Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 828 Holds a small scorpion

"Why is there a brand existing outside?" Tang Long asked.

The fascinating girl said: "What is so strange, the comprehension is like eating to drink, the normal comprehension is the difference between ordinary people?"

the difference?

Tang Long slightly, perhaps many people think that the adults and ordinary people have a natural bird, but it is actually that the spread is not necessarily happy than ordinary people.

If there is something different, it is ideal and pursue.

"People in the world, difficult!"

Finally, the demon gifted smiled and sent five words.

Turning to Tang Long and curiosity: "What business do you want to do in the city?"

"Want to rent a small shop, open a 'Fair shop'." Tang Long smiled.



The beautiful girl is interested, excited: "Are you a Master '?"

Tang Long smiled and shook his head and said, "No, I am doing business, I am engraving, we are responsible for sale."

"What kind of array?"

This Tang Long is not awkward, nor does it depend on the meaning of the other party, directly takes a set of seven light array, and introduces the function briefly.

"How is the power so weak?"

The fascinating girl wrinkled, and did not understand.

Tang Long smiled and said: "The one-time light array method, the price is cheaper, of course, what large array, provide a picture, we also have a processed business."

"How much is this type of 'small array?"

"Twelve Currency!"

"How many?"

"120,000 sets!" Tang Long said with a smile.

The mutter of the beautiful girl's conscious sentence: "It's cheap." Then followed and smiled and said: "The ordinary array of ordinary in the city is about 10 million, that is, 100 parties, a little bit better. There are thousands of books, and there is basically nothing like this more than a dozen Currency. "

"Then do you think this' light array is there in a market?"


The fascinating girl didn't think I didn't think, I nodded very well: "Although the power is weak, the price is cheap, it is a one-time thing, more than a dozen Currency and hundreds of generations of coins in addition to time, functional effects There is no big change, and the transes like us is very attractive. "

The functional 'array of laws is mostly' one-time ', take the' small hidden array 'as an example, once able to hide two hours and one time to hide a quarter, although there is a lot of time, but the role is actually Yes, hidden body shape, there is a chance to run.

But the price is more than ten times, enough to buy ten this kind of powerful light hidden array, big deal, use one, not only convenient, flexible.

"The boss, playing a discussion, can you sell me cheaper to sell me this 'small French array'?" The beautiful gifted girl looked up to Tang Long and said.

Tang Long smiled and said, "You are the first monk I know in the city. It is also a fate. I don't sell it. This way, I will send you a set every case, even if you pay a friend. "

The demon gifted is slightly stayed, and the smile on his face is a little drastic, and finally didn't say anything.

"Thank you, you can take me as a friend, yes, my name is wild."

Tang Long sent the beautiful girl to the door, from the beginning to the end, there is no excessive move, and there is no obsection of the other party.

When paying the fee, a hundred and fifty square cents, but there is no more, but seven types of light array.

After the other party left, Tang Longguan did the door and sighed.

People, there is a bad.

But not who is born, I want to be a bad person. Some things are not everyone's hope. Many times, it is not forced to live, it is not from your own.

Tang Long's concept is ... Humanity is good.

Of course, he is not a Dada, anyway, there are each life, not suffering from others, please advise others, I want to open a life, see it, it is confused, don't be too real, live yourself. It is also possible.

Early next morning,

Tang Long was woke up from the doorbell outside.

After reading it, he was 5 o'clock in the morning.

Open the door, look at Zhang Jiaojiao, played an yasty, there is no malicious language, moving the door, walking in the room, asking: "New place, insomnia?"

Zhang Jiaojiao came in from outside, showing the Tang Long room, asking: "Women?"

"What woman?"

"It is the 'takeaway' girl in your room last night!"

Zhang Jiaojiao's room was opposite the Tang Dynasty. I would like to listen to her, and the beautiful girl came to knock on the door last night and was seen by her.

Tang Long feels funny. It turned out to come so early, not to recognize that it didn't sleep well, but came over to catch!


Zhang Jiaojiao hit Tang Long, turned two times, laughing and asking: "That, Tang Village, you are a problem?"

Tang Long didn't say much: "Listen to you this means, I think I can catch my little scorpion?"

"Gigle, I don't dare!"

I didn't dare to say my mouth, but people were like a small fox who stole the chicken, called a deceitful.

"I heard that you are in practice, progress is very fast, have already refined three floors?" Tang Longhuo opened the topic.

Zhang Jiaojiao said: "Yeah, you will have four floors. My sister is faster ... Are you giving her a small stove, or what Dan medicine?"

Tang Longcoured, shook his head: "No, when the refining period is the foundation, the most suitable refining period monks taking the medicinal medicine is 'refining Dan', using other Dan medicine may increase your cultural speed, but the same It will also cause the foundation to unstabilize. The monks of our fishing villages, when the 'refining period is', only to take 'refining Dan'. "


Zhang Jiaojiao did not doubt the words of Tang Long. He and his sister in this respect is quite generous, and he should not deceive himself.

"Tang Long, what level of monks are you now?"

Zhang Jiaojiao asked Tang Long and asked in a curious.

Tang Long shook his head, smiled and said, "I am not a monk, the refining period is not enough."

"How could it be!" Zhang Jiao Jiao did not believe in Tang Long.

Tang Long shrugged, he is really not a monk, or saying that his cultivation is not a moving person.

With the martial arts, supplemented with secret surgery, plus all kinds of extraordinary, in just a few more than ten years, casting the current Tang Long.

In simple, the monk became a comprehension.

And Tang Long is' God of War, mainly from killing, and growing in the battle.

His combat power, the general monk, and even the trors are not able to do him.

There is a 'overlord's gas' in the battle.

The killing stamped in the 'stretch of gas'.

The mystery has developed 'brain domain', which is to improve 'mental'.

Finally, it is supplemented with a variety of secrets, extraordinary, and other things, this 'mad dragon' is created.

There is also such a 'one in hundreds of millions of people, so Tang Long walks, ordinary people are hard to go, this is what he is not a monk, but it can hard to resist monks.

Advantage is that progress is fast.

The global war god created in ten years can compare with the old monsters and the contest.

The disadvantage is also obvious, and it is said that Tang Long can play, but it is still an ordinary person. Although the combat is amazing, there is only the life of ordinary people.

So Tang Long is not a comprehension, he wants to increase the life, increase from essence, and finally embark on this road, look for longevity, go against the sky.

In the past, Tang Long was only an ordinary person. It was a hundred years of life.

But the Tang Long wants to increase the longevity, live longer, only two roads in front of him.

One is a trip to fight against the sky and become a comprehension.

Another one ... is also a trip to fight against the sky, but it is necessary to open a different path.

Whether it is cultivation, or practicing the flesh, finally choose a comprehension as refining, anyway, you must do one, and you can't fall by chain, you can get a slow body is easy to coordinate.

As the 'Signard' of the fish Tad Village, it must be maintained, let Tang Long break again, not, the problem is not now.

How to do it, Tang Long has not given an idea!

He is now ultra-ordinary people who are in the body and spirit.

As the 'one generation of soldiers', the muscles of the Tang Long body have been over, which can be said to the peak.

Similarly, his mental strength is a few times more than the average comprehension.

It's a good life, this is his biggest weakness.

Even if it is ordinary scatter, it can live for two hundred years. It is very relaxed, Tang Long this body, can live an eight hundred and old, no need to be sick, you have to die.

'Life' This thing, although I can't see it, no one can say it does not exist.

This Tang Long never refutes.

There are many things that increase Yangshou, can be some external forces, and the comprehension increases life, not because of external force, but self-study, this is the benefits of going against the sky.

No matter how strong, how many Yangshi, which increased, the external force increases, will not provoke.

Because he is not in the sky, the comprehension will lead to the robbery every stage.

When the refining period is, it is necessary to experience the Robbery when the base will take the base.

And the foundation is formed, and Jin Dan will also experience the robbery.

The higher the repair, the stronger the power of the sky.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible to let who will get a lot of no reason, and the monks of nine-year nine, no, it is a monk who wants to kill all the trips.

But the Tiandao is not a deadway. All things are changing, and there are variables, so they have left a line of life for the monks.

This is why someone can spend the Robbery, what is not going?

They have passed, how much resources need to be needed between those monks.

Similarly, this is also a barrier.

Row in the sky,

I always have to leave something, what to pay.

It can eventually get, people who are flying in the day, seems to be only a few from ancient times.

The avenue is hard to find.

Changsheng is even more difficult.

Regardless of Zhang Jiaojiao, I didn't believe in Tang Long. The choice questions were in front of Tang Long. What should he be repaired, how to repair it, the three are tie, or abandon all, choose one, start.

It is difficult to make people pay more!

I want to play the 'brain force' to the ultimate, she wants to cultivate the body and let the body enter the peak.

The body and spirit are complementary, and it is possible to break through the shackles.

Many of the West is so dry, but the peony medicine is better than them, because her brain domain is so powerful, not the opening day after tomorrow.

It is better than one person, it is born two meters, and others want to grow to two meters.

After 18 years, the height is two meters, but this is already the limit.

People who can be born, two meters, this is just 'starting point', her growth limit may be 20 meters, or even forty meters.

The brain domain of the peony medicine is this situation, is naturally enchanting, come out, etc. What can people be called 'enchanting'?

Tang Long is like a small medicine, but he is born is not a brain domain, but a body.

The spirit is strong, it is open after tomorrow.

After all, there are many Tian Ma Dabao, which can change the nature and potential of people.

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