Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 747 Restarting the Global Strategy

"Restart the intelligence network of the global Tiger, restore all the strongholds of the 'Shadow Hand' and the staffing, officially announced globally, the global tiger"! "

Tang Long said simple.

The rain butterfly in the mobile phone has fallen into extreme shock. You know, before Tang Long didn't only exhale the global tiger and shadow hand, this time I have encountered anything, let him change my idea?

Although the global tigers and shadow hands are just loose alliance nature organizations, its cohesiveness and combat power are not small. The two can be combined, and any force can be hit on a global scale and give the opponent's heavy.

The global Tiger and Shadow's hands are more controlled by the quantity of wealth, which has an international group company similar to the 'over-powered group'.

"Boss ..." Raindesy did not have an emergency, but he hesitated, said: "Do you want to know? Many of us exposed. At the time, we have to be responsible for everyone's personal safety, two organizations want to hide the dark, will not be so easy! "

Tang Long has not spoken in half a minute, and silence represents him in decision, and finally said: "This time, 'The global tiger' is transferred to the mortuary, 'Shadow's hand' hidden in the dark, the global tiger is responsible for the global In the range of combat action, the shadow is responsible for information, logistics, and various support. ... Let's not hide! "

After the end of the phone!

This decision is what happened in warm spring today and gave him alert. Yang Wugu said is right, Tang Long is not a wolf in the past, and now there is a relatives, friends, women and children, even if he is low-key, then the person who is presented to him, or will depend on his nail The thorn in the meat, wants to remove it later.

What will happen in the future, now everything is unknown, it has increased, let Tang Long have a warning.

'Global Tiger' and 'Shadow Hand' Although it is a loose alliance, it is condensed together, the combat power formed, is not small.

The only draw is that it is in China!

Therefore, Tang Long told the autumn, and became the 'Tiger Tu Security Company' in China, mainly to prevent unpredictable sudden incident.

All this, Tang Long does not plan to do it, but now he has to prevent it!

"How do you feel after breaking the rebirth?"

Tang Long sat on the stone bench under the mouth of the village, asked the old yellow dog that came over.

The old yellow dog is in front of Tang Long: "Good, life is extended, the ability to grow, now the spirit can be more in the air, I estimate that I can't use it for ten years, I will evolve into 'Bing beast'."

"Just as you, I still want to evolve into a spirit beast. I have a daydream!" The old cow in the side said, how to hear some sourness of the autumn.

The old yellow dog is lazy, "no wonder there so many people want to slaughter your beef, you will be killed!"

"Old cow, I kick you with a show!"

"The bull is biting it!"

Tang Long smiled and did not stop this cow, a dog's fight, these two goods usually stay together for the longest, relatively good feelings.

"Do you want to step on the road of practice?" Tang Long asked.

I just listened to Tang Long in the old bull and the old yellow dog in the mouth, I didn't say anything. Animal training, generally relying on living, the year, the longer live, the more the crime is, but it can be a spirit of beasts, can be able to set foot on the road of practice, this no dares to guarantee.

With wisdom, I have opened a wisdom, and I don't mean that they can step on the road of practice. Although each animal blood has practiced race instinct, the problem is that these things are informing, relying on them. Remofors, ten nine people do not understand.

Animals are not difficult, live enough for a long time, but animals become demon, they have to rely on the body, and is the big firing.

In this world, there is already a millennium, I have never heard of the beast.

It used to be because the air quality is not good, the environment is not strong, you want to practice, you must hide in the deep mountain linger, but in the mountains of the mountains, living risks are sharply increased, so, I don't be so easy.

"Can you help us?" Finally, the old yellow dog first opened.

Tang Long's face is light, and it is said: "Can!"

Old yellow dog asked: "What do we pay?"

Animals are directly, the conditions are talked, then they are enough, unlike human beings, smart enough, but there are many flowers in the bones, always feel smart than others.

"I need a helper!" Tang Long dialect is very simple.

No need to slave, no need to return, but when Tang Long needs, he pointed out the animals, there is no condition to help him.

The old yellow dog did not have an early promise, and the old cow in the side said: "Can let me form a demon, the old cow is dominated by you!"

"make a deal!"

Tang Long smiled and agreed.

Old yellow dog looked at Tang Long: "In fact, we have long seen you as a master, this is believed that you should also be clear, from the hospital, you will start it after you take it!"

"You feel so much, I have never said it!" Tang Long smiled and shook his head.

Lao Huang Dog: "Girl, I don't want to teach us?"

"The law of Tunne, the way of the turtle." Tang Long smiled and said eight words.

"Boss, after I have become a humanoid, you must be a big beauty. When you come to wait for you." I didn't have the white fox in the village, I came out from the shadow, and the voice is delicate.

"Sao fox, wait for you to form, after the millennium, the old man has become a bone of bones in the bones." Old cattle screamed.

"There are more you can't fart!" Bai Fox.

The hedgehog climbed out, the cock didn't know when it flew to the wall, and there is a yellow-pied, goat, old worker, etc., more than 20 people have a bit of an animal.

Although fish in the village is not small, it seems that the wind blows and can't escape the eyes of people.

Tang Long Yer, smiled: "Are you coming? The condition I opened it, I didn't agree with you."

"If we don't agree, your 'Take the law, the turtle is not teaching?" The white fox asked.


Tang Long did not hesitate, smiled and said: "Everyone knows, it is a fate, sending you to make it, but it is even if it is, it can see your own opportunity. Some things can't force, some things are strong It is not possible. "

"The owner is on, by the white fox!"

The white fox is directly and poured in the Tang Dynasty. With a white fox head, the other animals are not stupid, naturally will not retreat.

What is the chance? What is it called?

Can you have a master, may it be a chance, is it created?

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