Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 827 pays chat

The rumors 'Zhao Chengfang City' lives a million comprehension, so many people, can imagine that the scale is small.

This mall is not the only building, and Tang Long is unknown.

But it is definitely one of the most prosperous situations, because no matter what people who are coming to 'Zhao Chengfang City, people who want to leave, they must leave here.

Is the city in the middle?

This is not known, many people recognize this, but Tang Long is not much.

"Let's go!"

"Where?" Zhang Jiao said blinking.

Tang Long said: "Find a place to eat something, then find a home hotel to rest one night."

It is already at night, even if you want to open the store, there is no need to urgently in a moment.

There are large snack streets in the mall, restaurants, hotels, and various foods, but the operators here, there is no exception, all of them are comprehension.

For example, the old mother of the pancake fruit.

Another example is the barbecue brother of grilled spicy squid.

The taste of eating is generally better than the outside, I don't know if the ingredients are still, the price is really inconvenient, and it is a few times outside, but the price of more than ten times.

There are many hotels, it can be found everywhere, but the price is every day, that is, the lowest price is also a loop.

In addition to the first three days of just starting, seven Currency is needed, and later stay in 'Zhao Chengfang City' every day to pay to deduct 10 square cents, plus food and clothing, then at least twenty squares every day. The city's concurrency is based on the basic expenses, that is, it is 200,000, stay here for the month, get five or six million.

Poor this triflers? Ha ha!


Tang Long slightly, who is in the middle of the night?

According to reason, Zhao City is the most in the country, the public is also the best. Here is the downtown area of ​​the bustling, there should be no big problems.

I hesitated, or I still gone.

The hotel corridor is at the door of the hotel, standing in the body, the woman, the thick, the thick foundation, can't see the color, but the body is not bad.

Tang Long opened the door and bowed to the head.

A red color woman, the hand is lifted, and the question: "... the boss, do you want to serve?"

This situation, Tang Long feels a bit funny.

"What is that, are you in the door?" Tang Long smiled and asked.

The fascinating woman frowned, the eyebrows flashed, and there was a bit of indifference between the eyes: "One time two hundred generations of coins, the night, six hundred generations ... 500 yuan!"


Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, the price is quite expensive, I have four hundred dozens of Currency in the whole wallet app, as if I can't afford!"

"One hundred and fifty parties!" The beautiful woman smashed the sound, biting his teeth: "This price cannot be low."

Looking at her,

Tang Long converges the smile on his face, saying it, "... come in!"

The fascinating woman has a bit of resentment, and it has a little more joy, what is the feeling, then it is not good.

After coming in,

Take out a metal square color alarm clock from the backpack and put it on the hotel room.

"One hour, overtime!"

When I finished the handle, I wanted to take off her hand.

"Wait a moment!"

Tang Long busy stopping.

The fascinating woman is slightly cold, and asked: "Do you want to wear clothes?"

Tang Long shook his head: "No, I will pay, don't have any service you provide, I want to ask you about the things in the city, you can be a customer, do you pay chat?"

"Talk to chat?" The beautiful woman is obviously not understood.

Tang Long smiled and said that the other party sat on the sofa, he gave the other party a bottle of water provided by the hotel. After sitting, I said: "The first time I come to the city, there are things such as the rules here too much, the public security environment in Zhao Chengfang is good?"


The fascinating woman relieves tones, nodded: "There is basically no difference between you with the outside, no one will make a lot of things.

"Yes, spread!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "How much does it cost every month in the city?"

"Temporary residence certificate, one hundred and fifty parties per month, rent a house 300 yuan per month, eat one hundred generations of coins every month, cultivate the medicine sales, probably three or four generations Coin, all kinds of spending calculations, one thousand Currency started! "

The beautiful woman said with the mouth.

Tang Long asked: "Is the price of the hotel?"

"But there is no 'gathering in the hotel, only in the apartment."

Gathering array?

Tang Long wants to say: "If you want to stay in the city, what should I do?"

"The residents of the residents of the city, 20,000 yuan, self-purchasing house, one square meter, 30,000, the smallest type of twelve square meters, there is a house to handle the identity of the resident residents, 400,000 yuan, full-scale, can solve the identity of the residents Question. "The beautiful woman smiled and said.

400,000 yuan?

Is it necessary to settle in Zhao Chengfang to need 40 million?

It is a unfair money that is unfair than money.

Tang Long smiled and transferred the topic to a woman: "Like you, you can make a thousand generations of things every day, want to solve the problem of a resident identity, should it be too difficult?"

The fascinating woman looked at Tang Long and said: "Dirty money earned, if it is not forced, who is willing to do this."

Slightly paused and continued: "To the hotel, you need to find a relationship, determine the information, provide accurate news, if the transaction is reached, 20% extraction, in addition to this, Square City A percentage of taxes were charged, and finally, I would like to be a respect for 20% of the head, and I finally fell to my hand in my hand, I only had half. "

Tang Long nodd: "Nothing is not easy!"

I'm curious: "Why don't you leave the city, go outside?"

"Where to go? If you have killed people, you will go to the blacklist, and many cultivation resources can only be found in the city." The demon woman continued to say: "Take people with a group, monk The same, after going out, with ordinary personality, it can be used to live like Zhao Chengfang City, it will become the best choice for scales! "

"Do you do business in the city, is it difficult?"

"Then you have to see what business you do. If you are a business, it's not too difficult, just rent the store, and you will find your trouble, for normal business behavior, Squet city protection is still very big! "

The fascinating woman paused slightly, and smiled and said: "Just like me, when you open the pot, you will do it at night, and you will also operate a small shop in everyday."

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