Taoyuan Soldier King

Seventy-two chapter International Snake Disease Market

Time this thing is the most inadvertent, ample, and most unreasonable. Because you can't consciously consciously, when is it slipping away!

After a year, the facilities of the Snake Valley have gradually improved. From construction to now, it has been spent more than ten billions in money, but it is unknown in the outside world.

"Hey, boss!"

After Maggie saw Tang Long, he said hello, it was none, and Tang Long ran to this. The people in the village often come over, including Zhang embroidered them. Physharmon's internal things were completely managed by Dr. Cadina, but the problem of construction and construction is responsible for the fishing village.

"Dr. Cardina? In the laboratory?" Tang Long nodded and asked.


Mi smiled and shook his head: "Dr. Cardina is visiting the building!"

"Visit the building?" Tang Long squatted slightly, because he didn't know, when the Valley was a visit.

Mi explained: "The Valley is now divided into the ground, and the underground layer, the Snake Valley area has been constructed, the underground building part is in accordance with the design part, in addition to avoiding some passengers in the future The huge snake group feels uncomfortable, so it has built a building, specifically introducing snakes, show specimens, small visits snakes, etc. In addition, the living area of ​​Snake Valley's foreign workers is there. "

The entire 'Snake Valley Plan' is actually very huge. When it was built, it was built according to the size of each piece of Snake.

Now the main size has been completed, including huge tempered glass full transparent 'snake caves', large snake nest, already snake breeding center, large laboratory, etc.

When planning the 'Snake Valley', there is underground building, but it will never be such a huge intended to increase the design now!


In the tour, Tang Long saw Cadina, she is helping workers to carry a 'forest '.

"Is this a python?"

Tang Long looked at the exhibition hall for three or four meters long, the adult calf thick python, curiosity.

"Hey, one of the biggest giants in the world can grow to more than ten meters long, hundreds of kilograms of heavy, this is a young!" Cadina smiled and explained.

Looking at Tang Long nod, Mi, next to him, smiled and said: "The whole hops, almost all the world's most variety of snakes, and we are also preparing to build a tropical jungle environment, when you come, some tropical jungles, or Snakes in other regions can also be inhabited here. "

"Yes!" Tang Long smiled and said.

Cardina said: "Maybe there is something, the boss will be more happy after hearing!"

"Yes?" Tang Long curiously asked: "Tell, what is it!"

"This year, the price of the world is 10 times, the whole is thirteen last year, and the price of snake has skyrocketed by 130 times!"

Tang Long stunned, unbelievable: "How can the price so much?"

Cadona smiled and said: "The demand for international snake toxic market has soared, and there are some other reasons, so this year, the Snake Valley is the income of the venom to sell snake, there is about 20 million US dollars!"

Tang Long grabbed his head and said with a smile: "This is really a good thing."

"Because there is a lot of snake groups, it is just attracted this year. When you get next year, the Yield of Snake Valley will be ten times this year. If you are in accordance with the current international snake, the Snake Valley is only relying on a snake toxic. You can earn $ 200 billion! "Cadena said.

Tang Don said: "That is to say next year, the Snake Valley can be self-sufficient, do not support the funds of the fish head village company, what does it mean?"

Cadi Na nod, confident: "Yes, this means." Slightly pause, add: "Prerequisite is that the international snake poisonous price is not fluctuating, but according to our analysis of the international snake poisonous price, there is a short time, snake poisonous gap The huge, the possibility of price reduction is not very large. Mainly some diseases are treated, they need to use snake toxic! "

The role of the snake, in fact, human beings now, it is just a part of it, it can be excavated too much.

Otherwise, the price of snake is not more expensive than gold.

On the one hand, it is snake toxic breeding, collecting, it is more cumbersome, there is certain danger, but the market gap is huge, which is the reason why it can't still rise.

Tang Long thought about asking: "Can we use the collection of snake toxic, two processing production?" Probably, Dadina did not understand, smile and explained: "It is the lives that those drugs can do, we Can you also do it again? We can invest in building a snake poison processing plant, or to register a medical company, used to get these snakes! "

The raw materials are so expensive, and the price is not cheaper when the price is not cheaper.

Tang Long's idea is that people can do things, we can do it yourself, others can't do things, let's do it, this is perfect.

As for the 'Snake', it can support the snake valley, then the fish Tuancun company will surround the 'Snake Valley', it is not good to build a whole industry chain.

An anti-money can solve, it is a little thing.

Cadonna thought about it: "It should be, but it is difficult to do it in a short time. It is necessary to buy equipment, technology, and even seek cooperation between international pharmaceutical companies."

Tang Long smiled and said: "If you can't do it in a short time, then you will surround the industries such as raising snakes, snake vessels, we have money, and time, more patience."

Dr. Cardina also laughed, nod: "Tang Long, you can do this best, you can do it without condition, others seem to have no significance!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "I don't think so, I think we don't have anything, but it is very meaningful. It is very meaningful. It is not seen in front of you. The future is bright!"

Fu Zhen, the money, the money in the fish, is already enough to spend, and then to do, how to benefit the surrounding, the whole country, and even the whole human.

Of course, it is now too far away, but in the use of snake toxic, you can make a variety of experiments and attempts.

Because some people have said that snakes may cure cancer.

This year, the price fluctuations in the international snake toxic market are sufficient to prove that the market gap in the snake is huge, very huge, this market is not a small cake, and the snake poison is just the bottom of this cake, although it is also very fat.

"I think, I can also introduce some poisonous snakes next year, or reproduce the venoms, thus adding the number of snake valley!" Maggi proposed.

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