Taoist Law

Chapter 61

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Sir listening to the scenery of the Mohook, "shameless!" When everyone looked, they saw that the scenery was pale, and the lips did not stop: "Shameless! It's all shameless ... Zhang Jun, things, also Are you talking about? "

Zhao Ran quickly gave birth to the scenery: "The Lord of the Temple said that Zhao Ziran is shameless, mean, in general, the mainstay of the Jing Demo is not easy, but also hope that the Lord of Jingthen is the lake ..."

Wuyang Zhong Tianshi cold face asked the scenery: "The Lord of the Jing Dynasty, the great prestigious! It's a big suffocation!"

Jingkou: "This Tianshi ..."

Wu Tianshi broke: "My surname is Wu, of course, Jing Demo owner can not remember."

"Wu Tianshi, the disconnection can not be credible!"

"Zhao Ziran said, is there such a thing?"

On the day, Yufu Liu Jun Institute did the East, put down the wine banquet, but was rejected by the scenery, Zhao Ran said this, just find a partner to come out, the scenery can not deny, only Road: "If there is, it is not the idea of ​​this ordered."

Wu Tianshi will not be cool about this ordered question: "What is the order you mean? What is the meaning? The monk is disturbed by the customs, can't take care of the time. The monk does not have time, there is no energy to customize Do you know how to practice? Do you know what is going on? "

At this point, the scenery of the scenery is riped to the green gluten, and it will make himself without any sound.

Wu Tianshi brugged: "I said you don't understand practice, you still don't accept it?"

"Don't dare!"

"There is no time and energy to dispose of the customs, will not be disturbed by the customs, can not be worried about meditation, this is the matter of the monks, use you to finger the hand painting? According to me, you can't forget the Zhang Mark Institute Yes? What is an angry? Are you not an angry? "

Again mention Zhang Yunzhao, the scenery, the scene, I can't help but I can't help it, and I am sad and angry: "If this Zhao Ziran is confused Zhang Jun Institute, how can the Zhang Jun Institute? In order to have a private country, Dao Gate is high in innocent, Zhao Zengran is a hundred deaths! "

Wuyang Bell is cold and cold. "Sure enough, this is your intention to draft a delegation?"

Guo Hong can't see it, frown: "Wu Tianshi is still waiting, this Zhao is so good, but it is also asking for mercy, even to kneel, and it is true, this is really fraud?"

Chen Shan Road helped nod to nod: "slightly exaggerated."

Zhao Ran sighed, respectfully, respectfully: "Two real men please, it is really a temporary, lost in the hall, and I will see the two real men."

Guo Hong Jing cold road: "What is this panic? Just now Sima Tianshi is good, the words are not rough, you practice for a few years, when you really repair your dog? Which monks look like? This decree is not as solely that you are so unbearable, or to practice the same channels for me. How come it is in your mouth, say it will become a road to practice the road? Just hinder! "

Zhao Ruen: "So, how is it going to take the same consideration for me? The trail is agreed."

Guo Hong Economic said: "This order is simple, nothing more than three contents, just Wu Tianshi has already said two two." Said, put the order in his hand to Zhaoran, said: " You can take a closer look. Which one is not taken for the monk monk? Even if you practice your practice, it is not a discussion, what else is it? "

Zhao Ran took the text, opened a look, then Kondow: "Bo, it is eight, how only three? Reality does not know, the passage is flustered, it is because this decree is deep, fine I thought, I have to give up to the scenery of the temple. "

Guo Hong was ignorant, and he did not dare to say to Zhao Ran's words. He asked Chen Shan Road with a secretory, and Chen Shan Road did not know, so he hesitated.

He didn't dare to ask, but some people in the temple will ask, Yang Zhen people took the words: "What do you mean by you?"

Zhao Rong said: "Everyone is afraid that the scenery of the Jing Demo is not three, but it is not three, but eight! Guests have a guest Zuo Zi Yu Yunzhen, the Temple, Zuojian, Pan Yunxiang, will send it to the eight major deacons Since the view, at the time, the road was inexplicably recruited to Lushan, and it was a month, so it was known.

Yang Zhen is frown: "Take you a month?"

Zhao Ran nicely did not speak, Yang Zhen people asked: "What is the crime? What did you say, what Du Fangxia is unable to push? Do you not say that there is no real certificate? How did you still have a month?"

Zhao Rong said: "After checking it for a month, it will be a month."

Yang Zhen people don't talk, the color of anger on my face is extremely obvious.

Jingci said: "Have a good living in Yunshuang Hall, how to say it for a month?"

Zhao Ran is busy: "Yes, it is indeed a small voice. It is not a month. It is just not letting go. Don't let the guests, write a reflection of the materials every day. Thank you for your predecessors. In fact, it is still not awkward. Things, the trail can understand ... "

"You ..." The scenery was gone, and the opening wanted to refute.

Yang Zhen people turned his face to show a sentence: "You shut up!" The face is going to ask for details. Just finished the clear curse Musa Tianshi can't help but feel: "Zhao Ziran, what eight of you said?"

Zhao Rao said: "Three of the present order are on it, and there are five other words. The monks enter the ten-party jungle as a passion, and will collapse due to the act of acting as a criterion; because the monk is super, it is easy to say And no one dares to refute; the monks are not customary, no people's livelihood, the decision-making is easy to deviate; the monk will have the risk of greedy and practice resources as the risk; the monk has been evil for private, no one can restrict ... "

Zhao Ran, one exam, and suddenly made a shock in the temple, along with Guo Hong, Chen Shan Road, all stare at the scenery, only the person who drafted the draft ordered.

Sima Tianshi black face, ask the scene to pick up: "Is it true?"

The scenery bite his lips.

Sima Tianshi asked Zhang Yangming and Shen Yunjing: "Zhang Cheng, Shen Step, this is true?"

Zhang Yangming and Shen Yunjing did not dare to answer.

Sima Tianshi confirmed this, looked at the scenery: "Dare to ask the temple of the temple, how do my gallop exercise sin, actually, is so crime? This is the original meaning of your scenery drafted? Even Because Zhang Yunzhao's thing is angry with Zhao Ziran, what is the monk of the godhouse? Why is it so bad? "

{Old Tie, please remember the new eight one Chinese network}

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