Taoyuan Soldier King

Thirty-sixth chapter, I want to play slides

Perhaps it is the news coming in advance, it is passed to other parade, the next day, that is, the first month of the first month, Kunlun demon, Donghai Dragon Palace, Dasheng Zong sent people to the fish head village.

It is just that is still a real 'replenishment', some of the sects actually played a slider, such as Kunlun deficiency.

Hao Handong found Tang Long, saying that the recent gold inventory is relatively nervous, I can't take two hundred tons of gold, I can only bring 80 tons, I hope that Tanglong can pass through it.

"Only 80 tons?"

Hao Handong nodded quietly: "Yes, short time Kunlun deficiency can take out 80 tons of gold, but also hope Xiaotang ..."

Tang Long smiled and interrupted his words: "In fact, this 80 tons of gold, you can also pull away."

Hao Han East wrinkled and asked: "What do you mean?"

Tang Long smiled and asked: "It's good to ask me what do you mean? Let's do not say the spirit of the contract, Kunlun demon is the top existence, don't you know how to believe in four words? Word must be believed, It was a fifteen days of saying that it was fifteen days. There is no difficulty in difficult. If you can't do it, you can't deliver your gold according to the agreed time. Give you. "

Slightly paused, continue: "In addition, in the future, the Kunlun imagination should cooperate with us, whether it is buying something, still doing what, you must pay the payment, because ... your credit value is not enough!"

After the end of the case, Hao Handong is full of iron blue, Tang Long turned and opened.

Laozi is waiting for you, who is waiting for?

Hao Handong did not know that Tang Long has finalized the use of eight hundred tons of gold, if Kunlun is paid, then how big is it.

Even the Tianpai books have brought two hundred tons of gold, Kunlun is not so much in the inventory? Who is this!

Really, fake, there is no need to do anyway, there is no in the Zongmen warehouse, go to buy, go to borrow, there is no relationship to steal, but you can't delay delivery time.

Hao Handong did not expect Tang Long that would be so tough, not only did not give her face, even the face of Kunlun deficiency.

"Two hundred tons of gold, such as the number."

The messenger of the Jianjong, a girl who combed two rushing and scorpion, the age of up to sixteen years old, the face is red, and there is a quaint bronze sword.

"In addition, I met for the first time, I personally gave you a 'big sword' as a gift, give it to you."

Looking at the simple swordsman, Tang Long smile, the things are so bad, at least people have this heart, unlike Han Handong, not only do not prepare gifts, but also think about it.

"It's very meaning!"

"My name is Red Sword, you can call me Linger." Chong Tianzhu Dynasty blinked his eyes.

"You can call me a dragon brother!" Tang Long smiled.

Red Sword Ling is laughing and said: "Then you sell me tens of tons of Taoyuan jade, and there is a superharmon seed?"

"First call the voice to listen!"

"elder brother!"

"Ha ha!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Taoyuan jade is no problem, the super herbs are no problem, the price is calculated according to the market price, this brother can't let you call, wait for you, send you a big package."

Gift package?

In the four garthes, the general, the big sword, the Donghai Dragon Palace is more difficult, and there is no problem with the problem. Only the Kunlun derived by Hao Handong, wants to play the faint head. I don't know if it is the meaning of Kunlun, or Hao Handong himself.

Who is the meaning of tube, anyway, don't want to have any good faces in Tanglong.

as a result of?

Very simple, as long as things are not in place, the shares are good, I want to buy something from Tang Long's hand, don't think.

Also want to introduce? Tet the fart!

Tang Long put the people such as Kunlun in Han Handong, did not manage them, and let Xu Shi Yun acquired a batch of Taoyuan Yulan Stone from the market.

Among them, Ten Tons will be replenished.

Big swordsman, 30 tons.

East Hai Dragon Palace fifteen tons.

The price is sold in the price of the market. However, every ton of Tang Long makes poetry to take 10,000 yuan of handling fee, this is labor cost, you can help them get it, but can't be busy.

In addition to good Taoyuan jade, the Tianpai, Damong and Donghai Dragon Palace, Tang Long named the poetry to give them a hundred pounds of the best Taoyuan jade.

It's so much, you can't buy it on the market.

The market is open, and the material can buy, but it is limited to ordinary materials, high quality original stones, and it is basically not easy to buy in batches.

Although Tang Long does not control the Taoyuan Yushen Association, the major miners in Taoyuan County is still given to his face.

As for the seeds of life and evolution group, a large number of purchases is not, a small amount gives a few big factions, of course, this is not the meaning of Tang Long, but the meaning it.

Only Kunlun deficiency, Tang Long did not take care!

Even before fifteen of the first month, put the gold to the fish head, Tang Long did not come up with it, but let the winning will receive.

Take a monkey? The old child is with you to play with you!

"Village head, Hao Handong wants to buy fifty tons of Taoyuan jade, and the seeds of 500 pounds of Taoyuan jade, three thousand superharmhytons!"

These things can't win the Lord, call Tang Long.

Tang Long is sitting in a white coffee shop, looking at a handsome man is tangling against the bar, saying: "General Taoyuan jade can help them purchase, one ton plus 30,000 labor costs, the best Taoyuan jade Ki no love, who bought who bought who bought it, as for super herbs seed ... Call the small medicine, ask her to see how much it can be sold! "


After a victory, he said and said, "Take the Tianzi, the people of the East Sea Dragon Palace, you didn't send a number of vegetables of the Qinglong Farm, and the juice we produced, that Han Handong also wants Some! "

"Tell him, I am finished!"

After that, Tang Long hangs the phone.

Hao Handong felt that Tang Long did not give himself a face. He always gives Kunlun aesthetic face, which is to think, Tang Dafu is temper, who is not given.

In fact, it is not, who is not given, the New Year gift, plus the fish in the fish, and add menu to the town middle school children, divided into a lot, the warehouse is not much, Qinglong The farm arrived as a fresh fruit and vegetables, but Tang Long didn't want to send.

Peacock looked at Tang Long, and the smile of his eyes flakes, but it quickly recovered in the face.

Tang Long hand is on the shoulders of the man, so that the other side is slightly frowned, and the head is touched: "Hello, what is the precision?"

"Ha ha!"

Tang Long laughed, curiously asked: "The rumors are sent up and down is the handsome men, the man is Pan'an, the woman is like a fairy?" Is it true? "

The other party stayed slightly!

"The rivers and lakes are rumored, but the you are Tang Long, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Long face, smile, said calm: "Who don't want it, you are not tight, you will be a famous voice, but you can't treat anyone into a plate, right?"

The other party is silent.

Tang Long smiled and patted his shoulders: "If you don't provoke my people around me, I will send it to the resistance, but you must not be can't hold. Leave, don't call you again, especially I saw you here. "

After finishing, release him.

I smiled and said to the peacock in the bar. "Why don't you call me this?"

Peacock tower head looked at him, and he asked: "What is it to call you?"


Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "You!" He said hesitated, said: "If you move to the fishing village, if you want to open a coffee shop, open a family in the fishing village, anyway, the passenger traffic is not bad. "

Peacock did not agree, did not refuse, just laughed, looked at the little disciple who left, asked: "What do you mean by they?"

"I owe it!" Tang Long said with the mouth.

The peacock nodded, and I wanted to find your weakness, and I shouldn't keep my body. If a man chased me, maybe you would be quite happy. "

Tang Long is a little, smiling and said: "How can it be!"

The peacock smashed the mouth: "Will not blame!"


Tang Long reached out, pinched on the peacock face, smiled and said: "The girl does not have a face, and more emotions are on the face, and they are so deep."

The peacock face is slightly red, but it is not escaped.

See someone dare to move your own boss, and watch the lively waiter is a shocked expression.

"Oiss, move to the fish head village, the province's brother is worried!"


Tang Long looked at the peacock nod, laughing, hesitated and said: "The limb regeneration technology seems to have some eyebrows."

It's going to go outside the cafe.

Peacock looked up, looking at Tang Long went out, for a while, I was slightly sighed, and I didn't say it. "I don't want to call your brother!"

Looking at my own metal prosthesis, I am used to it, but Tang Long can't accept it.

From the café, Tang Long looked at the disciple of Xiaoyao and didn't leave, hesitated, raising his legs and got the past!

"Tang Big is really couldn't help but, my name is Zheng Dabao, and I will pay for me in the future of the disciples, I will hire me, I am also a fortune, you have a lot, don't talk to me."

Tang Longyi, I smiled and laughed. He asked: "Hey, it is blown out of the cold wind outside, what is going on?"

Zheng Dabao said with a smile: "Just now Zongmen called me, I hope I will talk to you, we will send a batch of superharm seeds of Taoyuan jade and life and evolutionary group, you see?"

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "Well, let's open the door to do business, don't do it, um, look back, let me transfer Sun Jingcheng, told him to wash the neck."


Tang Long smiled and said: "You remember two numbers, the first purchase of Taoyuan jade, the second purchase of superhard seeds, remember, don't bargain, you can only buy or buy."

Zheng Dabao tacked, smirk and said that this is a grill, but it is still old.

Buy Taoyuan Yu to find a rhyme, with Xu Shi Yun's relationship, all the mines in Taoyuan County can contact it, will not lack the child, the price is accompanied by the city, and each ton is charged 10,000 yuan.

The second is the superharmon seed in the telephone, life and evolutionary group laboratory. The price is Tang Long determined, but how to sell, how much sell, Tang Long no matter.

Anyway, there is price, but the quantity, even if Tang Long wants to tube, he said it is not counted.

Even if you sell one hundred seeds in one time, then according to three million calculations, it is three billion!

According to Tang Long know, the Tianpai, the big sword, the Donghai Dragon Palace can all book a thousand superharmy seeds. If there is no accident, it is estimated that Kunlun deficiency has a thousand share, but these seeds are definitely not once ** pay is the share of the year.

It is only a superharmon seed that is scheduled for four major sects, and the income has one hundred and twenty, which is not counting the ordinary improvement of vegetable fruit seeds, fruit and other trees. Since the news is happy, I don't know if other people don't know?

I don't dare to say that Lin Lin's total selling 10,000 super herbs into the year, then there are 3 billion turnover.

How much is these three billion profits? At least 80% is a profit!

Previous life and evolutionary groups were dosing money, but they can be different from now.

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