Taoyuan Soldier King

The 588th chapter of the mountain

"In the past, Tang Long is a soldier, and it is a very powerful thing ... In fact, I don't know much about Tang Long," Mountain is hesitant, whispered: "I still tell you Let me! "

Zhang embroidered did not oppose it, listening to the story of the mountain.

"I used to be a killer that swim in the dark edge. The first time I came to the fish, not to visit the mountain, but I took the reward of Liu Meica, and wanted to kill Tang Long."

The mountains thought that Zhang Embroidered will be afraid, and it will be surprised, but there is no, people embroidered the book.

"Why didn't you give him off him later?" Zhang Embroidered smiled and asked curious.

The mountains have smiled and said: "I just wanted to kill him. After I saw himself, I found that I didn't work, the enemy's ability is above me."

"So, are you giving the 'to take'?" Zhang Embroidered smiled.

The mountain shook his head and smiled: "Not a service, it is a broken service, you don't know, the killer circle also killer circles rules, whether it is a domestic killer organization, or abroad killer tissue, no one can break the rule, it is easy, It is difficult to quit.

If you want to be intact, there is no post-exit, only a few ways, one is to use 'Jing Yu'! "

"Jing Yu? What is it?" Zhang Embroidered question.

The mountain is explained: "Jing Ying is a very cattle token, Jing Ying can control 99 killer organizations worldwide, or let the world's 99 killer organizations, The Jing Yizhi is a face.

At the global market, the number of Jing Ying will not exceed ten, and each price, the black market can sell $ billion, and still price is not available.

I didn't expect that Tang Long actually used the second stream of the second stream of the lack of teeth. Can you understand the feelings I at the time? Special excitement ... "

Zhang embroidered and smiled and interrupted the mountain: "Is there a impulse?"

The mountain face is red, oh, I'm saying: "You don't want to fight, listen to me!"

"You said!"

Zhang Embroidered, she is not stupid, how can it be seen that the mountain is like Tang Long, and it is still the kind of feelings that are willing to return.

I didn't sleep overnight.

The two actually talked.

Zhang Embroids played a yawn, some helplessly said: "Don't say it, you have a lot of things today, there are many things to do!"

The mountain blinks, smiles: "What to sleep, continue to helitate!"

"screw you!"

Zhang embroidered smiled.

It seems that I have dolly a bit, my heart is concerned about Tang Long, even if I don't say it, I don't come back in Tang Long, the stone mentioned in my heart, I can't land for a day.

Originally, Yao Han is preparing to leave in the first month of the first month, no one wants to have the kind of thing, so now, Yao Han Dong is still in the fishing village, no leave.

"Let's go to so many people again, is it right?"

After breaking up, the vehicle is ready, except for Zhang Embroidered and others, there is a large number of security personnel, including the winning, Li Ergun and others.

Just 16th,

Taoyuan County officially bidding rivers along the Yangji Town, in addition to this, the original Jade Mine of Taoyuan Yuxi, which was originally located in the name of the Source Group, 70 different sizes, and the Taoyuan Yu investment company. The mine is divided into 36 points.

However, these are not big mines, and the rich mines found in the township will not be more than that, even if it is now high, this thirty-six Tayuan jade mine price will not be low.

Zhang Embroidered, winning, Li Erchug represents Yumou Village, Hi Tou Village Mining Company, in the industry, Yukou Village, Yutou Village, Yutou Village, Yukou, is not small.

In addition to the Shuanghe Town, there are two rich mines in the minerals of the fish head villages, and the department of Taoyuan jade art will develop sales and other departments, and it is not bad.

Even in the Taoyuan Yu Trading Market, and Taoyuan Yu Mall, there is still a booth of Yutian Yucai Company.

The famous head is not necessarily, and the market share is not low.

Although the mountain is selling the Taoyuan jade mine in his hand, it is now controlled by the 'Longshan Spring' Group, it is estimated to be tens of billions, I want to interrupted the Taoyuan jade business, I am afraid that no one dares to say anything, even Lian Taoyuan County Leaders I am afraid I will welcome both hands.

After all, 'Longshan Spring' Group, but how can Taoyuan County, a super big company, how might not pay attention.

Yao Han Dong and his men's hammeters, to say a reputation, whether it is the Yutian Yucai or Longshan Spring Group, in Taoyuan Yuci, there is no necessity of people.

You must know that Taoyuan Yuxi Investment Company, but the banner on the Taoyuan Yu market until it is acquired by Source Group.

It can also compare with Taoyuan Yu investment company, nothing more than 'Yulong Taoyuan Yu' and 'Four Sea Taoyuan Yu'.

But now, Taoyuan Yu Investment Co., Ltd. was acquired by Source Group, and the Source Group also went into the margin of the bankruptcy because of the investment of huge sums of money, and entered the margin of the bankruptcy.

The four-sea Taoyuan jade outside the rumor has been swallowed by the Yulong Taoyuan jade, only empty shells, and the market, the three giants, now only 'Yulong Taoyuan Yu' stands still.

How big is the size of Yulong, and the outside world is unknown. Some people say that the twelve Taoyuan Yu Mining in Shuanghe Town will occupy Taoyuan Yuzi, and in this twelve Taoyuan Yu Mining, there are six seats in the Royal Dragon Taoyuan jade name.

In the rivers and lakes of Taoyuan jade, 'Yulong' is a mountain that is always going to step, even if it is very low-key, no one can ignore its existence.

In addition, Dapeng Yucai, brother Taoyuan Yu and other companies are also the husbandies in Taoyuan jade, but Dapeng Yumi owner does not know why, retreating hike, it seems that there is no in Taoyuan County, but Brothers Jade Industry have always been the professional manager in the trading, steady and stabilized, abnormal Buddha.

Later, what is the stream of cattle home.

But now, with the fire of Taoyuan County, Taoyuan Yu's name is also straight to the cloud, it has become a new expensive in the jade market.

Therefore, Taoyuan Yu Mining Auction, but not only to attract domestic jade jewelry companies, the world's large-scale jewelery company, luxury goods company, and even some world's five hundred companies, all come, I want to intervene into it. A piece of a cup.

The market becomes large, the same, Taoyuan Yu's rivers and lakes have changed more chaotic!

A large amount of capital comes in, some things even are the behind-the-scenes of Tang Long, can't control it, can only release it first, let him follow the wave.

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