Taoyuan Soldier King

The 563th chapter is Zi Juan's girl

"The Sister steps said that the last time, it is really a matter of her, it is not right. I will not make it again later. I have always said to tell you, but I have not found a suitable time." Yao Handong received a reception, laughing Said.

Tang Long looked at Yao Han Dong, and Miss Yao Miss did not hold back, and he was talking about it. Slightly hesitating, laughing: "Since it has been guaranteed no longer committed, the past is ignorant, I am not the kind of person who is kind, I don't want to always emphasize what!"

Yao Handong: "..."

Stew: "..."

Do they want to emphasize? I want to recognize the fault, see if there is any chance, and then regain the post.

"Embroidered book, after the year, we have a certain adjustment to the fishing village company and the fishing village broker company and the fishing village entertainment company, right?" Tang Long I have no chance to talk to the words, because there is no need to say next.

Zhang Embroids nod: "Yes, the fishing village film company has been very good, and the end of the Year of the Yuntun will focus on this side."

"Not bad!"

Tang Long nodded and smiled: "I don't know if Li'an Director is not interested." Black Scales 2 "!"

Yao Han Winter smiled and said: "The relationship between steps and Li'an Director is very good, and when shooting" black scales ", Li'an Director is the invitation of the steps!"

Tang Long smiled, looked at Yao Han Dong, said: "We have also remembered that this year's broker company is also very important, the number of contract artists is expected to break through hundreds of people, while training, various Arrangement requires professionals to manage management. "

After that, he said that he turned and smiled and said: "Steps, I haven't sought your opinion, you see, what do you think of this side? If you think of the contract artist, training artists Things are more cumbersome, you can also go to the fishing village, mainly to pick up an advertisement to the artist, and engage in some entertainment programs, the future is also an indispensable three-driving carriage. ! "

When he was trembling, she would like to tell Tang Long, I want to go back to the fishing village film and television company to continue the general manager, I hope that Tang Long will give her a chance.

But not, this is no longer almost, listening to Tang Long dialect, there is no half point to let her go back to continue to take the idea of ​​fish head village film.

I barely laughed: "Tang, Tang, I don't have any opinions, obey the arrangement!"

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "That's good!"

Yao Han Winter wrinkled, hesitated to say something, but it was slightly pulled by the hook of Yun Niang, smiled and said: "Winter sister, I heard that your investment company has lived abroad last year. Good performance? Have you ever? Suck the fund, or help manage funds? "

"Yes!" Yao Han Dong nodded, so, the topic will open.

At this time, I will know more than anything more, I can only look at the performance, and strive to reverse the impression back.

As for the heart, how can I not willing?

In the fish head village, I can't say that Tang Long said, but Tang Long clearly opposed things, there is no way to change.

Unless you leave!

The problem is that it is not willing to leave, or you can't leave.

Sitting with a meeting, Tang Long is looking for a chance to leave, come out, nothing more than looking at the face of Zhang Embroidery and Yahan Winter.

The big New Year is not good to see your face!

At dinner, Ren Yingying quarreling to eat hot pot, the result, got a few copper pots at home, and eat hot pot.

Sometimes Tang Long himself may not realize that it is not only to hook Yun Niang's love, and he is also fine.

Li Ergun, winning, Zhang Guang, did not go, men, a table, women two tables.

When drinking, Zhang Guang said: "The village head, heard that many projects in the county have to start, and there are also many projects in Donghe Town. Do you want to get an engineering team?"

Tang Long smiled: "Well, let it, when you go to the site to move, we don't stop."

Zhang Guanggan laughed two, so much, I can't understand: "Then it will not get it!"

"There are so many things in the village, it is not enough for you to live? I still want to get an engineering team. You are those who are eye-catching, or lack of money!" Tang Long smiled.

Li Erju smiled and said: "Is there a very beautiful little leader in the town? What is not big?"

The winning shot came to shoot the brain, the hippie smiled and said: "It seems to be, what is it?"

"What is Juan?" Liu Meiqi Jiao dripped the voice, drifting from the table next to it.

Lian Shengno, two sisters, strongly mounted hard and air: "Our rites talk, have you, do you have anything, don't you eat!"

Liu Meiqi snorted, when looking out of the face, he left him, did not take care of him.

But Zhang Embroidered, I wouldn't usually have, asked: "How, your carars speak, is our woman only listening? Who stipulates!"

Tang Long looked at the sound, attached: "Just, who is specified, a full of smell!"


The little medicine can't help but laugh, others can't help but laugh.

The winner is thick, and I don't think there is anything, and the face is looking at who, when I am embroidered, he dares? Don't say he, the old man in Tang Dynasty, the old man in the fish head, really does not necessarily be a man, it can be said, nor a man talking, women can't jug.

"What Juan? Long drops, don't look, when I lead to let us see!" Zhang Embroidered a smile, she also received it, when the book was also given to the people, not.

Zhang Guangli smiled and said: "What is it, the eight characters have not yet been!"

"Hey, this all have eight characters? Describe this meaning, you have already touched people with people!" Zhang Embroidered and asked.

Zhang Guang is not in the words!

"It's not that the stuffing is not, there is a favorite girl, you will go chasing, this is an embarrassment, our people are not a matter of people, as long as they are not bullion, I will support you with embroidered. ! "Tang Long said with a smile.

Lucky and smiled: "You don't dare to say it? Do you want me to say it."

"You go, give people a pleasant!" Zhang Guangzheng said.

He is really like the girl in the town, just feeling that he can't help others. College students, long and good, old age, I heard that the home is still in the city, what is it ... If it is not a fishing village, he doesn't even have the bottom of the opponent.

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