Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 575 Local House


When I started the fish head hall, I didn't think too much. I just wanted to take a fish in the sorrow, and I found a place to sell, I can have a place to eat, don't make old Liu. The crafts of the fish soup were buried, so they opened this' fish head.

After more than a year of development, no one thought that 'fish head halls became a signboard in the Dining Town of Taoyuan County.

The per capita consumption of the fish head is about 80 yuan, two people eat, to be a hundred and sixty dollars, which is definitely low for the previous Taoyuan County.

But this year, it seems that the people in Taoyuan County have risen straight lines, whether there is craftsmanship, or selling hardships, this year has earned some money.

A lot of factories are recruiting, and the salary level is generally above five thousand yuan. Even if young people will find a sculpture factory to be an apprentice, the salary has two or three thousand, learn a year and a half, will definitely be more than 5,000. The number of years old, I don't want to learn crafts, enter the factory, and I will not be able to dig the stone on the Sandsha River. I can earn one or two hundred dollars every day.

Not don't say there is a mine, the factory is a large number of missing people!

Therefore, in terms of last year, people in Taoyuan County, revenue revenue is more straightforward than before. After rich, the consumption level will come up.

Now the fish head is not booked, it is not allowed to be on, even more people, and make a room in advance.

Dynasty has already passed the phone from the fish head, and I have a place to eat, arrange a place, or something like this.

In addition to the dragon wine industry and Tang Xiaobai Group overtime senior management personnel, Tang Long also shouted the management of the 'Dragon Winery', anyway, a sheep put it, a group of sheep is also put.

"Village head, there is not enough place!"

The manager of the fish Tad is walking to Tang Long, and the small voice said. He arranged a big private room, which was originally left to the above leadership, and he defeated which big man is always arranged, and the spicy hand is uncomfortable.

However, the big room, only two tables, and the people brought by Tang Long, there are thirty numbers, and the two tables are not necessarily placed.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Arrange a temporary table?"

The manager is slightly stunned, and I laughed and said, "Where?"

"..." Tang Long told her to be amused, helplessly said: "You are the manager of the fish head, this is not right?"

The fish Toothouse is called Li Li. It is more than 30 years old. It is a city. I don't know who is excavated, and the fish head is socialized, and I socialize this, it is a hipster.

Manager Li Li said with a smile: "The village head, I know that it is not suitable, but I can't arrange it. Two tables in the big private room, you will put up to 30 people." He hesitated, try to ask: " The rest of the people will wait for it to eat? I have an estimate, I have a empty table, I have a empty table! "

Tang Long smiled and said: "Well, then arrange it first!"

It is not important to eat after eating first.

Li Lisong, the manager of the fish, took a good preparation, did not expect that Tang Village is still quite followed.

Let Yan Jiaoyang arrange the dragon wine industry and the executives of Tang Xiaolong Group first go in. As for the dragon winery and a few, then you will wait.

"Walk, go up and sit!"

Tang Long called people, went to the manager of the fish head hall,

"Wait a minute, Tang Village is waiting!"

Li Li heard that Tang Longbao took people to her office, hurriedly chased it, she launched in her office, the key only she had.

Tang Long didn't understand her, Li Li's face was red, whispered: "The village head, you will wait for it, I, I will go in, pick up the pack."

"Do you want to clean up?" Tang Long fripped his eyebrow.

Li Li hurriedly explained: "Does the Spring Festival are not relatively busy? At night, after get off work, because the dormitory is scheduled, there is no plan, so I have lived in the office, in the office ! "

Those who are chaos, remember that the close clothes that changed yesterday were throwing on the desk. This is going to be seen by Tang Long, and I don't know what to think.

Tang Long understood, laughing and laughing: "Then we will not go, um, you see our people, where do you sit?"

Li Li's heart was relieved. She really didn't want Tang Long to go to the office, too mess, and have a lot of her private items. No way, the Spring Festival is in the fish head hall, and there is no time to connect, there is no time.

"Do you want, go to the service life, take it first?" Li Li thought about it.

It seems that it is not suitable to go to the female waiter's dormitory!


Tang Long smiled, not too picky, raise his hand to sign the other party.

Li Li took Tang Long and others into the fishtail service life dormitory, up and down, some narrow, but the cleaning is ok, there is no smelly sock.

After the arrangement, Li Li also called someone to send fruit plates, melon seeds, snacks and tea drinks, waiting for a row.

And she went to front, after all, there is a lot of pushing things waiting for her to handle!

Yan Jiao Yang said with a smile: "I can't think of this fishthawn, I am still very hot!"

"Purely belongs to the heart of the flowers, no heart to insert Liu Yin, you can don't look at this, 'fish head hall is a place where the top count is on Taoyuan County!" Tang Long said.

Yan Jiaoyang smiled: "I am not opposed, the 'wild fish soup of the fish head is really a must, I haven't drank the house outside. Throw a few pieces into it, think about it is hungry ! "


Everyone is called Yan Jiao Yang to laugh.

Tang Long turned to look at the factory manager of the dragon winery Huang Yingwu, and Wang Mazi, um Wang Dawei, smiled and asked: "How are you with great place?"

Huang Yingwu five major three thick, there is no woman likes to look at Tang Long asked the feelings, and it is a bit embarrassed, and the red blush said: "How can you, just, then it."

Wang Mazi grinned this, where is the hosted of the hood, nor talking. However, the eyes are aiming Huang Yingwu, so a five major three thick, not like a woman, he grabs half a lifetime.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Huang Yingwu has no Ding point woman, but in his eyes, Huang Yingwu is the best woman.

Do you want to say that your eyes go out to Xi Shi!

Tang Long said with a smile: "It's just that you can't do it. Well, is there a piece?"

Huang Yingwu hesitated, strongly put it on the big: "Live, you will stay with you, we have a separate dormitory in the winery!"

Tang Long nodded, not surprised, not surprised, smiled and said: "You are also borus, giving things, look back, I am calling people to buy a house in the county town, send you a car, this year The winery gives you two million, the amount, six million, is a branch. After the day is set, the wine banquet wants to do, give me a letter, all spending is on my head, my name get together."

Everyone in the room is so quiet, including the two parties of Huang Yingwu and Wang Dawei!

"Boss, this, this is not suitable?" Huang Yingwu said with a small voice, she was happy, she was 40 years old, and she didn't get married, which woman didn't want to get married.

"How is it not suitable? Said to give you less, still don't want to marry us?" Tang Long smiled.

Huang Yingwu smiled and shook his head: "No!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Then, things will be so fixed, when I am looking for the county magistrate to give you a farewell!"

"Don't, we feel that the factory, you will be awarded the marriage." Wang Dawei suddenly opened, smirked.

"Haha, ok, then I will give you a divorce. The days are scheduled to be five this year, today I will arrange it, say hello to the relatives in the family!" Tang Long smiled.

Huang Yingwu and Wang Dawei looked at each other, nodded, very happy.

These two mouths can earn a lot of money to Tang Long. The Dragon Winery is not said by the well of their two son tubes, and the wine is better than before.

The personnel in the Huang Yingwu's competent factory, Wang Dawei is extremely appropriate. The entire winery is controlled by the two sons. Tang Long did not feel anything wrong. He was a little bit of scorpion, and it was still there.

Wang Dawei is a real person, the old man is also a human person. Don't look at the appearance of the appearance, but in the morality, people are clear, maybe, Huang Yingwu may not be able to over.

The two sons will manage the winery for Tang Long, regardless of how the dragon's wine industry makes money, the two did not mention the money with Tang Long.

"Right, Huang Jie, the first month After all over the month, the new winery will start, if you have no things, you will come over to stare." Yan Jiaoyang turned to see Tang Longzheng, smiled and said: "You I am doing, I am not digging your corner. After the expansion of the dragon winery expansion does not need to accumulate experience, just the new winery can give Huang Jiapea, and the things! "

Tang Long is crying, she wants to say this, I really don't say anything, and I can't talk about the wall of the wall, I don't dig the wall, whether it is the dragon wine or Tang Xiaolong liquor group, is not all of themselves!

"Good!" Huang Yingwu did not oppose it, nodded directly, because she felt that Yan Jiao Yang said very well.

In the future, the dragon wine is expanded. In addition to the factory, wine cellar, there is also a lot of skilled staff. Many workers are not able to train for a while, and they need to start from apprentices. I really grow up, no one year. Half load, definitely not, want to be a teacher, at least five or six years.

The future of the dragon is expanding the future, Huang Yingwu and Yan Jiaoyang feel that it is imperative.

However, Tang Long is still the meaning, simply improve production, there is no need, it is not necessary, there is a lot of things in the world, not much better, and it is just the opposite, it is not as good, just right.

The number of dragon wine, selling, but also enough to drink it, although there is a bit of a tight market, it is very good, this is not very good!

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