Taoist Law

Chapter 40 View the root bone

Gully talked about the personnel framework of the eight major actors of the Ease, Zhao Ran again thought of Longshan Temple and Junshan Temple.

About Longshan Temple Zhu Zhangze, Zhao Ran yet now, I haven't thought about how to dispose. This person follows Dong Zhikun for many years, according to the reason, it should be decisive, but he will fight against the arm, save Song Xiong, the work is not small, if you want to punish him, you will encounter things in the future, and who will follow ?

In addition, there is a very important reason. In this case, Zhang Ze actually didn't take a silver, and it was a big mistake.

Zhao Ran is also very admired to this, it is a savvy! Therefore, his treatment of Zhang Ze is temporarily moving, and it will be followed.

In his own class in the Junshan Temple, Zhao Ran did not evenly made it, and the next step in Jin Dynasty should be returned to the Houdom, first over the tour, and then return to Junshan to see the temple; Lin Yuwen over, two After the year, I can promote the temple of the Junshan Temple in the same place; after the Lu Jin and Song Xiong, even there is Zhong Shanlang, Qu Feng and Zhou Huai and others.

These old classes are very familiar with Zhao Ran's policies and ideas, and can help him firmly hold the Junshan area and provide him with a continuous source of strength. Zhao Ran even had an idea, built the Junshan, a "training base", in the future, the Taoist Taoist Jiefang Justus, first to do it for more than a year or two, and adapt to the "Junshan Dramatics", in order to call back Acceptful housing promotion.

Of course, these are later, Zhao Ran asked Liu Zhiguang to convene three progenitors as soon as possible, identify the latest paralbolic framework, and then put the latest governance as soon as possible.

In the first year, the Junshan experience will be promoted to the new expansion of the Junshan Temple, covering more than 40,000 people. The second year, on this basis, further implementing the county, and the whole county is more than 90,000 people will become Zhaoran's Gong Deli source.

When Liu Zhikuang was re-built and combed, Zhao Ran did one thing in his own party: his latest county court abstament was appointed to "absorne".

As expected, Zhao Ran successfully got the third chapter of the congenital merits, condensed Jin Dan, and the Master's skills!

When the third chapter, when Zhao Ran quickly touched, at least he didn't have to wait until last year, the waste was waiting for three months.

Zhao Ran's recent practice has been slow growth, and the increase in merits is also in the accumulation of one bit. After all, it is necessary to promote "Junshan Experience" in the county, not a thing, it takes time to implement. Zhao Ran initially judged that he will practice three years in Huangshou!

In addition to promoting Junshan experience, he will also build the pharmaceutical workshop as soon as possible, which will be a high-end project for him to absorb a lot of merits.

Two brothers in Huayun Mountain sent a fly than that. In these three months, Yu Shi brothers sent a total of 18th flying characters to Zhao Ran, an average of five days, but also compared to restraint, of course, this is also because Zhao Ran has been controlling the rhythm, otherwise it may not stop so much.

Zhao Ran's rhythm is very simple. Whenever she receives the flying character of the brother, as long as there is nothing to be tight, he will respond to a three or five days. If there is no way, the content of the flying character is too water, absolutely Most of them are small things that have some chicken figuries. For example, he eats two bowls today. For example, Master Jiang Tenghe to Jiange has turned a circle. If you ask Zhao Ran, have you encountered any fun.

In the 18th, only two are slightly meaningful. A seal is that the rain in May, I asked the Valley, staying after ten days later.

The second seal is June, Du Zi Teng's long old has built the fax Tianshi, but also invited the Spirit of the Lingjian to go to the ceremony, Yu Zhichuan said that it is very prosperous, Huayun Mountain is not so busy.

Today, it is the nineteenth seal of Yu Zhichuan, and the third seal is more valuable, the flying comparative, and he has successfully bred Jin Dan, and now it has become a mage.

The Lingjian Pavilion has a lot of Jin Dan Master, Zhao Ran is very happy,

Three days later, Bai Tengming came to the unpizolate, and he brought his own grandchildren.

Bai Yu's sixteen, long Xiang Junmei, it seems that the text is weak, see Zhao Rong, very reasonable to Zhao Ran: "I have seen Zhao Xiancheng."

Zhao Ran nodded and said: "A good master! Can you say your pro?"

Bai Teng sighed: "It was originally said that this child is in the heart, resolutely disagree, and later invited the Taoist Taoist Taoist Walking Walking Hall of Huayuan, and then said that there is no root Bone ... But this child still doesn't die, this is not going to Huayun Mountain, I want to take him to see, but I have a wish. "

Zhao Ran said that it is no wonder that she will take the fairy feeling, and they must be white. So the master of Master Brother Wei Zhenzhen is active, with a budding of manifestation, and goes to find out the inside and outside of the white feather.

Dow doors have a detailed description of qualifications and root bones. By seeing the amount of the meridians and the human body can be judged, this is the inner phase; through the viewing of the bone growth, the appearance of the appearance is to determine the essence of the root bone, this For the outer phase.

Bai Yu's body surrounded by pearlescent, flowing lottery, and meridians are also straight. This is a qualified appearance, but the longitude of bones and appearances is not in good, this is the root bone.

This is also Zhao Ran who has been in the Huang Crown. The first time I gave it the qualifications and root bones, curiosity, left aiming right, looking down, even pulling white feathers, touching him with bones This is still unfinished, nodded: "Sure enough, it is rare."

Bai Tengming said: "Three years ago, I used to ask Xuanyuan to a piece of bone Dan, but I have been looking for a fairy, helping to open the rewarding party, so this delay is now."

I don't expect it, Zhao Ran understands what he meant, the renovate altar requires the monk of the refining troops, and it is necessary to consume a lot of resources. Bai Tengming may find a way to get the bone Dan, but want to find the participation in the newly-gate discrete. The chamber, that is not so easy. So this time Bai Teng Ming put the grandchildren, I am afraid it is for the sake of orthodynum.

This matter is very difficult, but now it is not a big thing, so he is a big party: "You are old, this incident is in me!"

After finishing, I want to practice the handkerchief, say: "White bodies come over, I will look at it again." Reaching out, pinching white feathers, nose and ears.

Bai Yu was chaotic by him, and then retired. After retreating two steps to Bai Teng, Bai Teng said: "The child recognizes, don't blame." Turned to the white feather: "Your child, Zhao Xian teacher helps you see if it is practiced. Material, hiding? "

Bai Yu whispered: "Tai Gong, he is strange ... last time Zhuo Xiancian is not as he looks like him."

Zhao Ruimin was embarrassed, haha ​​hit it.

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