brought about by your efforts, thinking of this, Zhao Ran felt proud.

When you don't have much, you will see the dust in the official road. A train is coming from afar. After staying nearby, Zhao Ran holds boxing, the top two steps, high-end: "No nephew Taoist bureaucrats, etc., welcome the white party! "

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