Taoyuan Soldier King

The 841st chapter is gone.

Because the time is still early, the evening is the peak of the passenger traffic, and now people are not much.

"Dragon brother!"

When Zhang Qian saw Tang Long, his eyes were bright and greeted and greeted.

Slightly hesitating, then take the initiative to hug his arm.

Tang Long stunned, although she felt that she was a bit intimate, but she didn't think of my heart. After all, the group of girls, I met my own hug, almost very normal, nothing is very strange, he is more It's already not blamed.

"Are they come?" Tang Long smiled.

Zhang Qian's face is somewhat unnatural, but the light in the bar is dim, and it is not good to be aware. "It's already coming, all in the box!"

"Box?" Tang Long laughed: "Meng Fan is burn it, does not say what shareholders' meeting?"

"Yeah, it is the opening of the shareholders' meeting!"

Zhang Qian has a smile, holding Tang Long arm to go to the bar.

Open the cabin, the neon flashes, a dozen a dozen, there is a male, but you are not very big!

"Rough, who puts music, did not see the strength of Xiaoming's sing!"

After Zhang Qian got off the music, some people didn't want to cry.

"The mouth puts a clean point, your mother didn't teach you, do people want to talk about civilization, is it polite?" Zhang Qian was cold.



Chen Xiaoming took the past from behind, did not say goodness: "You a fart, you have a problem, Ghost education, you are for you, and no door in the mouth, Laozi is doing your teeth. Nothing, listening? "



Chen Xiaoming, respectfully called Tang Long smiled and shouted.

Two people in Xiaowu are also, from the side shouted 'Long Ge', then retract the head, they all understand things, this is deep, and it can be blended less.

Of course, this is also a mature manifestation, a man, it has grown.

Tang Long smiled and nodded. He sent himself to others to call himself. What is the boss', shouting brother and calling the boss, called Tang Long no problem, only this Chen Xiaoming, tell him how many times, you can't change it.

Looking at the foot on the coffee table, holding the beer bottle board with a face of Meng Fan, and the face is not very good, and a few people, Yao Yao, Iupanland, some are a bit acknowledge.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Long sat on the sofa and did not understand.

Meng Fan burner shook his head and was relieved: "No."

Tang Long called her to be amused, took a bottle of beer from the table, leaning on the sofa, smiled and said: "Didn't you be stinky, quarrel?"


I just said that word, now it turns into one word.

Tang Long felt funny, but turned around again, it is a little girl family, occasionally a little awkward, little emotions, is that it is normal.

"Sakura, come!"

Tang Longqi cherry tricks, hesitated, Sakura is also quite giving face, sitting directly from Tang Long.

I didn't wait for Tang Long asked her, just shook his head: "You don't ask me, this thing is not related to me!"

Tang Dynasty, looked at her smiled and said: "Who is it?"

Sakura big eyes blink two times, then slammed.

"It is related to me!"

With Zhang Qian, who came in with Tang Long, took the words from the side.

Tang Long looked at it, so laughed: "When you call me, it is good, just so hard, get it, hurry, how is it?"

"Zhang Qian wants to share the money, Meng Fan is agreed, we don't agree!" Yao Yao muttered his mouth.

Tang Long took a finger head, grabbed his head skin, smiled and didn't understand: "Zhang Qian wants to share money, Meng Fan is agreed, you disagree? Do you disagree?"

Iwulan board face: "We don't want Zhang Qian to go!"

"Yeah, we don't want Zhang Qian to go!" Yaoyao is obviously standing in Iupanland, and the Sakura shrugged and put a pair of expressions from Tang Long.

"Zhang Qian wants to go?" Tang Long looked at Zhang Qian, and did not understand: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the city, I am going to work, I don't know the smile on Zhang Qian's face, not like Meng Fan, Iupan, Yaoyao.

Tang Long smiled and asked: "Are you quarrel?"

"Oh, I haven't said to you!" Meng Fan was impatient on the side.

"To shut up!"

Tang Long smiled on his face, sang: "I didn't ask you, I am still sitting there."

Turning his head, facing Zhang Qian: "What is going on?"

See Tang Longfire, including Meng Fan, did not dare to scream, Chen Xiaoming's shrinking neck, and he knew that there was this thing, he didn't come.

Also open the 'shareholders' meeting', open a fart, this is not obviously a pit person.

"Look at the fart, go out, get out!" Chen Xiaoming slammed the younger you both, and several young men and women stood up from the sofa and walked outside.

"That boss, let's go outside." Chen Xiaoming got up to Tang Don.


Tang Long should sound, so on the room in the private room, he and Meng Fan, Zhang Qian, Yiowan, Sakura, Yaoyao five people.

Looking out, Sakura and Meng Fan are close, Yaowan, Yaoyao and Zhang Qianwei walk.

"Nobody said yes?" Tang Long waited for no one to open, and snorted.

I. : "What is going on, Meng Fan is hurt, and it is necessary to divide Zhang Qian!"

"Let your mother's ditch!" Meng Fan is directly swearing.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

It is also a mighty master, directly and Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is staring at her, because Don Long is on the side, she is not good to continue, or I don't dare to be too.

Zhang Qian is so good to you, you have enough, now let people go out, why, you are old. Winter melon is not your own, anyway, I don't agree Zhang Qian! "Iupanland Tell the words.

Tang Long again and glamful: "You should be the butt itch, I can understand, I can understand, in order to break your face, how do I understand me?"

Looking at Meng Fan, there is no good laugh: "Your eyes turns a blur, saying, how come Zhang Qian, you have to divide Zhang Qian?"

"Didn't I, I have no feelings, don't you cut your hand?" Meng Fan said.

"I have no feelings?"

Tang Longdao: "I don't believe this, Zhang Qian is more good to you, everyone is obvious, now you come, no feelings, do you finish this matter?"

Meng Fan burned frowned and silent, helplessly opened: "Please, the old lady is a woman!"

One exit is exported, let everyone in the private room are all.

Tang Long smiled: "You found? This we have known you before, I thought you didn't know yourself!"


Meng Fan can't help but want to be ignorant, but still still, she felt that she didn't do Tang Long.

"Zhang Qian knows that you are a woman, I. Yao Yao also knows, but you will divide Zhang Qian, it is not your!" Tang Long smiled.

Meng Fan has fun, and asked: "How is it wrong?"

"Well, why do you want to break up?" Tang Long smiled.

Meng Fan is helplessly said: "Now I like men, don't you?"

"This means that a man likes you?" Tang Long knew her, like a laughter.

Meng Fan was crying and smiling, muttering: "I have always sent it!"

"I mean someone chasing you, I want to be divided with Zhang Qian, change my boyfriend to play?" Tang Long smiled.

Meng Fan wrinkled frowned, shake his head: "No!"

Tang Long thought about it: "You divide Zhang Qian, this can, our beautiful girl, you can't live. But with you, just follow you, but it is still our friend. It is the shareholders of the winter melon bar, um, after you break up with her, don't want to be friends? "

Meng Fan was hesitated, shook his head: "This is not!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Don't you finish, you can, but everyone is still a friend. Do you agree with it?"

In addition to Meng Fan, Tang Long also looked at Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian laughed and said: "Identity!"

"I agree is good, you are also, not something big, do you want to go, everyone is playing, isn't you a woman, look back, talk to Dragon Ge, you like a man or like a woman , I like it, I can give you a bunch! "Tang Long smiled and joked.

Zhang Qian smiled: "If I like you?"

"People who like me go, don't miss you, my heart likes to be, but don't talk to brothers, it is easy to do." Tang Long smiled and didn't matter.

Open topic, said: "Get less, it will be fine, no wool group, it is still too much. It is not enough. Just once, don't take it."

I have paused, and I said: "Zhang Qian can't go, how many can you get along well? Adjust your emotions, give each other, how do you want to go ... If you adjust it, Na Dragon Brother doesn't mind to help you! "

"Help?" Sakura blinked and asked.

Tang Long smiled and said: "It can also help, one person a fart, look back and send a ward half a month, an estimate, the feelings can be restored, do you say right?"

Sakura is laughing with Tang Long vertical thumb and shooting the horse ass: "Or Dragon Brother!"

Tang Long smiled and did not take care of her. To go, but before, I will handle '. "

Meng Fan is a good luck and laugh. She has always felt that she is the 'big brother' in five people, so that today, there is a trouble, the image is destroyed, but the status of the fart is there.

The little screamed: "Your cattle force, you are engraved, you are awkward, everyone will dare to have comments."

Tang Longhaha smiled: "If you know, then you will listen to me, everyone will come here, it is a family, play with the past, play together, , Brother, I will pick up her half a month, I will not come to bed half a month! "

"Dragon Brothers!" Sakura laughed and loud.

Meng Fan-ignition: "..."

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