Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 580 Hotel Homicide

Three fat came out of the police station and had a long tone.

Today, the mother is a back point, or if it is not two foreign jade merchants to spend money, but also the trustee finds the relationship, maybe it is not coming today.

Things are big, saying that the small is not small, Taoyuan County is really rectified, and strictly hits public security, it is really worth two years.

"Dog grass!"

In the three fat mouth, he is awkward, and he is a person, he thinks it is a face today.

I haven't waited for him to go home, and there is a car parked behind him. I opened the door, and some people shouted to him: "Three fat sons, come up, Xiao Mingsong call you two sentences."

Three fat men stunned, then hit a spirit ...


"Are you still going back at night?"

After lunch, I have been in the afternoon, Lu Xiaomei is not easy to find the opportunity, and ask the small voice around Tang Long.

Because tomorrow Tang Long has to go to the mountain city, even if he doesn't go back to the fish in the village tonight, he also wants to spend the Bao Feng engraving factory.

Lu Xiaomei went to Xihu City to see the city, but she was very sufficient, I want to go to the mountain city. I can find the opportunity.

So, Tang Don is a good lie.

"Shancheng Qilin car has started in the eighth, I have to go back tomorrow, I have to go back to the fishing in the mouth tonight to pack up." Sign a little pause, raise his hand on her head, smile: "There is a clothing company called Sun Bird, I have talked with Sun Zhengqi, I have been in the first month, I want to initiate the purchase invitation, when I am very likely, the West Lake Heroes will participate, when you estimate it. It is necessary to run around the mountain city! "

Lu Xiaomei eyes bright: "Really!"

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "Thousands of true things, can I still lie to you?"

Lu Xiaomei hesitated slightly, low-headed red and smoldering: "You haven't seen you for a long time."

Tang Long thought, laid in Lu Xiaomei ear, said a few words, let Lu Xiaomei have a big red face, some twisted: "This, this is not good?", There is a small green. "

"Hey, in you, I am doing." Tang Long smiled and handed her for her.

Lu Xiaomei considers the meeting, and I don't know how to talk to Green Ice Jade, or choose to secretly run with Tang Long ... open.

Fishtun Village Warm Hotel, specified is not going, influential.

Therefore, Tang Long prepares and Lu Xiaomei sneaked to find a home, or what is 8 days, wait for the two hours, talk to the sky, then send Lu Xiaomei home.

It's all very good, it's not big.

The problem is in the selected hotel.

Tang Long and Lu Xiaomei have opened a good hour, enter the room, but only five minutes before and after, there will be '' drama knock on the door.

The Lu Xiaomei was scared to follow the thriller, and the water of the eyes, the eyes of the eyes looked at Tang Long, it seems to be in the silent.

Tang Long almost didn't ask her to be amused, catching this kind of thing, whether it is Zhang embroidered or her sheep, I can't do it, I am a temper, and I can make it.


Tang Long comforted the launch of Lu Xiaomei and got up and got up.

"What's matter?"

Opening the door and looking at the outside hotel security attendant and two police officers, asked surprised.

Hotel waiters barely smiled: "This guest is really sorry to bother you ..."

Haven't finished it, I was interrupted by the latter police voice: "I have just happened in the hotel, please cooperate with the people inside the room, go downstairs hotel lobby collection."

Homicide case?

Tang Long has some speechless, and some helplessness, other things can still have two sentences, and there is really nothing to talk about this kind of thing, only can cooperate.

"Let's go, let's go!"

In the room, Tang Long called Lu Xiaomei. After the room, the police immediately entered the inside to search, to determine that no one in the room.

Tang Long wanted to ask, is there still been caught?

But I have never hired, and I don't want to have a polite, don't give comrades.

When I went building, Lu Xiaomei asked: "What happened?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "I heard a murder in the hotel!"

"Homicide case?"

Lu Xiaomei's eyes, the boss.

Like this 'murder' case, it seems that Taoyuan County has not happened in ten years?

Don't look at the big New Year, you can come to the hotel to talk to the long, the people who are gathering, and the people who are chatting are not in a small number. The land and rivers are all called out from the room, and the hall is full of people.

Have local people, there are also foreigners!

It is an estimated police that there is no way, perhaps what clues have been controlled, so they shouted all the accommodants.

"What is this, killing people, you caught the murderer, what do you shout out?"

Guests with foreign stays express their dissatisfaction.

Tang Long did not expressed what, cooperated, let the station where to stop, let the registration information, old and real registration information.

However, when you ask the accommodation to log in, not everyone cooperate, especially those who secretly touch the 'chat', even more dissatisfaction.

"Everyone must register him more information, including ID card, mobile phone number, and present address, why do you appear in the hotel.

Killing people or killing people, maybe hidden in you, if anyone does not cooperate, unsatisfactory, or any other ideas, there is no way, you can only ask us to cooperate with us. "

The police came over and interrupted the people who did not cooperate with the protesters, very serious.

Gradually, the atmosphere is quiet, everyone faces each other!

After about half an hour, Danglong saw a familiar face.

Xiaoxia looked at Tang Long, slightly, frowned: "Tang Boss, how can you appear here?"

Tang Long shrugged, and the boat smiled and said: "Come and take a break, don't break the law, right?"

Looking at Lu Xiaomei, standing, Mu Xiaoxia slammed his face, did not take care of him. It is estimated that in the hearts of people, Tang Long and scum have been equal to the waiting.

"Is there something? If you have anything, you can go first. If you don't matter, you will stay with us to investigate!" Mu Xiaoxia said.

Because she can determine that Tang Long can't be a murderer, or the probability of the murderer is very low.

Tang Long shook his head and smiled and said, "Talk about the specific situation, maybe I can help you!"

Mu Xiaoxia hesitated, whispered: "Come with me!"

Turned with Tang Dynasty and walked in the stairs, Tang Long gave Lu Xiaomei first waiting for him here, did not let her follow.

After avoiding the crowd, Mu Xiaoxia brow said: "The murderer chooses the crime location, not in the hotel room, but in the third floor and the fourth floor of the stairs ..."

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