Taoist Law

Chapter 103 reaching

Listed to Zhaofu, I asked: "Do you know that the courtesy is the church of the church?"

Yu Yuan nodded: "There is no secret in this matter. He is returned from the sake of Xixia. It is reused by the Sanqing Pavilion. Xi Tang is also located in my Yu Huangge, and the ceremony is now a high-revorating. He is not a Xitang, which is afraid that anyone else can you hold it? "

Zhao Rong said: "This is reasonable, then we will go to see the emperor now."

Zhao Ran and Yu Yuan two, and under the fifth peak of the mixed yuan, Zhao Ran hit a flyfaction, and recently received the reply from Oriental Gift, so he arrived in the distance: "This place is very good. I have been waiting for my news outside. "

Yuyuan promised, waiting for the shore, witnessed Zhaoran on a small boat, returning to Yuxi, soon disappearing at the corner of the mountain.

Zhao Ran on the Changting, met the Oriental Gifts, so he said: "Snifle brother, your Xi Tang is sitting very stable. How did you not see the brother? Haven't he still come back?"

Orientalism gives Zhao Ran, a fish: "Fishing together? Sit steadily, what does it mean? You respect the brother to travel in the sky, saying that it is not easy to return to the mountain, this time does not participate in the Double repair of Chu and Qiku The ceremony. "

Zhao Rong said: "It turns out ... What, the fish, I will not catch, just tell you something. You Ren Xitang's main thing, many people know? Is it really good?"

The Oriental Gong smiled: "Nothing is so strange. In this position, I want to keep it secretly. Such as Buddha Gate Jinzi Tang, a few people are very famous, we are the same one, but you are you. These people are really listed within the confidentiality. "

"There will be more cautious when the ceremony is under the mountain, like the last time to go to the big and goldenchuan, it will still be told as little as possible."

"I have written the suicide book every time, once it is harmony, I have a self-explosion."

Zhao Ran silent for a moment, said: "It turns out ... Is there any disclosure?"

"Let's definitely have no discloses, but ... I always feel almost, the situation is too big, almost four winds, the exposure of Cheng'an, but the time problem. It seems that many people are helping to cover up, Haha, I really laugh. "

Zhao Ran worried: "What should I do? Is there any time? Is it still let him come back?"

Wen said, Dongfang sighed: "It will not come back."

"what's happenin?"

"Cheng An said, he mentioned a few times, I want to go back to Daming to visit the family, but the gorgestal people do not agree, and insist on picking up the family through ... Several sorghum of Tiama Temple and Calan Temple ...... "

"That is exposed ..."

Dongfang stared at the fish in Yuxi, silently got a long time, asked: "So soon, come and find me, the scenery is thinking about it?"

Zhao Ran nodded and said: "Think of it, but I don't think he is crazy or not crazy, but his madness. I have an idea, I want to exchange communication with the ceremony."

"You said."

"For the past year, I often reflect. In the case of Zhang Yunzhao's case, we seem to have entered the misunderstanding. The scenery is so excited. I heard that he was in the Sichuan Province Ziyang Palace. The hospital, but someone mentioned that Zhang Yunzhao, he will lose their attorney. Later, when Ye Xueguan, he was also seen in his own eyes, just not to think about it. In Beijing, Yuan Fukong, I will resign in the city. The temple is in the right, so I deliberately mentioned Zhang Yunzhao ... "

The East Gifts suddenly looked at: "On the same day, he lost his post because you mentioned Zhang Yunzhao?"

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Where to lose, it is crazy."

The East is slow to slow down: "Know it."

After saying a few words, Zhao Ran said, take the wooden stack of the small boat, smooth water to the stream.

Yu Yuan has been waiting hard, see Zhao Ran, busy asking: "Zhao Shi, how is it?"

Zhao Ranwei said: "It has been talking about the scene of the scenery,

Yu Yuan Song's tone, said: "That's too good! Satures I still know, don't have any questions! Thank you Zhao Shi, go, brother, please drink!"

That night, Zhiyuan and Zhao Ran are old in the Yuhuang, and reviewed the little bit of dripping in the unprofessionalist. Imagine the days to practice in the future, each drinking is drunk.

The next day, Zhao Ran came to Jade Emperor to see Zhang Lao Dao, waiting for a long time, I have not seen it. I see too much micro-microscopic monks. Zhao Ran does not row. Zhao Ran also regretted in this moment, I know that I will directly with Zhang Lao Road directly on the Ark, I have caused the situation under the moment.

At that time, on the Balance Ark, because of the hearing of Chu Yang, Zhao Ran consciously uncomfortable, who knows that it will now be seen.

Zhao Ran also helpless, simply sent a flyer directly to Zhang Lao Dao: "The big real person, your old man is too busy, or pay attention to rest, I have not rushed to see your team a day, I can see you how busy. ! I am a little worried that you can't eat hard, we must work and rest! "

When I didn't have much, I gave Zhao Ran back to Zhao Ran: "It's very good, the old road is going to find Longyang friends, the people behind, you have something to go to the cloud show."

That night, Zhao Ran is under the leadership of Cai Yun, and I got on the mountain, and I boarded the cloud image.

There is a stone platform in the clouds, and I don't know a few high, I don't know how to be deep under my feet, in short, there is something that I do in the cloud.

Cai Yun Shen Yu took a few words, let Zhao Ran don't run in Yun Xiangtai. After you go, you will leave. Zhao Ran is forward along the Taiwan, and after a while, I will see the Longyangzi and Zhang Lao Road sitting in the cloud.

After seeing Zhao Rong, Zhang Lao Road laughed: "Stinky boy, send a fly to the meaning of sarcasm, this world is afraid that you dare to be so old!"

Zhao Ran is busy: "The big real person can be really embarrassed, I am really worried that your old man's body, this kind of entertainment is alive, it should be your old man, the custom!"

"What is the way? Since I promised the Shan Cheng and Qi Mu to do the Lord, I still have to come to the old way. I personally come. Otherwise, I will not give my face. When I arrive, I can't come to the ceremony, I don't even come to the ceremony, I don't have a bad thing. Ok, do you have anything to say, let you go! "

Zhao Ran looked at Longyangzi and said: "The big real person, I am coming to call you. Longyang Zu Shi is compassionate, I specialize in repairing the damaged blast, the robe, the altar, is there a big man I forgot me? I am so embarrassing the mysterious monk, I also calculated a point ... "

"Hey! Stinky boy! Give you six reincarnations, give you Mandi Luo Town, gave you the gold and silver utensils, those things are afraid of nothing more than 12 million silver? Finally, I am even old monk. The rainbow is handed over, what else do you have? "

Zhao Ran, the big eyes, "big real person, one yard is aligned, you can't mix! These two magic weapons are I help to attack the temples, and the things in the cross-breaking mountains can be distinguished. As for rainbow The body, that is, I have to go to the West, I am not dangerous. "

Zhang Lao Road is helpless, "OK, this day is a headache, you are noisy here ... What do you want?"

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