Taoyuan Soldier King

The 590th chapter price has risen


No one thought that the first Taoyuan jade mine of the auction, the price will directly exceed 300 million.

At the beginning, everyone expected that it was about 8,000 to one billion, even if there is premium factor, double, to a little 500 million, more than 100 mines, theoretically, it should be able to take it off.

Although the first Taoyuan jade mine, the ingredients of 'fighting "are inside, but it is still surprising that people present.

Those who participated in the bid, no matter how Gao Peng, or Dong Yu Group, but it is very flat, and there is no too much price.

If more than eight million of macro hammer, it is indeed unexpected, and more than one thousand eight million of hammer, it is not too difficult to accept.

After the hammer, many people have begun to call the outside world and communicate.

"Let's start auction the second Taoyuan Yu Mining!"


The bidister took out the second cardboard from the transparent box, and the '48' was written.

"The second is about to bid Taoyuan Yu Mining, is the '48', the location is also located in the riverside town, about the details of Taoyuan Yu Mining, please see the big screen!"

The auctioneer also turned to the big screen, because he is not very clear because of the materials of the auction mine.

"No. 48 Taoyuan Yu Mining, it is actually this batch of bidding mines, the largest scale!"

On the large-screen information, the red cream shows that the 48 mine is this auction, the largest mine is large.

The auctioneer returned to: "The starting price of the 48 Taoyuan Yu Mining is 28 million, and the price will not be less than 100,000."

"30 million!"

"80 million!"

"More than 20 million!"

About ten seconds, the price of Taoyuan Yu Mining, 48, has exceeded 100 million.

"Master, the price of the Taoyuan Yu Mining in the river is not as high as the price of the Taoyuan Yu." Ren Yingying asked.

At the beginning, Tang Long took the bridge, sold to Shuanghe Town Taoyuan Yu Mining in the Sanyi Group, which can be mostly a minimum of the mine along the town, even the smallest, large-scale mine.

But at that time, the price was only 20 million dollars, it was already a price!

Changed to domestic cash, there is 12 noctures, such as the value of the 48 Taoyuan Yu Mining, up to 100 million.

But now the price has been running three billions, the last price is hammer, or an unknown.

Hoo Yuxi calmly said: "The market of Taoyuan Yu has been in the past."

Many foreign investment companies, jewelry companies, and even some luxury companies have begun to admit to bidding, it is expected that everyone is very confident about the 'Taoyuanyu'.

If it is not a strong source group, it is said that the Taoyuan Yu investment company bought by $ 2 billion is not lost.

"320 million!"

"200 million!"

On the price of 400 million, 80% of investors and companies, all stopped, after all, this is the second auction mine, there are still many.

Although the '48' number is large, the price of four billions is too high.

Just, no one thought that bidding continued, the 400 billion did not live anti-live, behind, 500 billion, and 60 million were broken.

Finally, the price stays at 7.2 million.

"Dong Yu Group, bid for 7:200 billion, 7:200 billion is effective, is there a bid?"

Listening to the voice of the bidding, everyone gave everyone loud.

"The price is too high?"

"This Dong Yu Group won't be a trust?"

"I will pull the price to so high, what should I get?"

Everyone seven tipping is the best, but no one can stop, and finally, Dong Yu Group is willing to pay for the price of the '48' Mine.

"The third is bidding, the 59 Taoyuan Yu Mining!"

"... 20 million is effective, good, Congratulations, Ms. Yao, auction 59 mine!"


"The 4th auction mine is 83!"

"... 300 million is effective, congratulations ..."


The land, regularly built ten Taoyuan Yu Mining, 10 Taoyuan Yu Mining, the highest price is the '48 Taoyuan Yu Mining, the price is 7.2 million. The lowest price is '59 ', the price is 2.9 billion.

Then there are several Taoyuan jade mines, the price is not lost!

"Resting for 20 minutes, then continue to bid!"

The auctioneer scorpion is a bit hoarse, a little more hours, not stopped, and it is indeed a strange. Ten Taoyuan Yu Mining, filled with more than 42 billion prices, but also very inspiring.

"Don't worry!"

"Who said that it is not that it will take it off one to come down. Now the price is three times more than the price."

"The price is too high!"

"I don't think too normal."

In all private, I truly want to enter the company and individuals of Taoyuan jade to explore this industry. It is also aware of a problem, that is, the price, has risen, although there is still a ninety Taoyuan Yu Mining, but these mines can be It is difficult for price estimates that it is difficult to drop to 300 million.

"Do we have to shoot?"

The mountains have a smile and ask Zhang embroidered, Yao Han Dong, the front of the ten, they have not started, and they will watch the lively.

In the Ten Taoyuan Yu Mining, Gao Peng took a shot. Xu Shi Yun took a shot, Yao Dragon Queen hooked Yigui settled, Yao Jingtian took a picture, and then the name of Dong Yu Group was taken down. Two, the remaining four are also taken away by the more unfamiliar name.

"Come here, buy a few playing, anyway, the little rich woman like you is not short of money!" Zhang embroidered smiled.

The mountains have a hand: "Why don't you lack your money? Can you lack your money!"

"Put the ocean!"


After twenty minutes, the auction continues.

"Is money?"

"Well? The price drops?" Qian Donghai took a mobile phone and did not know who was calling.

Bai Xiangyang Yin Shen face shake his head: "No, just four billion shots, the price ... rose!"

That's right, relatively 10 mines, next ten, the price rose.

Not only the price is not falling down three billion, but no price is less than 350 million, the highest price is 43 million, and the lowest is 350 million.

When starting, the bid is more intense, and it is also more cautious.

Thirty or 4 million prices are enough to pay off the lack of lack of jade and investors.

Ren Yingying stunned, spit with a small tongue: "I am going, really have money, this is too rich."

The bidding worker wiped the sweat on the head, smiled and said: "The morning time is almost the same, then auction five '' mines, the morning bidding activity is over.

The scattered mine is distributed in all regions of Taoyuan County. They are originally a 'Taoyuan Yuxi Investment Company'. I heard that Taoyuan Yuxi Investment Company is extremely famous in Taoyuan jade circle. For details, you can inquire privately.

Taoyuan Yuxi Investment Company is sold for 20 million US dollars, so this 36 mines, this money is probably $ 2 billion, all over, a mine price is 345 million. "

For the built-in scrutiny, many people are nasal.

The Taoyuan Yu Mining in the river is all of the 'rich veins', but these' , There is absolutely no.

The scattered pit auction is in order, do not catch!

"We start auction from the first, and the starting price of the No. 1 scattered pit is 10 million. Every time the price is still not less than 100,000, now everyone can bid!"

"10.1 million!"

"10.2 million!"

Auo: "..."

I am stunned, is it not all Taoyuan Yu Mining? The price is so big?

"Fifteen million!"

Ren Yingying can't calmly, stood up and happy. Because the No. 1 spread, she preferred!

Many people turned their head to the Yingying, I saw the past, and I was a little girl. I was very surprised. He said how did a child run in?

There are also many people to know Ren Yingying. In Taoyuan Yuci, Ren Yingying is also a unclear celebrity!

"Beautiful little girl!"

Bai Xiangyangye beads bright, revealing the same, self-speaking belly.

Qian Donghai is on the chair, I don't know what I am thinking. Wu Bin turned over the eyes, did not say good words: "Tang Long's people, do you dare to touch?"

"This less love is born, no strong, telling true love, even if Tang Long knows, can I do me?" Bai Xiangyang didn't care.

"How to get rid of it!" Short hair girl chews chewing gum and said.

White is frowned: "Laozi is not strong!"

Short-haired girls are clear: "People don't have to strong, seduce unnamed girls, don't set it out, stay with you? Don't think that I am joking, don't believe you can try, you can see people, I will not be used to you. "

Slightly paused, and smiled and said: "Right, people may not use regular means to you! Maybe you don't even know how you are castrated."

Bai Xiangyang turned over, but did not dare to bother.

The eyes flashed, I don't know what I am thinking in my heart!

"One thousand and 50,000 is effective ..."

"One thousand five million is effective ... Once! Is there any bid?"

"One thousand five million is effective ... twice! If no one bids, the No. 1 scattered pit is willing to return this little lady!"

"One thousand five million is effective ... three times, ok, congratulations on this little lady!"

The auction worker raised his hammer,

The auction hall is not very large, the interest is not very large, like the 'poverty' in the first, and the difficulty of mining is still large, the production is not high, the heat is smaller.

Of course, there are also some good pit in the scattered pit.

For example, 'No. 2' drag pits, the auction is more fierce, and the price is 80 million, and finally takes eight thousand two million.

'No. 3' drag pits 2,600.

'No. 4 is a pit, and the price is 43 million.

'No. 5' drag pit, one thousand seven million prices.


"The afternoon auction start time, two thirties, officially started!"

At the end of the morning bid.

Twenty rivers along the Taoyuan Yu Mining, five scattered mines, total shooting of more than 87 million prices.

The news came out, and the market boiled.

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