Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 207: No Discussion

"Sister Xu, how did you know that the market would plummet today?" Chen Xiaoming asked after following Xu Shiyun, walking outside and worshiping.

"I don't know!" Xu Shiyun smiled and shook her head.

Chen Xiaoming was stunned: "Don't know?"

Xu Shiyun smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, I don't know that Taoyuan jade material on the market will fall so much, but I am not greedy!"

Not greedy?

These three words shocked Chen Xiaoming!

"In the financial market, you can't be greedy or crazy. It's normal to make money and lose money. Keep a good attitude. Don't think about getting rich overnight. Good discipline is very important!" Xu Shiyun said softly with a smile.

Today, Xu Shiyun not only bought back all the materials he sold, but also made 500 million yuan, but his expression seemed normal, without ecstasy, and no regrets for the little he made.

At this time, someone trot over, stood in front of Xu Shiyun, respectfully said: "You are Miss Xu, right?"

Xu Shiyun stopped, tilted her head to look at each other, nodded and said, "That's right, I am Xu Shiyun!"

The man in the suit said respectfully: "That's it. Our manager hopes that Miss Xu can look on her face and have dinner together!"

Chen Xiaoming rolled his eyes and said angrily: "There are too many people who want to invite our sister Xu to dinner, what kind of green onion is your manager!"

The man in the suit glanced at him, then turned around and continued to say to Xu Shiyun: "Our manager's surname is Zheng, the general manager of Sihai Financial Investment Company!"

"Global investment?" Xu Shiyun's eyes flashed with surprise, hesitated, and smiled and said: "Okay, since Manager Zheng has asked me, I have to show my face."

"Then Miss Xu, please!" The man in the suit gestured, and stopped a Mercedes-Benz S600 not far away.

Xu Shiyun glanced towards the car, squinted and said with a smile: "You can lead the way, we have our own car!"

The man in the suit was obviously taken aback, looking at Chen Xiaoming and others beside Xu Shiyun, opening his mouth to say something, but finally stopped.

"Okay, the location is'Xiantao Villa'."


After people left, Chen Xiaoming asked puzzledly: "Sister Xu, why are we going to have dinner with that surname Zheng?"

"If nothing else, the surname Zheng is the trader behind the Global Investment Company. The soaring and slumping of Taoyuan jade in the market in the past two days is also due to others." Xu Shiyun said calmly.

After hesitating, he took out his mobile phone and called Tang Long.

At this time, Tang Long was sitting and chatting with Liu Meijia in Baofeng Carving Factory!

"Boss, the trader of Global Investment Company wants to invite me to'Xiantao Villa' for dinner, I am going to have a look." Xu Shiyun said.

Tang Long looked at Liu Meijia and asked Xu Shiyun on the other side of the phone: "Is the Taoyuan jade market fluctuating a lot these days?"

Xu Shiyun said'um', and said: "It's very big. Yesterday people from all over the world came in and spent several hundred million to scan the goods, which made the market price increase more than ten times. Smashed back again."

Yesterday, on Thursday, I emptied the "Yulong Taoyuan Jade" specialty store, and now it is making waves in the Taoyuan Jade Market.

He hesitated, and did not avoid Liu Meijia, and said, "Thursday Hai bought five Taoyuan jade mines in Shuanghe Town from me today." After a little pause, he said: "If nothing happens, In a few days I still have to sell a batch of Taoyuan jade seed material."

Listening to Tang Long's words, Xu Shiyun couldn't help frowning: "Does it have to be sold?"

Tang Long said helplessly: "It must be sold!" Before he could figure out the'Global Black Label', they really pinched his throat.

Tang Long in Taoyuan County didn’t care much. He was afraid that they would start with Yang Wuchan. Before Yang Wuchan knocked down the child in his stomach, he was a chess piece held in his hands. But this chess piece, Tang Long couldn't give up on his own initiative.

Tiger poison does not eat seeds, although the choice is in Yang Wuchan's hands!

"How much do you want to sell?" Xu Shiyun asked in a low voice.

Tang Long thought for a while and said, "Probably... it's 50%!"

On Thursday, Hai hadn't discussed the seed material with Tang Long, but the other party would definitely talk about it. It is estimated that it will be only these few days.

The price will not necessarily be lowered, but now the plate is so big and there are so many chips, machinery is banned on both sides of the Jinsha River, and it is all manually digging. The amount of seed produced in a day is basically almost too much.

Xu Shiyun almost scolded her mother after listening, 50%?Doesn't that mean that the bargaining chip in the hands of Sihai Investment Company will suddenly surpass itself, or that the sum in the market?You have to know the bargaining chips in your hand to get 10%!

"Go, no one in Xiantao Villa dared to move you, we are the local snakes in Taoyuan County!" Tang Long finished speaking and hung up the phone.

People who invest in the world should not touch Xu Shiyun!

Liu Meijia said puzzledly: "I don't understand, why are you willing to sell the mine in Shuanghe Town to Thursday Sea?"

Tang Longxin said that Laozi's willingness to be a papa is compelling.But you can't tell Liu Meijia like that!

Leaning on the chair, he smiled and shrugged and said, "What about 200 million US dollars? The five mines have one billion, billions of cash flow. It's you. Can you sell it?"

"Sell!" Liu Meijia gritted her teeth: "But on Thursday, the sea turned around and sold the mine to Qiangyuan Company for 500 million US dollars!"

Tang Long shook his head, and there was no envy on his face: "People have resources, relationships, can control the market, and get money from the financial market, we can't do it!"

As far as Qiangyuan is concerned, 500 million US dollars is definitely not a small amount, but no matter how large the number is, there is a solution for a listed company. Now the price of Taoyuan jade has soared, and Qiangyuan's stock price is down again. This "hype" concept, the other party will not fail to use it.

"Go ahead, insist on what you want to see me do." Tang Long asked while looking at her.

Liu Meijia said helplessly: "Wan Qiang is coming back, which is a threat to me. Qiangyuan Company is not only his, but also mine. He is so tossing that he should want to give up Qiangyuan, a listed company. I want to make a lot of money before running away."

"Huh?" Tang Long moved his eyes and looked at Liu Meijia curiously and said, "Then what do you mean?"

"I have 15% of Qiangyuan's shares. If he runs away and leaves me, Qiangyuan's stock price will plummet or even go bankrupt. Do you think I'm panicking?" Liu Meijia said helplessly.

Tang Long said puzzledly: "Won't he take you to run with you?"

Liu Meijia frowned and shook her head and said, "It would be nice to be able to run with me, but if you don't run with me, let me stay to top the tank, who can I justify?"

After a pause, he continued: "Also, the decision to forcibly occupy Liangouwazi in Yutou Village was not made by me. It was his intention. Although I am not a good woman, I am a native of Yutou Village. , Even if it is cheating, it will stay in the line, and the contracting Liangouwazi will cost several million a year. I don't care about that little money, but he didn't agree...that will cause the current ending."

Listening to Liu Meijia's words, Tang Long's eyes flickered!

"Mr. Liu, whether what you say is true or false, it has successfully aroused my interest. Otherwise, let's play together, what do you think?" Tang Long suddenly laughed, looking at Liu Meijia in a daunting manner. .

Liu Meijia frowned, "How do you want to play with Boss Tang?"

"It's very simple, you atone for your sins. In cooperation with us, we will first destroy the Qiangyuan Company, and clean up the behind-the-scenes master Wanqiang, without killing you. Then you only need to go to the old village chief's grave. Go, kowtow to apologize, and pay his old man's filial piety for seven years, and the grievances between us have been wiped out!" Tang Long said with a smile.

Liu Meijia was almost out of anger, and it was not enough to kowtow to apologize. She still had to keep her filial piety for seven years?Guarding a grave for seven years?

"Boss Tang, isn't the request a bit excessive?" Liu Meijia said helplessly: "Look at my sister who is already 30 years old, she will be almost forty in seven years."

Tang Long shook his head and said with a smile: "It's only seven years, no discussion. Isn't it okay to go to the mountain to eat and chant the Buddha? At least people are still alive!"

"If I don't agree, will you kill me?" Liu Meijia asked, frowning.

Tang Long shook his head and said with an indifferent smile: "No, killing is illegal, but I will let you... life is better than death!"

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