Taoist Law

Chapter 39

Zhao Ran talks about the laminar, not the meritorious name of the script, but is the most practical Jami Kee, and is the most commonly used town homes. It can be such a minimum storytelling, but because he is pushing the law, suddenly it is extremely high, and it shocked the county bureaucrat, the rich, and won the whole courtyard. Watching, calculating the gun.

The reason why it is showing such a hand, its purpose is to establish a precious basis for the successful implementation of the successful implementation of their own governance.

However, after he revealed such a hand, Liu Zeguang's second day, the second day of supervision, the successor, the successor, and a slight embarrassment. Liu Ziguang was highly tongue, and the learning of the murderer did not say, but because there is no immortal empirical, everyone feels that dry Barba is looking forward to when I listen again.

After holding Zhao Ran, the task of Bai Tengming is completed, Zhao Ran personally sent him to the edge of Yueyang County and put wine.

Bai Tengming said: "I have been in the Ten party jungle for forty years. I have seen some hormails. I have never seen some people who have never seen some people 's actoration. So Over the past, it was sometimes thought that many of the Jami Kaiyi did not think that this time he had witnessed the fairy-seeking means. I learned that I can't see the best in the past, I originally a meeting. As, it is really not a virtual. "

Zhao Ran said: "Since your old man likes, have the opportunity to play some tricks, give you the old man."

Bai Teng said: "It's really envious of you, you can enter the pavilion, this kind of machine, don't you really send it? I often look at the way, sometimes I see those fairy, the fairy means, so there is a good life, I can't Among them, it is also good to see. "

Listening to Bai Tengming, I almost tweehed, Zhao Ran thought about it, how to forget this, so I tried it: "If you really want to see the practice, you have a chance."

Bai Tengming eyes bright, busy asking: "What opportunities?"

Zhao Rong: "Our Huayun Pavilion has a Du Chang,

It is the future generation of ancient times, and I have mentioned it in the past few days. I have to build a treasure of the relics of reservoirs in Huayun Mountain. If you want to go, I can invite you to see it. Look. "

"Fax Tianshi, the man? Collectibles?"

"Yes. After the fax Tianshi flew, it was divided into two, and a practice is the cave. Now in Zhejiang, the other is left in our Sichuan Province, inheriting is the supernatant, and The eighteenth genre of the pool. The Du Zi Teng is always the refining teacher. I heard that it is about to be successful. He hosted the new fax Tianshu Tangcang to hide the niche, such as Fax Tianshi, Ge Fairy to have a picture, eat more, and the fax teacher has used the written gift. Are you always a good gift? In a few days, I will take you old visit. I will see the old, how? Look at Huayun Mountain, stay in the sky, live in a few days, breathing the aura in the breath, taste the wine and clear tea, the body of the body is also a benefit. "

Bai Tengming is very heart, sinking, biting his teeth: "The empty hand is not suitable. When did you give me a fairy in my dream? That is a fax teacher. Since Du Jiacheng has a fax teacher , I am simply dedicated, and I also owe the original owner! "

Zhao Ran hurts: "You are really the amount of gas, I am from Du Chang, thank you, this way, when you see when, let's fix the time?"

Bai Teng Ming thought, said: "Is it better to take the fifteen year old grandchildren in my family? I don't know if it is right?"

Zhao Ran is a head: "This is certainly no problem."

After sending it to Bai Teng, Zhao Ran arrived in the Academy, and Liu Zhiguo will come.

"Today, you are already the helm of the nephew, need to consider the overall situation, now many duty in the hospital, one is not conducive to the condense, the inspiring, the second, the second, the second step, Let's talk about it first. "

Liu Zuoguang has already calculated that when he said: "There is a lot of people in the middle of the hospital, the people, the high work, the master, the account, welcome, my suggestion is that the horse letters have been five years, whether it can rise Gear? "

Zhao Ran point: "Can."

Liu Zhiguang also said: "Fang Zhi and Ren Hall for five years, can it be upgraded?"

Zhao Ran continued to nod: "Can."

"Mo Zuxing is five years in the warehouse. He originally made a three-year head in Sangtang. It is more familiar with the panel of business. Is it still let him face, to promote the square?"

"Other, Taoist Taoji Mountain, who is inspected by the Junshan Temple, touched the Employed Square, Ren Tang."

"Yes! Najun Mountain Temple"

"The Junshan Temple, said with the Jinshi brother, let Lu Jin are responsible for inspections, and give Song Xiong, turn to the sorrow, assist Lu Jin inspected Junshan."

After years of practice, Zhao Ran is more and more recognizes the importance of the square. As the force of the court, this team must firmly grasp in his own hand. Mo Zuxing twice has been moved by Zhao Ranhui, but it can be a person, but after all, it is better to use it to use it. It is a pity that the second is only a minimum, one, one, one, etc. The Hall of the Sangtang reluctantly said that the squares of the eight major deacons were directly granted.

"Yes." Liu Zhiguo promised, and asked: "What should I do with the account and welcome?"

The candidate, high-spirited and the protocol, in fact, Liu Zhiguo is a suggestion mentioned by Zhao Ran's intention. It is said that it is Zhao Ran's meaning. So the next book and welcome these two oil and water rich deacons, Zhao Ran gave Liu Zhiguang, I really want to take it in my own hand, it is easy to let Liu Zeguang have to contradict the psychology, which is not conducive to "team" unity, But what should be hit still to be hit.

"You look at it, but there is one, you can't make another big mistake of Dong Kun."

Liu Zhiguang really had a good mood, nodded.

About the duty, Zhao Ran is not intended to take it out, the unprotive court will also serve as the Temple of the Junshan Temple, the location is very important, in the case of no suitable candidates, you can only take you, Leave a look at the wall of the wall.

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