Taoist Law

Chapter 102

Listening to the Oriental Gifts, Zhao Ran knows that the other party's meaning, Shen Yao, repeatedly pondering, then said: "Thank you Wu Tianshi hangs, Thank you for your long support, this incident, let me see it, body In Sanqing Pavilion, if you are in the home. "

Orientalism watched: "Know it."

Zhao Rong continued: "Is there any crazy scene, I am afraid I have to think about it carefully, and if the ceremony is good?"

Oriental Rate: "Also, you think about it again, but don't consider too long, it is best to give me a long time in the past few days. Sanqing Court has a lot of big things, and it is not worth it."

Zhao Ran nodded and said, then, the Oriental grants disappeared before the Jade Hall.

Zhao Ran came back, and chatted with Cai Yun Shen's Master, he saw that he left himself outside the crowd, and I didn't know how long he waited for a long time, so Zhao Ran quickly got a sin, coming over and met.

"In the brother, congratulate you to break into the jade last year, my brother, I am too busy this year. I don't have time to go to the jade Emperor Gong to Hi Xi, I also hope that teacher brothers, haha."

I laughed very unnaturally, then said: "Borrowing steps."

Zhao Ran followed by the long-distance corner, waiting for the description of the distance, but still did not speak for a long time.

Zhao Ran smiled: "What happened to this, what happened to you, what else is there?"

Yu Zhiyuan sighed, said: "Zhao Shi, my origin, what do you want to say?"

Zhao Ruarded: "I have heard a few words, but I don't really cut, just knowing the brother is Guizhou Sinan Human Handshan Chongde House in the clan?"

Yu Yuan's head: "Yes, now the Chongde House is old, it is my uncle."

Zhao Ran asked: "Since the brothers are in the bones, why don't you return Chongde? After all, it is your own home temple, and it is also better to take it on the road."

Yu Zhi Road: "Although I am a child, I have a balance, but I have no roots. In fact, this is also normal, I can go to the threshold for this generation, but also the nine nine A. Actually, I have a good thing, at least a few quotes ... I have to give me a bone in the same year, but my mother is afraid that I am dying, so I didn't answer, I sent me to the Fufu in the house. I am there and have the scenery of the scene. "

"Jingcheng?" Zhao Ran gradually understands, probably knowing what I want to say.

"Yes, it is the scenery. Jing Qi didn't have so much trouble, unresolved, he is very strong, what is very serious, very persistent. In fact, he is better than me, he even There is no semi-quota, but he has never been concerned about this, maybe it is regrettable, but he has never mentioned. "

Zhao Ran shed, nor to fight, he heard that Zhiyuan suddenly, said: "Later, we grew up, and got into the door, but I also held a hint, I have heard that there is no nephew. In the Tiangui, I went to the Hiqi Hospital ... of course, in fact, there is no machine ... Later, you also know, I finally got into practice, but I didn't want to go back to Chongde Hall, my mother ... I don't have me. I like Chongde Hall, so I will pay it under the teacher's door ... "

Zhao Rei's head: "It's still a brother, I invited the Employed Hospital, and I have no brothers, if there is no brother, I am afraid that there is no such ai to have it. Now you are in the gallery, and it is struggling in the future. Say other luxury, haha, fight for a longer! "

Yu Yuan quietly looked a few times, waiting Zhao Ran not laughing again, and said: "I know the teacher unwilling to mention the scene, I can understand the brother's idea. The scenery does not help the brother, Many things he did ... I have heard that the brother's practice is very deep, and it is correct. "

Zhao Ran sighed and looked at the distance and said: "Yu Dynasty, the scenery for me three consecutive times, I almost broken the road of my brother."

Yu Zhi Road: "I know,

Said, I will kneel down from the distance, Zhao Ran is shocked, and even the bus is busy. Yuyuan is a noble person in Zhao Ran, and how can he have more gratings, how can the benefactor?

Zhao Ran is now a yellow crown, Yu Zhiyuan is just a jade, he does not let the left, what is the distance?

"Zhao Shi, the fool, I ask you this time. This time I started from you, I also heard that you can say something in Sanqing Pavilion. Can you ask the brother to be a lot, ask for love to Sanqing Court, Rao This is the seven? "

"In the brothers, the scenery involved in the task of confidentiality, this is afraid of hard ..."

"I also know some, but we will tell the heart, how can Jingzhou may be a Buddha's demonstration? There is no possible! He is unhealthy. He regards Zhang Yunzhao's father and Zhang Yunzhao, he dyed the magic. You can see if you talk to Sanqing Pavilion, just say that he is crazy, let him go home to prevent disease, uu reading www.uukanshu.com no longer step into ten-way jungle half a step ... "

Zhiyuan, I'm going to be red, almost tween, Zhao Ran is not good again, busy: "Yu Shi, I promise you to say to the three Qingge, try to save a savior, line ? "

I nod to the distance: "Thank you Zhao Shi, Zhao Zhao, is a lot. There is an amount of tolerance, he still doesn't believe it, misunderstanding Zhao Shi. Today's brothers come to seek love, Jingqi is afraid of being shy! "

Zhao Ran touched his nose and smiled: "He is still in the mall."

Zhiyuan sigh: "When he came out, he knew who saved him, I would like to understand."

Zhao Ran thought, said: "I can talk about it, but I don't necessarily guarantee that he is well-lost, the brother also knows, this is not what I can do. But if it is useful, the scenery must promise I have a condition. "

"The brother said, don't say one, ten conditions, I have a lot of life."

"He must guarantee that it will always withdraw from the ten-party jungle, and you must not be out of the family.

"I will answer him!"

"That's good, wait for me to go back to Lushan, the help of the scenery will give a good time."

Yu Yuan hesitated: "I listen to my teacher, the ceremony is the church of the Sanqingge Xi Tang, the teacher said to the courtesy," "

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