Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 287 Forty-odd branches

"Where are you guys going?"

When the car came down from the expressway, it was already dark, Tang Long asked about winning streak.

Lian Sheng laughed twice, but he didn't know how to answer, so he took him back to Yutou Village?Obviously inappropriate, take it to the mine?A group of big men in the mine is not appropriate either.

"Or, let Sister Meiqi go back with us first?" Ren Yingying interrupted behind.

Tang Long was silent for a while, and suddenly smiled and said: "Alright!" Then turned his head to face the winning streak: "Tomorrow you will accompany Miss Liu to rent a house in the county town, settle down first, and then make plans."

Streak smirked and nodded, and he was relieved.

Liu Meiqi actually didn't want to be with Tang Long and Ren Yingying, the little girl, she wanted Lian Sheng to send Tang Long and others back to the'Baofeng Carving Factory' and then take him away.

The winning streak is not a three-year-old kid, and there is no need for others to arrange for anything!

However, looking at the appearance of winning streak and obedient, Liu Meiqi secretly pouted her lips, but she did not dare to express it on the face, and could only say what it was.

Gou Yuniang looked at the girl who got off the car with Tang Long and was a little surprised. She seemed to have seen this girl somewhere, and she couldn't remember for a while.

"Yao Jingtian's son, are you okay?" Gou Yuniang asked softly when Tang Long was alone.

Tang Long went to the city this time just to treat Niu Aoqun.

"There should be nothing wrong!" Tang Long said with a smile.


Gou Yuniang was taken aback for a while, lowered her voice and asked curiously: "Didn't you say it's okay?"

She knew the situation that day better than others. Niu Aoqun could not get up after lying in bed for a few months because of Tang Long's relationship.

"Something like fate is sometimes too fragile. If Niu Aoqun can settle the anger and anxiety in his heart after these few months, he has a sense of feeling, knows how to be grateful, and is no longer angry and irritable, then it will be nothing serious. Otherwise, after lying down for a few months, the whole body can't move, the blood is blocked, and now it is exploded, and it is easy to get blood clots. If one fails, the person will have to hang up. Therefore, it depends on him."

Tang Long looked at Gou Yuniang's eyes widened, and couldn't bear to tease her anymore, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Relax, that possibility is not very big, generally speaking, there should be no big problem."

Gou Yuniang breathed a sigh of relief. Even though Yao Jingtian and her son Niu Aoqun were annoying and angry, they were not going to die.

"It's almost New Year's Eve, do you have any plans?" After Tang Long sat down, he waved to Gou Yuniang and motioned her to sit over.

Gou Yuniang blushed and looked outside. In the small building, Ren Yingying, Ren Lingling, and Zhang Xueer were all there, and they might run over at any time. The two are too close, and it is not good to be hit by anyone.

"No plan!" Gou Yuniang hesitated, couldn't bear to twist Tang Long, she still blushed and walked over, but she didn't sit on his lap, she just sat on the sofa next to him, and said: "Yulong Jewelry During this period, development has been very good. With the exception of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, branches have been opened in all first-tier cities and provincial capitals across the country. The total number of branches has reached more than forty, with sales exceeding 100 million a day."

"So fast?" Tang Long was taken aback for a moment.'Yulong Jewelry' is a new company, separate from Yulong Taoyuanyu. The main business is gold, silver and diamond jewelry, mainly gold, diamonds, platinum and color gold.

The profit inside is not big, Tang Long doesn’t know, but the advertisements endorsed by Zhao Xiaoyue have been hit from CCTV to the Internet, and they are extremely hot. Yulong Jewelry’s “Inheritance Series” is the most well-known internet celebrity among the younger generation. product'.

"If it weren't for the pressure, because the reserves of talents, materials, etc. are insufficient, the number of domestic branches now exceeds a hundred!" Gou Yuniang said with a smile.

'Yulong Jewelry' is all directly-operated stores, and no franchise stores have appeared for the time being. This is less than half a year. The more than 40 branches and flagship stores in first-tier cities across the country are also attractive enough.

"By the way, a few days ago, a domestic veteran jewelry company, Li Dafu Jewelry wanted to buy our'Yulong Jewelry'." Gou Yuniang smiled and said, "However, I rejected it!"

"Acquisition?" Tang Long stretched his hand over, stopped Gou Yuniang's slender waist, hooked the person over with a wicked smile and said, "Why refuse, the price is not enough?"

Gou Yuniang's face is blushing. She is actually not thin. Where there should be meat, there is more meat, especially on the buttocks. It cannot be said to be Feng R, but she is definitely a hip.The waist is very thin, especially thin, anyway, Tang Long can definitely circle around with one arm.

In addition, Gou Yuniang has ice-warm double jade on her body, and her skin is incomparable to an eighteen-year-old girl, which is extremely strange.

"The price is not bad, Li Dafu Jewelry wants to acquire'Yulong Jewelry' wholly-owned and build'Yulong Jewelry' into another brand, with an asking price of between 1.5 billion and 2 billion!" Gou Yuniang said softly .

"Just give it this way? Really have no eyes." Tang Long muttered.

Gou Yuniang couldn't laugh or cry, she shook her head and said, "In fact, the price is not low anymore. You must know that in addition to the brand, Yulong Jewelry is not very valuable."

"The four words'Yulong Jewelry' are now worth tens of billions, right? In addition to our inventory, storefronts, we want to buy more than 10 billion and 2 billion? It's too whimsical!" Tang Long said laughingly.

Gou Yuniang secretly glanced at him, lowered her head and whispered: "Do you want to sell Yulong Jewelry?"

"I don't want to!"

Tang Long knew what she was thinking, so he leaned to her ear and whispered: "Yulong Jewelry, like you, is not for sale in our family!"

Gou Yuniang was a little uncomfortable because of him. Although it was dark outside, she hadn't eaten dinner yet, besides, there were so many people in the family.

"You, don't mess around, it's not good to be hit by someone." Gou Yuniang crooked her face and hid her head, her eyes were hot, she asked in a low voice, "Will you go back tonight?"

Tang Long thought for a while, put his chin on her shoulder and asked, "Do you want me to go back, or don't you want me to go back?"

Gou Yuniang blushed and whispered, "I don't want it!"

She is more honest, honest in person, and honest in body. No matter whether it is heart or body, she doesn't want Tang Long to leave.

She had a lot of courage, and when she was replaced, Gou Yuniang would definitely not be so straightforward and bold.

"Then don't go back!" Tang Long smiled.

She moved her ears and took her hand away from Gou Yuniang because she heard someone coming.

"Tang Long, you guy is bullying my master again!" Ren Yingying came in, looked at Tang Long and the cramped Gou Yuniang, bulging her cheeks to help herself, and gestured with her small fists at Tang Long.

Tang Long rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Boy, what do you know, and you have to figure out the fact that Gou Yuniang is my woman first, and then your master. You have to call me the master in terms of seniority No big or small all day, Tang Long is your name?"

"Chi, Tang Long, Tang Long, I'll just call you Tang Long, if you have the ability, you can hit me." Ren Yingying made a face at Tang Long, in front of Gou Yuniang, not at all ashamed of him.

Gou Yuniang smiled angrily: "You are angry with him, he really beats you and I won't stop it!"

"Have you heard!" Tang Longbai glanced at her.

Ren Yingying squirmed, holding his head high: "I'm not afraid of you either!"

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