Taoist Law

Chapter 60 is almost

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Zhao Ran took the purple temple, he received the goodwill of the two big monks, one is Xu Yunyi, called him "forgot the annual disciple", the other is Yang Zhen, praise his "good material", and suddenly other people Feel some difficult, I don't know how to ask for a moment.

Yang Zhen people are also over, the Kun Dao in this real man is known for love, the most happy to dial, and she is not difficult to understand the Tianshi of Zhaoran.

Only this time is a headache. This person is a heavyweight person in the real master. I didn't touch him when I had a matter of business, but I could see it at this moment. I can't see it. In the 10-party jungle, it has been transformed into a for individuals, and it is a person who is not a matter. If it is, it is a bit not tasted.

The mutually workers are hesitant, and they listened to Wusheng Zhong smiled: "It is the case of taking you today, it is about the ten-party jungle grass, saying that it is not letting the monk into the ten-party jungle as a road. Things do not Divided, since this decree is from you, please come over and say. You don't have to fear, what is said, no one will be white, no one dares to do this! "

Wuyang Zhong is extremely biased, and it is even more cold in the temple. This is really no one. Even Chen Shan Road and Guo Hong have two people, and the small-eyed scene of this Huangshou. What is this kid to the end, why is Wenyang Zhong and Xu Yunxi to support it? When it is a tangible thinking, go back, you have to check it carefully.

Others don't speak, then there is only Zhang Yunyi.

"Zhao Ziran, the ten-party jungle grass, you know?"

"Back to Da Tian, ​​the trail heard."

"This ordered order is the main view of the Zuo Hall, the main view of the hospital, which is said, and the reason why the draft monette is from you." So Zhang Yunyi will simply repeat the three issues that have just been cited Once, ask: "To this, why do you say?"

Zhao Ran looked at the scenery next to the scene, sighed, on the first step, to him: "See the Lord of the Temple."

The scenery snorted and twisted the head.

Zhao Ran helpless, turned to Zhang Yunyi, said: "This matter is from me, no matter whether it is wrong, Zhao Ziran will be willing to get crime."

Zhang Yunyi frowed: "What is this?"

Zhao Rong said: "Say, argue that this is the right thing. I have never been tight. I am different from the people. If you want to know the heart, you need to do things. If you really do practical things, do something well, for the people to break The situation is smooth, and the cultivation is round. Say, the admission Yang Zhen said that I was in the roots of the roots. My practice was indeed related, but in fact, more than I was in the Kuang County. The so-called avenue, I choose First, my teacher said that everyone has everyone's way, and I think this is my way. "

Yang Zhen people took a sentence: "It is also a place."

Zhao Run: "The only thing I was practiced because of my practice, I tried to trigger the mustard of the ten-party jungle Taoist friends. I want to break the monk of the monks in the ten-party jungle. One, I am Zhao Ziran Not sin? In the future, there is a general, you must have to work in the ten-way jungle. It is not white and broken. Therefore, there is any penalty, I am willing to bear, only Big Tianshi, big real person, seeking a predecessor, must not pass this order, it is really a big road! "

Wuliangko asked: "How did you have a criminal hall?"

Zhao Ran is susceptible to: "This ... is a little private grievance, it is matters that the Lord's misunderstandings, the small road doesn't know what to say ..."

Scenery, the scene, I can't help but drink: "Zhao Ziran, you have to remember where it is! What is private grunge? What is wrong? Don't hear! You also dare to believe in the real teacher, what else is you daren Where do you have a monk? It's just rogue! "

Zhao Ran let him drink,

The scenery did not come to the heart, but I couldn't help but shed it. Dark road Zhao Ziranoo really a person, can be succumbed, today I see the situation is not good, I am going to put down the body to ask me, I will have to be willing, it will not be capacity I! No, today I have to take him out of ten party jungle!

So cold, said, "Where is this, I can't afford! I am in the public, this ordered is not a poor pass, but the bride view of the eight major deacons. Their hearts. "

Zhao Ranqi pleading: "The Lord of Jinghe, ask you to withdraw your order, I Zhao Ziran gave you a squat, I can't make it?" Said, the work will be kneel down.

At the scene, there was two steps to flash to the side, cold and cold: "I am a small custom, when I am not worshiping this big monk!" This sentence consists of more than a year, see Zhao Ran to himself. I have admitted that the clothes are soft, and my heart is extraordinary, I finally can't help but hurt. It can be happy, I have been there. I just said that I will react to the occasion. If you can say it, if you splash, you will get back, and you will come out.

Zhao Ran chased him with him before, and it is desired to worship: "The Lord of Jinghe, in any case, give the small road!"

The scenery is finally awake Zhao Ran wants to do anything, it is shocked and angry, drink it: "Stiring! Dare is so!"

As the scene, the "big monk" present, and some people can't see it. Mr. Sima Tiansheng said: "Zhao Ziran, there is something to say, what is the low three finishes!" The finger waves, Zhao Stranon feels strong barrier, and if you can't go down, I haven't planned it. True.

Sima Tiansheng angered: "Zhao Ziran, look at you, and there is half a monk's appearance! Do you practice the dog?"

He just saw Zhao Ran, as soon as he couldn't give birth to a river, it was almost the point of kneeling, but the custom is still not ignorant, even drinking to drink, simply put a Sima Tian The teacher is bad, so that the mouth is not asked, saying the sentence mixed. Just finished, I was awake, I took a clear curse, secretly: anger! Anger!

Zhao Ran said to Sima Tianshi: "Yes, it is not mine."

Sima Tianshi angry, he didn't fight, said: "What private is grievance, let's clear, Wu Tianshi asked you, don't you ask you a few times?"

So Zhao Rong: "Say, or I am not. Six years ago, I didn't get into the Qi Qi, I didn't get into the Qi Qi, and I didn't get into the people. I saw that the young man was in the people. I didn't know how many farmers had broken. Inuspected, with the Song Taoist Institute, Kongxian Order, planned to reform the Qingming Money System. This matter has been supported by Zhang Yunzhao, Xi Zhenwu Palace Tour, which is also in the care of Zhang Ming, and the reform of Qingmine. It has been unprecedented success in Yanyang County. But it is precisely because of this, the Zhang Jun Institute is died, and the murderer has not yet been found. "

Sima Tianshi asked: "What is the so-called grievance of this matter with you and the scenery?"

Zhao Ran shook his head and wroudded: "Zhang Ji is the Lord of the Temple, the entire Sichuan Province knows that Jing Hall is looking at Zhang Cuiso, such as Father. Since then, Jing Hall is like a hatred ..."

The real men in the field looked at each other, Sima Tianshi said: "What is this, what do you have?"

Zhao Ran sighs: "The Lord of the Temple believes that Zhang Yunzhao's death is because of me, so I am a funeral. Last year, Ye Xuezhi, I will apologize to the main claimth to the Song Dynasty. The Dai Hui Festival will come out. On the banquet, the Lord of Jing Demo agreed to pursue my responsibility, but I have to go back to Huayun Mountain, which is not allowed to be in the ten-way jungle ... "

{Old Tie, please remember the new eight one Chinese network}

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