Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 810, you have a loss

The management of life and evolutionary group I didn't expect that they didn't think of it. They gave a lot of money to be the generals of all majority of the contest, the orders given by the family.

This is not the most important, the key to the problem is not to repair the real world, but the group is happy to sell.

To say that you don't sell them, these sects are really no tricks!


The zone of repairing the world, even if the small households are small, then the secularity is also a one-class consortium. It is better to earn the money, it is absolutely easier than earning the secular money.

Baofeng engraving factory,

Ren Yingying saw Tang Long extremely excited, wow wow: "Tang Long, these Golden leaves I like it, you send me a good, don't you send me?"

Tang Long turned over and said: "First, your cognition has misunderstanding, can't you see that they are unicorn?"

Ren Yingying was slightly stayed, spitting the tongue and laughing and said: "Almost, you gave me, ok?"

Tang Longban continued: "This Qilin has a ton, which is two thousand pounds, built with 9999 pure gold, one pound of 500 grams, now gold price, 380 yuan, you The point is calculated, this respect is a geometry, Zhang Wei let me send you a respect, are you so embarrassed? "

"Small ghost!"

Ren Ying smashed his eyes and said: "How much is 2,000 pounds of pure gold, how much is the treasure network and Yulongge give you? You touched your conscience to talk about it, ask you to send me, you lose money?" ? The face of this lady, isn't it worth three or five billion? "

Tang Long is so angry, I am so laugh, shook my head and say: "I see you is a thick face!"

Ren Yingying beads turned, and hugged the Tang Long neck from behind, sprinkled: "No matter, anyway, I have to send me a respect, send me a respect."

Tang Long smiled: "Hurry and get down, don't wait for me to play your ass!"

"I don't, no!"

It's really unfold by her, and Tang Long can only say a bitter smile: "I don't want to send you, it is a lot of things, total eight hundred tons of gold, cast eight hundred gold unicorn, look back to fish The head village is placed in the gold unicorn big array '. "

Helpless: "If there are extra gold, send you a ton, what do you want to cast yourself, don't work?"

"Didn't lie to me?" Wang Yingying looked at him.

Tang Long laughed: "When is my Tang Long deceived people, hurry down."

Ren Yingying made a ghost face: "There is a redundant gold in the future, give me a ton, don't let it lie!"

Tang Long got some points, then walked toward the backyard house.

Hook Yun Niang led a few Master in the factory and Ren Ling, who was carefully grinding Jin Qilin, each with a chair is so high, the gold component is relatively heavy, and the golden unicorn is solid, so the head is not very big. However, the component is in that, there is two thousand pounds, so it is not too small to melt it.

After grinding, it is necessary to engrave the picture on the golden unicorn, and finally the picture of the eye is the eyeball map of the best.

Eight hundred gold unicorn is also a huge project.

In fact, every golden unicorn, the array of body can form a method, and its power is not simple, and the eight hundred gold unicorn combines together, the power can imagine.

Hook Yurui straight, nodded against Tang Long, smiled slightly.

Tang Long looked at her scared, some distressed: "Take it!"

"It's not tired." Hoo Yumui shook his head.

I want to say: "The volume is not small, even if we cast a tenth golden unicorn, eight hundreds also need eighty days to complete, plus the carved head of Taoyuan jade beads, the fastest need three months Can be completely finished. "

It's not something that can't be driven, it's just a pure gold, and it is a picture of the engraving. It is not aware of the stranger to do, and hook Yumu is not too assured.

Tang Long also knows what she thinks, nodded: "Three months three months, time is anxious, just carved out a group, transporting to the fishing Village, no need to catch too!"

Peony medicine should be marked in the fish head village, and also surrounded by eight hundred eyes and then arranged, the whole 'gold unicorn big array' can be arranged in half a year.

Because these golden unicyl, many are placed on the side of the road, or the village, but also give them a place where they are cast, even specialize in creating a bulletproof glass cover, and some other materials can be created, and the overall Come down, there is no way to simplify.

Back in the small building, hook Yun Niang first went to the bathroom and took a shower.

I came out to Tang Long smiled on the sofa: "What do you want to eat at noon, I will do it!"

Tang Longdao: "What is going, don't picky food!"

"I want to eat noodles, Master make a fried noodle!" Ren Yingying turned to the bead, laughing and said.

Tang Long didn't say goodness: "I want to eat yourself to do it, so big girl, I won't do it, I can find my husband in the future!"

"If you want you, I will be happy!" Ren Yingying fried his nose.

Hook Yidami smiled and walked toward the kitchen.

"Tang Long, the new energy of the temple has changed eight hundred tons of gold. Don't you feel that you lose money?" Ren Yingying saw that Tang Long did not take care of himself, took the initiative to come together, and see the words.

Put your finger-based front: "Let's follow the real-time gold price, don't make a good calculation, according to the four hundred dollars, a gram of gold calculations, one ton of gold, the market price is about four billion, is it? How much is a hundred tons, 3,200 billion, plus eight billion cash, full of full calculations, it is more than six hundred billion prices than you, a whole is less than 200 million! "

Tang Donban face: "If you are savvy, I can't count? Sometimes, when you lose money, let alone, if you have money, can you buy 800 tons of physical gold in a short time?"

Ren Yingying blinked, laughing and said: "Gold change is back, it is still not placed, can only create Jin Qilin, put it to Yutou Village to go to the runture?"

Tang Long fripped his eyebrows and said: "With 'golden unicorn big array", you can have a lot more concern, you know a fart! "

"Hey, I don't understand, but I know that your stagnation of the new energy of the sacred sacred!" Ren Yingying said with a laugh.

Tang Longdao: "When you lose, the purpose is to let other time you are not suffering."

Ren Yingying, tapped Tang Long, laughing: "This is not as your personality!"

"In front of strength, the personality has a fart. Who told you that there is no family in the fist, and it is not a hard gas." Tang Long said.

Ren Yingying flashing and asking: "After the time, can this account come back?"

"do not know!"

Tang Long shook his head, softly muttered sentence: "Can you find it back, you can see the strength of you can get out of expectations, if you can, maybe you don't have to find it, people take the initiative to come back."

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