Taoyuan Soldier King

The 746th chapter of the predecessor of the Tiger claw commando

"Tang Longge, I am Tang Longge?"

Zhao Xiaoyue's shout outside is outside. Tang Long heard it slightly, got up from the sofa, went to the small courtyard, looked at Zhao Xiaoyue and asked: "Do you run back?"

Zhao Xiaoyu has a mouthful, not happy to say: "The school is on holiday, I can't come back!"

on vacation?

Think about it, it's going to be New Year's Day.

Zhao Xiaoyue laughed and said: "I also brought a few students back!"

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "Welcome, the place is small, or you have to bring your classmates to the hotel. After you are good, you will stroll around you!"

"Well, first introduce you to your knowledge!" Noda, then pulled the short hair girl next to him. Like Yang Ti, Ren Yazhen, Tang Long knows that this is a few parties.

"Hey, this is the famous Tang Long, Tang Boss!" Zhao Xiaoyue introduced Tang Long to a short hair girl.

The other party was slightly red, and then took the initiative to reach out: "Hello Tang, I am Xiao Xiang!"

"It turned out to be Xiao Director!" Tang Long smiled, finally understood who is the short-haired girl in front of him, the signing director of the fishing village film and television company, also Zhao Xiaoyue recommended, Tang Longqin Point "Black Major 2" general directors, no wonder Deprivice, it is really a bit too young, but the problem is not big.

"There is still her!" Zhao Xiaoyi was laughing and pulling a little girl. The age is about 15 or six years old, and he is in the age of Yingying Zhang Xueer.

"Uncle Tang Long is good!" The little girl was a bit embarrassed.

Tang Long touched his nose and smiled: "You are good, um, it is very real!" To know that Ren Yingying and Zhang Xueer did not shout his uncle, it is called the mouth of the mouth.

Zhao Xiaoyue blinked and said: "Know who she is?"

Tang Long shook his head: "Don't know!"

"Yu Xiaoyan, my little fans!" Zhao Xiaoyu said slightly.

Tang Long took the brain door and smiled and said: "It turned out to be a baby daughter, this is a baby, must not be slow, or you have to go back to me."

Looking up and smiling in Xiaoyue: "That, you will take students and friends, the hotel is accommodated, eats me, like what abalone dragon shrimp wild fish soup, can arrange all the expenses, count me. ! "

"Light!" Zhao Xiaoyue stood a thumbs up toward Tang Long, greeted everyone to go outside, she came over with everyone with Tang Long, and told everyone, come back.

After Zhao Xiaoyue, Zhang Xueer asked curiously: "The little girl just is very beautiful, do you be very familiar with her mother?"

Tang Long smiled and tapped on her head. Don't read the ages, it is the master of people. "Her Mom is the general manager of the winery, and she is of course familiar with me!"

Zhang Xueer spit out the tongue, rubbing his face and hiding, no way, there are too many people, not so messy, did not look at Ren Yingying, this time, did not dare to be too arrogant?

Wait until the evening, Zhang Embroidered people came back, the small courtyard was full of deserted people, Ren Yingying directly strikes, her own grilled skewers can't eat everyone.

"Give you a task!" Zhang Embroidered said to Tang Long.

Tang Long did a smile: "That, recently is not the end of the year, Taoyuan ancient town there is quite a lot, and many things need me in the past!"

The exterior is meaningless to accept!

Zhang Embroidery said: "That is your business, it doesn't matter. Our village is booked in the New Year's ancestor this year. When you need to let the village beast black scales, of course, will give it ready The sacrifice is just a full meal through this opportunity. "

Tang Long did his head, waiting for the meeting, he couldn't help but worry: "What do you want me?"

Zhang Embroidered the eyes of the eyes and smiled. You, you can't do it, you are not in place, I will ask you! "

Tang Long grabbed his head, crying, this is not clear!

"Do you want to let the winning and Li Ergua are responsible?" Tang Long tried to ask.

Zhang Embroids stood up and returned to the house, did not take care of him, let the person responsible for the embroidered ones, but you have to get good, and finally you have to be responsible.

"Tang Long, let's discuss a thing!" Ren Yingying saw that Zhang Embroidered, and said to laugh and laughed.

Tang Long turned over the eyes and didn't have a good air: "Go to go, haven't seen me?"

Ren Ying turned to the eye of the bead: "You are bored, don't think of it, what's the matter can be used to help, I can help you!"

Tang Long muttered the sentence ', you can help a fart, stand up to the outside the court.

His pondering, and looked at the way to arrange things, although there is still a lot of things to have a ancestor in the village, and according to the highest instructions given in the embroidered book, this ancestor is three years. A big sacrifice, it can't be applied too much.


Just went out, I haven't been far away, and the autumn is chasing to call Tang Long.

"Well?" Tang Long turned his head and looked at her.

The autumn is cold, saying that there is no expression: "When he sent Miss Miss, it was attacked."

Tang Long's face is a little ugly, frowning said: "Is there anything in China?"

"Introducing top sidewi, forged accidents, drunk driving, things doing very clean!" The autumn cockroach faces the face.

Tang Long nodes asked: "What is our people don't have anything?"

"Two sluts, a broken leg, but the problem is not large, can be restored after the next future!" Qiu said.

Tang Long's eyes flashed and cooled. After a while, he said: "Set up 'Tiger claws', you contact the rain butterfly, see who is mixed in foreign countries, I want to come back, and in addition to a group of people in the network, the number is controlled Three hundred people, set ten strongholds in Asia! "

Slightly paused, after thinking, I said: "The 'Tiger Claw' duty is to guard, guard, not assault, killing, I will give you a billion funds for the 'Tiger claw' development."

"Well!" The autumn is shining in the eyes, but it hides very open.

Tang Long frowned and said: "Tracked, see who this behind the scene, can find the best, it doesn't matter!"

Autumn is turned and turned back!

Tang Long hesitated, the eyes gradually changed, while the village was walking, he called the rain butterfly.


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