Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 208: Longshan Spring Mineral Water

Tang Long watched Liu Meijia leave. He didn’t even think about who he would cooperate with. However, Liu Meijia did bring him some news today. The boss behind Qiangyuan Company is coming back, regardless of Wan Qiang’s involvement with Yutou Village. It doesn't matter, we have to find him. Who would call him the boss of Qiangyuan Company, this company must be'dead'.

Secondly, on Thursday, Hai Hai is in the capital market, and the relationship is very hard, not only at home but also abroad.In other words, Thursday Hai is indeed rich and is a veritable rich man.

As for why he came to Taoyuan County, Tang Long didn't know, and didn't want to know, he only knew that from Thu Hai, he could touch the shadow of the'Global Black Mark'.

The whole territory black label organization, blatantly sending people to the country, the purpose will not be simple!

Although the purpose is still unknown, the fox tail is a fox tail after all. Sooner or later it will be revealed.

"Thursday Hai’s Taoyuan jade store will open in a few days." Gou Yuniang sat beside Tang Long.

"Yeah!" Tang Long laughed suddenly, and said with a wicked smile: "People have a lot of money, what can we do? By the way, the treasures of Yulong's Taoyuan Yuli Town Store have been taken away by others. Do you still have any pressure here? What's at the bottom of the box?"

The things in the Yulong Taoyuan Jade Store are indeed high-quality goods, but the real good things are definitely still in the hands of Gou Yuniang, and the quantity will definitely not be small.

Gou Yuniang blinked and smiled and said, "This doesn't seem to be appropriate, right?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "What's wrong? I finally came across such a "big head". Since they don't need money, let's sell them more!"

"Do you really want to fight Thursday Sea?" Gou Yuniang understood what Tang Long meant.

Tang Long said: "It's not that we want to fight him, it's because people come to the door on their own initiative. We can't avoid it."

Ren Yingying came back from school and saw Tang Long, Dudu ran over, staring and asked: "Is there any material left? 1.8 billion, a lot of money, let's strike while the iron is hot!"

The little girl came back and interrupted the conversation between Tang Long and Gou Yuniang.

"Do you think we should sell them more top-quality water and sky blue materials?" Tang Long asked Ren Yingying with a smile.

Ren Yingying put down her schoolbag, leaned over to Tang Long, and whispered: "You are stupid, that's 1.8 billion. How much did we spend on contracting the mine? After collecting materials on the Jinsha River for so long, How much did it cost?

What they bought was just a few pieces of the best water and sky blue material, and we have... but there is a water sky blue peach source jade mine, sell it, why not sell it, like this fool, where to find it!"

The arrival of the sea on Thursday has indeed brought great changes to the Taoyuan jade market. No matter what, Taoyuan jade is now on fire.

"Our family Yingying is right. Since they don't lack money, then sell it. Isn't that money? We don't have much money, but there is a lot of material!" Tang Long smiled and nodded.

After a pause, he said with a smile: "However, it is estimated that Thu Hai is not being taken advantage of. When he went to Taoyuan County, whether it was to hype Taoyuan jade seed material or to buy out'Yulong Taoyuan jade', it was all purposeful, and They are definitely not fools!"

Would a fool buy a mine for 200 million dollars and sell it for 500 million dollars?

Hearing Xu Shiyun said that Thursday, Hai Hai’s trader in the Taoyuan Jade Trading Market was very clever. They did not rush to carry the sedan chair, but to harvest the leeks.

Those who make money today, as long as they don’t leave the market, the money in their hands may not be yours!

"No matter if the sea will come again on Thursday to buy Taoyuan jade from Yulong, we can't let people step on the signboard of Yulong!" Tang Long looked at Gou Yuniang.

"Well, I know!" Gou Yunniang nodded gently.


"Will it drink?" Shan Yao looked at Tang Long and asked expectantly.

Tang Long clicked his mouth, looking at the blue package in his hand, the word "Dragon" written in ink, and the image of Da Lao Hei, he couldn't laugh or cry. What's so good about it, the water in the mountains, and the people in Yutou Village have grown up since childhood. The big drink is just a deep well and filled into a bottle.

"Delicious, sweet!" Tang Long nodded, looked up at Shan Yao and Zhang Xiu'e and asked: "Are you sure you want to put the image of'Big Old Black' on the bottle, so that Xiaoyue can be the speaker?"

Shan Yao has a smile on his mouth: "Why don't you go?"

Tang Long laughed twice and said, "Don't tell me, I'm so handsome. After being exposed, I may still decide how many entertainment companies will sign me. I looked at this image spokesperson, "Little Moon Girl" is right." The "Big Old Hei" above, since Zhang Xiu'e has no objection, so be it.

"Have you figured out how to set the price?" Tang Long asked off the topic.

Shan Yao took a look at Zhang Xiu'e and said, "Sister Xiu'e and our opinions are very different. I think the price is two yuan to compare the price!"

The bottled water on the market now is about two to three yuan ago, and of course there are some more high-end ones. With the current popularity of "Longshan Spring", the price is too high and it is not easy to open the market.

"How about the output?" Tang Long thought for a while and asked.

Shan Yao said: "It's only a trial production stage. If the entire filling line runs at full speed, it should be able to supply the entire domestic market without problems."

The profit of mineral water is very large, and the cost price is almost too low for you to think about. However, the cost of labor and transportation is included. If the quantity is not available, the cost price is also very high.

"I'm going to advertise, or what?" Tang Long asked with a smile.

Shan Yao thought for a while and said: "Don’t advertise, the roads in and outside the village have just been repaired, but the road from Donghe Town to the county is still too broken, which is not conducive to transportation. I plan to transfer Shuanghe Town to the county. The road is repaired, otherwise the transportation vehicles will not get in!"

Shan Yao's words made Tang Long stunned. He looked at the overall situation of his family, his consciousness: "Yes, very good!"

Shan Yao smiled and said: "Before the road is repaired, I will not advertise on a large area, and sell it in our county. It is estimated that when the road is repaired, it should be next year. It will be the time for Longshan Spring and Yutou. Promote together in the village."

Tang Long looked at Zhang Xiu'e and asked, "Did you discuss this?"

Zhang Xiu'e smiled and said: "Now it’s different from before. We have money in Yutou Village, so we put it together. In addition to the infrastructure of our Yutou Village, the road from the county to Yutou Village should be completed. We have to fix it too. The county is really too difficult, and the town doesn’t have much money, so let’s just fix it ourselves."

Yutou Village and Shanyao each sold a Taoyuan jade mine in Shuanghe Town, so now they have money, especially Yutou Village, which used to spend a lot of money and foreign debts, but now if you get together You will find that the revenue is also a lot.

Among other things, the value of the best water and sky blue material sold in Pit No. 3 of Guangyutou Village will not be too low.

"It's a good thing to build a road before getting rich, I don't have any opinion!" Tang Long smiled and nodded.

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