Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 591 Investment Attributes

White lance in a white cafe.

The peacocks will be acrive, Yao Han, hook Yun Niang, Xu Shi Yun and others, please come to the second floor. After all, it is close to the Taoyuan Yu trading market. You can rest, eat something.

"The price is very varied!"

"It is much higher than the price before it."

"Estimate the afternoon bidding will be more intense!"

Downstairs, the white cafe is full of guests, everyone is talking about the auction of the auction in the morning, it seems that the price has stopped can't stop.

Many companies that have not photographed the mines have been called the above application amount.

Upstairs, Yao Han Dong, Zhang Embroidery, hook Yun Niang, Xu Shi Yun and others are also chatting, the 20 Taoyuan Yu Mining in the morning, they bought four, Ren Yingying bought the next 1 ore, spend ten A few billion.

"Taoyuan Yu Mining is taken by this shooting, the price of Taoyuan Yu must also rise!" Mountain.

Xu Shi Yun smiled and said: "This is not necessarily, after all, there is a large number of Taoyuan jade raw materials, even if there is this hundred new mine pits, then ... If there is enough preferences and players support, don't say it is rising It is not impossible to fall down. "

Ren Yingying blinks: "Poetry, what do you mean that Taoyuan Yu's price will fall?"

Xu Shiyun thought about shook his head and said, "Falling until, after all, Taoyuan County is so fire, fishing village and black scales are also so fire, within a short time, Taoyuan jade is difficult to plunge."

Slightly pause, said: "According to the current price, Taoyuan Yu price wants to rise again, estimate ... The possibility is not very big!"

The meaning of Xu Shi rhyme is very clear that the price of Taoyuan Yu will not fall, and it will not rise again.

Taoyuan Yu mine prices soared so high, almost everyone feels that the price of future Taoyuan jade is available, and there is a certain amount of space.

"High-quality Taoyuan jade price will not fall, the price increase is certain, but ordinary materials, maybe there is no other high increase in expectations." Hook Yumui's words for Xu Xu Yun, not very opposed.

The best Taoyuan jade, whether it is now, or the future, it will be a rare item, and it is difficult to fall after rising up.

However, the general material is not a common material, and the possibility of an estimated price increase is not very big, perhaps, the price will fall.

The future trend is boutique, and the Taoyuan Yu Mining can make money, but also on the 'Need material' produced.

The same Taoyuan Yu Mining, which is similar, maybe a year can earn a few billions, even more than ten billions, while another, can only earn a few million, the difference is so big.

"The afternoon mine, we still don't shoot? You are a profession, give some professional opinions." The mountain smiled and asked.

: "My opinion, there are two mines enough, now the mine price is so expensive, the investment attribute is not too obvious."

"That is, it is not recommended that we will shoot again?" The mountain blinks.

Hook Yun Niang smiled and nodded: "Yes, don't recommend it, and you are not professional, there is no change channel, especially you."

Longshanquan Group is selling water, cross-border engaged in mines, how to feel is not too taste.

The mountains said: "Well, I listen to the jade sister, the next auction, the Longshan Quan Group will not participate."

Zhang Embroids looked at Xu Shi Yun, asked: "After the riverside town, the market can live against the market?"

Xu Shi Yun blinks: "Probably it can, specific situations, I don't know."

"The Taoyuan Yu Mining in the river is about ten years, and it will open it within ten years. If the speed is fast, even if it is 10 years, it will take the empty within five years.

The Taoyuan Yu Mining on Shuanghe Town is relatively good, and the speed is now exploited, up to fifteen to 20 years.

Like other jade resources, Taoyuan Yu and other jade resources are not renewable unless the new mine is found.

From the overall storage, Taoyuan Yu's storage has probably has hundreds of millions, but the storage volume of high quality Taoyuan jade will not be higher than 50,000, the best Taoyuan jade is stored for up to five,000.

The market is sold, and Taoyuan jade purchased with ordinary players is generally informed of Taoyuan jade. There is no too high collection value.

In fact, my suggestion is to buy Taoyuan Yu Mining, if investing, it is better to buy high quality, even the best Taoyuan jade.

Although the price will be very expensive, it is undoubtedly the best from the perspective of cost and performance. "

The specific analysis of Xu Shi Yun said that these are the data probed by professionals, and they have been modeled, and it is speculated.

And the best Taoyuan jade, 60% of the sixth are all in Yulong Taoyuan jade hand!

In the afternoon, two o'clock.

Spier continues!

The auction is more fierce than the morning, and the total bidding of the 20 rivers along the Taoyuan jade veins. In addition to the Yulong, Zhang Embroidered, the mountain, Yao Han and others have no longer shot.

And Yulong only took a symbolic shoot, and two scattered pits!

Other nineteen, are taken away by others.

As everyone thinks, the afternoon auction is more fierce, and there is no less than four billion!

"Buy, the price does not matter, starting from tomorrow, taking mine!"

Sleeple sleep overnight.

The Taoyuan Yu Mining The next day, the auctioneer had explained clearly, and the 15th Taoyuan Yu Mining in the morning. In addition, the fifteen Taoyuan Mine was bicked in the afternoon. In addition, the thirteen renovation mines were bike.

However, the auction of the auction, Zhang Embroidery, Yao Han Dong, and the mountains and others did not participate, they were only sent.

Hook Yuxiang and Xu Shi rhyme came here, but I looked at the Taoyuan Yu Mining of the sky, no one shot.

On the second day of the auction, the average price of 30 Taoyuan Yu Mines along the riverside town has arrived in more than 40 million, and the price has long been the bottom line.

On the last day, the remaining thirty Taoyuan Mining, everyone is red!

The 15th Taoyuan Yu Mining in the morning, the average price is more than 4 million.

In the fifteen Taoyuan jade mine in the afternoon, the average price is more scary, and it is directly 5 o'clock.

After three days of nervous auction, a hundred Taoyuan Yu Mining, and attributed to the original Sports Group's thirty-six-score mine, all the auctions were completed.

There is no Taoyuan Yu Mining Field!

One hundred Taoyuan Yu Mines along the riverside town, with average price of more than 40 million, raising more than 4,600 billion funds to Taoyuan County and Riverside Town.

Participate in the auction, successfully purchased investors and companies from Taoyuan Yu Mining, Riverside Town, with a total of more than 60.

The most, acquired the seven Taoyuan jade mines, spending nearly $ 45 billion, becoming the name of the name.

Riverside Town Taoyuan Yu Mining Activity, perfect end!

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