Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 274: Don't admit it

In the hospital, Tang Long saw Niu Aoqun. He didn’t know if he was enlightened or understood something. Anyway, when he saw Tang Long, his eyes were full of tears and his eyes were remorseful. There was no way. He could not speak with his mouth and could not move his body. The only thing that can move up and down the body is the eyeballs, which can be regarded as an expression of emotion.

I spent a few months in the hospital bed. I couldn't take care of myself and I was conscious. For normal days, it was absolutely hellish suffering.

Tang Long didn't rush to open the cut vein on his body, but first looked at him and stared at him for a while.

Seeing that he no longer had the arrogance, violent evil, impetuousness and other emotions of the day, he nodded in satisfaction.

Yao Jingtian lowered her voice and asked in a low voice pleading: "Mr. Tang, how is it, is there any help?"

Tang Long smiled inwardly, but he didn't show it on the face. People are like this. Things that are too easy to get are not good things.

"Do your best!"

The simple words made Yao Jingtian and his assistant Xiao Zhu take a pill, and they all calmed down.

Tang Long's pulse-cutting technique is unique to him, and every pulse-cutting technique in the world is different, especially the masters, who have their own special strength in it.

However, after the body meridians are sealed, the sooner the meridians will be smoothed, the faster the recovery will be. If it is solved after ten or eight years, it will not be useful even for the person involved. It has been sealed for too long, even if the meridians are unlocked, temporarily It may not be possible to recover in a while.

Like Niu Aoqun, it’s okay. It’s only a few months, so it doesn’t matter much!

At the beginning, Tang Long only used a small stone to bounce his tail vertebrae. The highest depth of the truncated vein was the ninth level, which was just the first level.

Tang Long raised his hand and slapped Niu Aoqun's head at the place where the sky was covered with heavenly spirit, and then saw him sitting up.

It was not that I wanted to sit up, but the big tendons on my body pulled him up involuntarily!

Tang Long stepped back and waited for about half a minute before raising his hand again and slashing on the back of his neck.

Damn it!

Niu Aoqun lay back again.

Yao Jingtian, who was crying with joy just now, opened his eyes wide and dared not be born again. Her heart trembled for fear of death!

"It should be okay!" After five minutes of observation, Tang Long clapped his hands, smiled and calmly said to Yao Jingtian: "Let him lie down for a while, don't be busy moving."

"Thank you, thank you!" Yao Jingtian is grateful for her kindness, and how arrogant and arrogant when she first saw it.

As a mother, a woman, it is not easy to have her own. Nian is the first offender. Tang Long doesn't know him well, forgive her!

"I just recovered, the blood is weak and it is not suitable for tonic, so don't give him big fish and meat, eat more millet porridge, vegetarian dishes, wait a week after the stomach adapts, you don't need to stop eating." Reminded Yao Jingtian.

Then she left the hospital with Ren Yingying and her classmate Zhang Xueer!Originally, Yao Jingtian wanted the secretary Xiao Zhu to send them off, but Tang Long refused. After the order was reached, everyone did not say that they were enemies, and they were not good enough to become friends immediately!

After coming out of the hospital, Ren Yingying blinked her eyes and asked curiously: "Tang Long, what's the matter with the man lying on the hospital bed just now? You still know how to treat illness?"

Tang Long smiled mysteriously: "Do you think I have something wrong?"

After listening to it, Ren Yingying scorned her lips and said, "Then you have a baby to show us, you brag every day!"


Tang Long couldn't help but touched his nose. When he heard Ren Yingying said that he was giving birth, his heart suddenly throbbed. During this time, Yang Wuchan had not contacted himself, and he chose to forget about it, but the problem was , Now that something has happened, there are sable hairs for covering ears and stealing bells.

I don't know which way Yang Wuchan chose!


When Tang Long thought of these two words, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.Hey, should I take the initiative to make a call and negotiate with the other party?

In fact, it should have been done a long time ago, but it is too good for face, alas, face is really bad.Although it may not be able to save a small life, but to say the least, do your best.

Why don't you try it now?

The thought flashed through Tang Long's mind, and it was not very suitable in front of Ren Yingying and Zhang Xueer.

"Where do you want to go?" Tang Long asked instead of quarreling with Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying turned to look at Zhang Xueer and asked, "Where is your aunt?"

"I've already called my aunt, she said let us go to the'Haiyue Square' and wait, and come and pick us up later." Zhang Xueer said happily.

Haiyue Square?

Tang Long sighed, Zhang Xueer, auntie Zhang Xueer was really unreliable, he was really worried about handing over the two children to her.

After hesitating, he asked: "Where are you going to play?"



Zhang Xueer and Ren Yingying said at almost the same time, Ren Yingying was still winking at Zhang Xueer.I couldn't help complaining, this stupid girl, what the truth is, if you tell Tang Long to go to the bar, this guy will tell us to go?

Tang Long stared at Ren Yingying, and said angrily: "You still learn to lie, don't you?"

"Why!" Ren Yingying rolled her eyes and said sophistry: "I mean I go shopping during the day, I never lie!"

There is a word called'death without admitting'!

Ren Yingying has this attitude right now, insisting on going shopping.

Zhang Xueer stuck out her tongue and realized that she had said something that shouldn't be said.But she did it on purpose, because...she wanted to take Tang Long with her.

How could the big man guess the little girl's mind, Ren Yingying might not want Tang Long to follow, but Zhang Xueer hopes.

If Tang Long hadn't been afraid of losing face on the street, he would have cleaned her up.

"Give you two choices, first go back home..."

Ren Yingying curled her small mouth, before Tang Long finished speaking, she immediately answered: "I choose the second one, you bull, what you say next is what you say, I will listen to you, it's not enough." There is the meaning of being soft, because she knows that she can't be soft without serving, and Tang Long will really take him back.

The three of them took a taxi and went to'Haiyue Square'. This Haiyue Square is probably a landmark place in the city. It is very large and there are many people who come to play daily. There are street stalls on the square during the day. Small business.

Tang Long is not the kind of rigid person. If he wants to go out and play, he will see no problem when he rises. After all, blindly restraint, sometimes it will be counterproductive, but the premise is that it must be safe. A place like a bar needs a girl’s idea. , Two of them follow Zhang Xueer's unreliable aunt?It's strange that Tang Long can rest assured!

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