Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 292 - Digging Up Half of Treasure Phoenix Carving Factory

Tang Long met Wan Qiang at a private club. He didn't even know such a place existed in Taoyuan County!

Wan Qiang is less than forty years old and worth trillions of dollars, fully considered a young man, young and successful.

"Boss Tang, I've heard a lot about you!" Wan Qiang took the initiative to stand up from the sofa and greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, compared with Mr. Wan, I'm just a nobody!" Tang Long squinted and smiled, not as angry as when he saw Liu Meijia, but as pleasant as he was, because he had already thought about killing this guy. Of course, the 'kill' Tang Long said is not to kill him, but to make him lose everything and send him to jail.

After being polite to each other and taking their seats, they chattered to each other, and in the end, it was Wan Qiang who couldn't hold back and asked with a smile: "I heard that Boss Tang is deeply accomplished in the 'Peach Origin Jade'? It just so happens that our strong source group, just wholly acquired the Peachtree Jade Investment Company, the news must have heard of Boss Tang."

A slight pause, and continued: "I do not know if Boss Tang is interested in coming to our company as a consultant, of course, you do not usually have to come to the company to work, as long as the company encountered problems, to help solve the problem on the line, as long as Brother Tang is willing, the annual salary of five million, handed over!".

"Consultant?" Tang Long repeated the two words to the side and said with a smile, "Boss Wan is so generous!"

The five million dollars is just to find out the details of Tang Long's background, to find out that there is no free lunch and no one's money is free.

It's not a free lunch, and no one takes money for free.

"What, Brother Tang doesn't like the five million? Or do you have a problem with me, Brother Wan Qiang?" Wan Qiang smilingly asked.

"Money is a good thing, who doesn't want it, but a gentleman loves money and takes it in the right way. Boss Wan, if you have something to say, just say it straight, there's no need to beat around the bush. It makes me look as if I am greedy for money!" Tang Long looked at Wan Qiang.

"Cool, then I can say it straightforwardly, truth be told, the full acquisition of the Peach Source Jade Investment Company, brother has put his future and destiny on the line, there is no room for loss. Therefore, the price of Peach Source Jade must rise, and keep rising in the near future!" Wan Qiang stared at Tang Long and said frankly.


Tang Long laughed twice and said indifferently, "As long as Mr. Wan has the financial power, it would be easy to raise the price of Peach Blossom Jade, wouldn't it? You're not looking for me to prop up the price of Peach Origin Jade for Mr. Wan, are you?"

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and is now in the process of developing the new product. Everyone knows Brother Tang's weight in this stall of Peach Source Jade, as long as you open your mouth to say something, it's better than a billion!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Mr. Wan has lifted my name, what can I do, I have such a high prestige, but Mr. Wan wants to raise the price of Peach Source Jade, I certainly will not oppose, you know, we have several mines in Fish Head Village, Peach Source Jade price increase, only good for us, who does not want to make more money!

"With Brother Tang's words, I'm relieved!" Wan Qiang was relieved and laughed heartily.

After sending people to send Tang Long away, Wan Qiang's face immediately darkened: "This surnamed Tang, is a smiling tiger, hmm, he better not add to the trouble."

He said: "I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. Whoever adds to the chaos, then he will take his life!

For the next two days, it was calm and quiet, not much happening.

On the eve of a storm, it's often quiet.

"The price goes up!"

In the market, the price of Taoyuan jade is slowly rising, and the price of raw materials, ten or twenty per kilogram, is slowly rising.

Everyone knows that it must be Wan Qiang and Zheng Feng behind the scenes.

Wan Qiang couldn't wait to manipulate the price of Peach Blossom Jade to revitalize the stock price and comfort the big and small shareholders.

The company's main goal is to make a quick profit and then pull out so that it can go on vacation in Bali.

In the past few years, the company has been able to offer a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Xu Shiyun put down the book in her hand and looked at Chen Xiaoming, who was running a little out of breath, and tilted her head to ask curiously, "Are you excited, or are you surprised?"

Chen Xiaoming was stunned!

Excited? Surprised?

It seems that the price rise and fall of the jade is nothing to do with him, and he has no material in his hand and no investment.

But being in the middle of it, even if it's an errand boy, it's definitely exciting.

"Didn't the big boss say that he wanted to control the price of Peach Source Jade?" Chen Xiaoming lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

Xu Shiyun picked up the book again and muttered, "Haven't you heard that if you want people to die, you must first make them rampant?

Let them go rampant first?

The price of raw materials per kilogram of Peach Origins Jade rose 80 percent in one day, the biggest increase in the last two months.

In the investment circle of peach source jade, all the people are crazy, there is constant news, wind advocating, peach source jade price in the short term, will climb again the highest point. Reaching six thousand dollars per kilogram of raw material!

"Boss, do it?"

In the morning, after Xu Shiyun got up and washed up, she called Tang Long and asked if they were almost ready for the last few days.

This time it was not a harvest, but a run for the 'life'!

Tang Long made a 'hmm' sound and said flatly, "Let's do it, don't hold back, in a short time, ordinary people won't explode, but the Wanqiang Group will definitely not be able to survive!"

At the same time, after several days of careful planning and preparation, on the side of Baofeng Carving Factory, Yang Chunming and Pang Zhiyong were almost ready.


"We resign too!"

In the Baofeng Carving Factory, hundreds of carvers, more than 300 carving apprentices, simultaneously found the director and submitted their resignations.

The carving factory is not a factory, just a verbal notification that they are going to resign, regardless of whether you agree or not, they will not come to work tomorrow.

By the time the news reached her, the situation was out of control!

"Why did you resign?" The company's main business is the carving industry, and the company's main business is the carving industry.

The company's main business is in the field of carving, and the company's main business is in the field of carving. "

The bottom of the barrel!

The first thing that I want to do is to get rid of the money that I've been spending on my business.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years. You should know that the entire Baofeng carving factory, Cheng hand carving master has more than two hundred people, Yang Chunming this shovel plate, equal to dig up half of the Baofeng carving factory.

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