Taoyuan Soldier King

Seventy-three chapters, poor small mice

"Can ah, as long as money, we specify expand the scale!" Tang Long said with a smile pick sound.

Maggie blinked, and said solemnly: "In fact, if not money, increase the intensity of breeding is also imperative, space Snake Snake Valley Cave ground floor, if filled, at least need ......"


Catina Maggie stopped suddenly silent to prevent her to go on.

Tang Long slightly squint his eyes, smiled and said: "? There is also not a secret."


Catina to put away a smile, nod solemnly: "! E embroidered secretary said that these things do not tell you to listen, we obey the command"

Tang Long touched his nose, shrug your hands up and said: "That's a shame!"

'Embroidered secretary E' words, is the flagship ah, within the village boundary specified in the head, who refuses to accept not work, including Tanron included.

"Closer to home, this time specifically asked me to come over, what happened?" Tang Long asked with a smile.

For 'Snake Valley plan', he did not want to know too much, know much more than live on, had been glad to answer any of it!

"We also want to Cultivation!"

Catina looked at Tang Long blinked, he said.

Tang Long said: "West extraordinary stress, pay attention to the East Men comprehension, that you should not learn magic, vindictive what do!"

Catina does not matter, said: "We are now in the East, the West is not too proper set of us, say, embroidered secretary has approved me to join E 'village head' Oh, so, I would be Asians!"


Tang Long smiled and said: "into it, you think what practitioners, and practitioners 'nine Feng Feng Yin tactic'?"

Catina who come from an ancient volume, and asked: "? My father was an explorer, this thing is he was a child left me, seems to be what repair practice law, you can not teach me."

Tang Long hesitated, or take over, Scrolls thin, a total of no few, above turned out to be a 'classical Egypt' writing, but fortunately foreign Tanron ancient text, but also how much some studies.

"Snake Queen law formula?"

The content inside makes Tang Long squatted, although it is written in ancient Egyptian writing, how can it be seen in Tang Long in ancient Egypt, how is it like an east?

Listening to the four words, Cadena two eyes asked: "You really understand, I know that I will give you it, do you know what is written in it?"

Tang Long frowned and said: "This does a practicing practice method, and it is quite complete, and according to the above introduction, you can take at least you to cultivate to 'Nangan' realm."

"What is the 'Danan' realm?" Cadina asked curiously.

Tang Long smiled and shook his head and said, "You don't need to know what is the realm of the Dan, because this is too far away, there is no change in the world, it is impossible to practice into that realm."

Slightly paused, continue: "This 'snake emperor' is a kind of refining snake, drumping snake, using the merits of snake to poison, um ... It seems to be a good thing for you, just right."

For others, this is also more risky, because it is necessary to let the snake bite the cultivator, or inject the snake tox into the body, so that the cultivator, becomes 'toxoid', in the amount, slightly controlled, you have to live.

For Cadina, there is no concern, she is known as the 'snake female', bitten by the poisonous snake, the degree of snake toxic, can be said to be rich than the general poisonous snake. This is completely compliant with the cultivation foundation of the 'Snake Emperor'.

As for the snake, refining snake, and the snake valley, there is nothing else, and there is no lack of various poisonous snakes.

"This can be practiced!"

Tang Long raised his head and said seriously at Cadina.

"Today!" Cardina is very happy, don't say something that can be practiced, at least this is the father left to yourself, and it is also an idea for her.

Tang Long nodded and said: "But the risk of cultivation, it is a risk, in addition to the perseverance, you still need to have a firm heart. Stepping on the road of comprehension, the future fate, you can think about it. NS!"

Cadina excited: "Tang Long, you can rest assured, we are very persevering, you can stick to us, you will give us!"

Cadina is not a small gas. If the assistant Maggie wants to practice the 'Snone's law', she doesn't mind.

"According to the ancient volume, the first step needs to turn yourself into 'toxual', um, this step you can omit, because you are already 'toxoid', but Mi want to practice, you need to The most basic 'toxoid' begins, with the method of the "Snilled Emperor", let the snake to become the energy in the body, part of the body. "

"We started from the first part!" Cadina did not submit the previous steps because of injection of snake toxic from small.

Tang Long didn't understand her, curiously asked: "Why?"

Cardina said: "I have to know all the methods, if my children want to practice, I can't go back to you, right?"

Tang Long grabbed his head, and he said that you are 'poison'. Which man dares to touch you, can you have a child?

Of course, he is not good for people to speak these words.

Nodded: "OK, then we will go from the first step!"

Because Catina is already a 'poison body', so, when Tang Long ready Nama Ji 'mice' experiment.

"Maggie, you painlessly do?" Tang Long looked at Maggie asked.

Maggie slightly stunned, shaking his head, said: "Boss, Maggie not painlessly!"

Tang Long nodded: "That's good!" Turned to the Catina smiled and asked: "? Snake Valley, the lowest snake toxin, is what snake"

Catina then said: "The young snakes, toxins should not high!"

Tang Long root out fingers, shook, said: "! It would come out one hundred"

"With so many?" Catina spent a little lower.

Tang Long smiled and said: "! Anyway, be prepared for, ah, yes, what's venom serum, ready, prepare a will with Maggie could not carry"

Maggie does not know why, subconsciously shuddered, looked helplessly Tang Long asked: "? Old, boss, you do not want the snake to bite me."

"Smart! Rest assured that should not be painful!" Tang Long said with a smile.

Maggie already quite dark little face, becomes darker, reluctantly said: "? Even if ...... not hurt, you can not let one hundred small snake bite me while"

Tang Long Hey smile, leans her ear: "! Oh, and also to the light."

Maggie blushing, ah, black and red black and red.

"That, I can not but practiced?" Maggie corrected himself and said.

Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "Just can now terror die, you think, ah, you will work in itself snake-ri, everyday should be a day to deal with snakes, 'imperial law formula snake' is indeed very appropriate practitioners of you, we you acquire doing the experiment, if successful enough, then maybe the future to promote important in snake Valley workers who! "

Maggie: "......"

Refused to no avail, Maggie only bite the bullet, followed by Dr. Tang Longhuo Catina walked toward the lab.

One hundred young snake was born a few days, and was placed in a huge glass inside.

"Take it off, go in!" Tang Long said with a smile.

Margger: "..."

Tang Long also thought that the young broth was embarrassed, smiled and said: "Of course, if you are shy, I can leave, let Dr. Cadina are here!"

Mi shook his head: "I am not too shy, that is, a hundred poisonous snakes, although it is a young venom, this quantity is not too much?"

I hesitated, but I helpless: "I remember that your oriental seems to have a saying, called 'Practice and playing a dog, just have a root stick,', the boss, do you bite how to bite, bite How do I tell me? "

Tang Long took the brain and smiled: "You don't say, I have forgotten. In fact, I just started, there is no way, I can only be bitten by the snake."

Tang Long tells her the first layer of the Snone 's Fight', let her bite it in a snake, and try to think about the mouth.

As for the tube, Tang Long didn't know, um, he guess, nine-nine is not used.

Mainly there is a trace of snake toxic, then starting with the snake to do the 'source' to practice, but the top genius should just start to step on the road of cultivation, Maggie is not the legendary genius, he doesn't know.

In the face of Tang Long, Mi took off his clothes, and then he glanced over his eyes and climbed into the glassware.

There are hundreds of small toxic snakes in it ... although she is not afraid, but not to say, I am really not afraid of it.

"Don't be afraid, they don't bite you, you have to tease them!" Tang Long smiled.

"Caval from!"

Maggi couldn't stand the sound.

Dr. Cadona is seriously a record.

Tang Long Xiaoxue asked her: "Toxicon in the childhood period is really poisonous?"

Cardina plate face, staring at Maggie in the glassware, said: "Theoretically there should be no!"


Tang Long will smile.

The first step is actually 'practice, if you don't even have this kind of courage, then repair a fart, and practice the' snake emperor ', you need to let the snake bite yourself, but now you can use extraction Snake toxic, control the dose, in vivo injection.

Looking at Maggie who was biting by the little snake, Tang Long and Cadena were smiling, and there was no smile.

Not very hurt, but it is helpless.

Maggi, a slap in the pallet, the little poisoned snake, full of observant, looking at the outside of Tang Long and Cadena: "Isn't it good?"

Tang Long installed model looked at time, and then curiously asked: "Can you describe you before going to go?"

Margger: "..."

In the glassware, Mi is tossing for a long time, and it is difficult to get to Tang Long and Cadina permission, and then climbed out from the inside.

The legs are sitting outside, began to concentrate on cultivate the first floor of the Snone 's, focus on the unusual focus, she wants to be sorrowful and anger, or today, this is not there.

After Tang Long went to Maggie, the palm was gently pressed behind her, so that the gas in her body could be condensed together until it was.

After taking the palm, Tang Long smiled and said: "This method is good, you can better increase the focus, you can promote!"

Cadi Na's face smiles, in fact, before, the two have passed, so, the people in the drum have only Maggie, she is the mice who only 'name of the name.

Tang Long said: "Everything must be graduated, absolutely can't be worried, remember?"

"Understand!" Cadina nodded.

Then ask: "Can I practice it?"

Tang Long frowned, the 'snake emperor' recorded the method of refining snakes, and the first 'refining' coming out of the 'Fas snake' is the snake of the cultivane.

The most powerful place in the snake emperor, is not the cultivation of itself, but use the 'French', dried snake, and so on.

However, Tang Long is absolutely absolute, these are the small roads, and they have been directly cultivating themselves.

Three thousand avenues,

And for the avenue, Tang Long didn't know, so he did not dare to forget the comments.

"You can come yes, but you have to be clear, your first 'Fas Snake', especially important Ou." Tang Long Zhengqi.

Cadena said excited: "I know!"

Tang Long hesitated, did not persuade, perhaps, the snake is more close to others, since she wants to embark on this road, then she has not stopped.

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