Taoyuan Soldier King

The 579th chapter plugged in wings

"Can you drink some?"

Tang Long and Xing Jun sat down, let people shouted in Fu Jiayang, Huang Yingwu, and Xiaomei. Asked Xing Jun, after all, people were people.

Xing Jun smiled: "I can really drink some, I haven't been died in this first month. I will take a vacation tomorrow, that is, the sky is the next knife, there is no matter what I do."

Tang Long slammed, laughing: "You can pull it down, don't say it is a knife in the sky, it's a bit of a spicy thing, you specify the first to run back, you don't have to call you. Don't argue , 'Old yellow cattle' like you is a hard work, don't let you do your eyes. "

Xing Jun smiled and sighed: "It is still to let you talk, hey, no law, do so many years of criminal police first line, I have been used to it."

"Isn't it the deputy director?" Tang Long said with a smile.

Xing Jun smiled and said: "Why is the deputy director? It is the deputy director who is not fake, but it is more than before, people are more tired, do you be a rare director?"

Tang Long smiled and squeezed: "Don't want you to retire, just in our fishing village lacks a security captain, I am looking at you."

"You still say, wait for my brother, I will go back, I will go to your fishing village to dry a security guard, the food is good, the treatment is good, and I haven't worried every day." Xing Jun laughed.

The two people pulled the salty, and they all came over, and Huang Yingwu came over, basically all the people on the dragon winery.

"Don't drink this, move two boxes of dragon wine!"

Tang Long looked at the 'Heilong Wine' and Tang Xiaolong and Co-Co-all, and directly waved.

In fact, 'Black Dragon Wine' and Tang Xiaolong and the bags are not low, especially black dragon, now the price is about a thousand yuan.

"What do I do, today I ask, don't have to save money!" Tang Long saw Li Lili, Li La, and couldn't help but laugh.

There is a dragon wine in the fish head, but it is clearly worth it, and it is not to drink, or even more money is not.

But Tang Long's exception, because half of the long liquor in the year is his private wine.

I bought the 'big new winery', the primary purpose is to brew it myself, I can't make the scale of the dragon, I can't even drink my own wine!

"Right, then give Tang Xiaolong and Dragon Wine Industry two high-end, according to human heads, two bottles of past, drinking is their things, do not drink allow to take away!" Tang Long smiled and thought about what , Said, there is no kindness.

Two bottles of dragon wine market price is nearly six thousand dollars, more than 30 people, a lot of quantities, but this point, Tang Long is really improper.

"That, can you send me two bottles?" Xing Jun and other Tang Long said, the eyes were bright, and the lips smiled.

Tang Long shook his head, one is saying: "Specify can't, send you so expensive wine, I don't call accept bribes, can't do it, um, not only can not send you wine, you can't drink dragon, the grade is too high, You are not suitable, I think the northeast of the old village long wine is the most suitable for you. "

Xing Jun turned over the eyes and couldn't help but yell: "Roll your egg!"

Then a table person laughs.

Tang Long is drinking dragon wine, or sending dragon wine, it is really not going to work, because the entire dragon wine industry is all his, not a new thing.

"Come, when your brother, you respect you."

After the wine is on the table, Xing Jun took the initiative to serve, and said to Tang Long.

Tang Longye beads turned, it is like laughing and laughing: "Don't be angry, there is something in this, your Xing Bureau is doing this? Today is not right!"

Xing Jun squinted his eyes: "What is the Xing Bureau not Xing, privately, we only have a friendship, brother friendship, right?"

"Yes, although I know that you want to dig a pit, let me jump, rushing this 'comrades friendship' I have to jump, come, do it!" Tang Long smiled and touched the Xing Jun. under.

Everyone is a straight child, there is no need to turn the angle.

Two more cups, both people do your best!

Xing Jun sat next to Mu Xiaoxia hurriedly said: "Master, you have slowly drink with Tang Long, no longer let you drink, you have to drink it, I will call the teacher for a while!"

"Hey, I don't see it, small cotton jacket, much more than the two stinky kids in my family." Xing Jun smiled with Tang Long.

Mu Xiaoxia excavated him, Chao Dynasty, Tanglong Station, Relief Cup: "Come, Tang Dadong, I also respect you, I do you, I am free!"

Tang Long smiled: "Your teacher is not very good today, it's okay, what's the matter, I'm, I will give me the amount of alcohol, I still want to give me a bold? Not me Tang Long I can't afford you, a big one, one less, I'm a little, I'm. "

Mu Xiaoxia smiled: "Tang Dado, you first drink, drink it again!"


Tang Longpin wine glasses, I touched a cup with Xiaoxia, then I got up, but I didn't name Xiaoxia to drink more, my big master, I don't want to be a wine.

After putting down the wine glasses, Tang Long smiled and said: "What can I say now? I am a secret of the gods, and I will go to the scene together."

Mu Xiaoxia saw Xing Jun looked at his eyes, and then smiled and said: "In fact, it is not a big thing. With the increasing traffic of Taoyuan County, the daily public security issues are increasing, so it is necessary to recruit a batch of auxiliary police to change the status quo. "

Recruitment auxiliary police?

Tang Long stayed and smiled and said: "If you have a teacher, you won't want to persuade me to be auxiliary police?"


Mu Xiaoxia couldn't help it.

Helpless: "Who doesn't know that Tang Long is a big famous fishing village, not only a household name, but also a unicorn, worth tens of billions, even if you want to be auxiliary police, our small Don't be. You are not. "

Tang Long smiled and said: "Then, my person is too lazy ... Multi-Recruitment auxiliary police involved in the daily public security management, it is a good thing, I need to do anything, don't turn the corner, I just said!"

Mu Xiaoxia blinks: "Can I say?"

"Say!" Tang Long raised his hand.

Mu Xiaoxia launched a smile, a serious saying: "Taoyuan County's change is a bit big. It can be understood that many people can't prevent it, but we are all clear, this is also an opportunity of Taoyuan County, a hundred years of hard-working opportunities, if you grasp, Taoyuan County pressed a pair of wings that can be flying.

The problem is that the opportunity is too sudden, there are too many things to solve in the county. Many problems have not been considered before, and they can't solve them in front of them. It can only rely on our own way, such as, in order to increase the tricky problems such as hundreds of patrol cars! "

Tang Long instantly understood the meaning of the teachers and apprentices. It turned out to be a custom, and rushed. In fact, even if Tang Long did not take the initiative to call Xing Jun, it is not necessary to take the initiative to find the door.

"For the help of hometown, there is a power, it is the unshirkable responsibility, there is no ability, then don't say it, let alone this ability now!"

Tang Long thought, smiled and said: "I will probably go back to Shancheng tomorrow. The first thing to go back is to solve the problem of patrol cars, and donate a 150th in Taoyuan County with unicorn. Qilin Tang 'new energy car. "

A 'Kirin Car' is priced of 399,000, 150, the price is 60 million, such donation can't be said to be a huge amount, but it is absolutely not less!

The other people's face is not given, and the old Xing has opened it. This face has to be given, and Tang Long also has this ability.

With this batch of patrol cars, plus the increase of the number of the auxiliary police can fundamentally solve the problem of deterioration in Taoyuan County.

"On the 10th, the latest first month of the first month, I will let the Qilin car will transport the 'patrol car' to you, promise to be effective!" Tang Long took the chest.

A spit, a nail, or if you don't say it, you must do it.

Some things can be hip hop, but the commitment to make, even if the Knife is the sea, Tang Long has never repented.

"Thank you, Tang!" Mu Xiaoxia did not expect Tang Long so fast, biting his teeth, gave him a slightly.

Tang Long is crying!

The problem of talked a lot about the problem of Taoyuan County is not only the public security, but also the infrastructure, tourism development, etc. of Taoyuan County.

The first thing that is the main river is Donghe Town, 'Fish Village' is the 'stormy eye in the storm, and the outside world knows Taoyuan County, because the fish head village is the beast' black scale ', which is the engine of Taoyuan County.

However, although the reception capacity of Hilaria is greatly improved, it can be facing the least million Japanese daily flow, and it is still only the head of the head, it will not work.

Therefore, the development of Donghe Town must be put on the agenda!

Besides, many places in the Donghe Town are good, they can be developed as a attraction, so that the whole Donghe Town has become a 'tourism town', which is not going on that millions of tourists.

Donghe Town wants to build well, not a good thing, Taoyuan County wants to build well, not a good thing, get time!

The most urgent is not them now, but the leadership of Taoyuan County.

"I heard that we have thinned twenty pounds, tired!" Xing Jun sighed and laughed, said: "Of course, in addition to tired, then more designation is happy, because Taoyuan County is in the eyes The big changes! "

"Yeah, you have to be bigger!" Tang Long followed him.

They all hope that in the future, Taoyuan County is not that the provincial first poor county will only give the province, but the province, the province, even the country, the first Qiang County, the first wealthy county!

"There are many places in the county to rebuild, re-developing, in addition to opportunities, that is also challenge, light I know, there are many people in the province, there are many people who are eyeing our places, regard Taoyuan County A piece of fat, wants to eat and eat. "Xing Jun drunk the wine and slammed.

Old City Reconstruction, Scenic Development, there are many interests inside, and it is not necessary to say, after the year after the year, at least 20 projects near Taoyuan County!

How many people have attracted these items!

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