Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 842 Dog things

"You still stand, come over!"

Tang Long was recruited to Zhang Qian, showing her. Although the surface, Zhang Qian is very casual, even some don't care, it can be estimated to touch her inner reaction, just opposite.

Zhang Qian is a beautiful girl, people have to qualify and have a job, have to work, no attention to others, with Meng Fan in a piece, this is much more pressure.

Now you can get it, Meng Fan has no feelings, there is no feelings, saying to break up and break up?

If you are replaced, she is not wronged!

Do you want to say, this person, you have to be your heart.

"I am angry with Dragon Brother!"

Zhang Qianmai shook his head, smile, smile, there is no way: "What is angry, I am so adult, I have known that there will be such a day, many things have also seen it!"

"Are you working in the city?"

"Yes, I am a teacher!"

Tang Long laughed: "Teach a small student?"

"Middle school teacher, teaching language, my father is a professor, my mother is on the door, Grandpa is the old cadres in the city, saying, should be a book, Xiangquan!" Zhang Qian laughed and said.

Tang Long curiously asked: "How do you hook a piece with Meng Fan?"

Meng Fan can't help but frown: "Tang Long, you tell me clearly, how can I become ''? She is a college student, isn't I? I am still a medical University, my parents are all ... "

"You stop first!"

Tang Long showed her to shut up, smiled and said: "I now chat with Zhang Qian, you can listen to it, it is not? I have already said it very clearly, I don't want to mess with me, or I will I have to take you a big fart today and I will not come to the bed half a month. "

Meng Fan is equipped with his face and does not speak.

She didn't know that Tang Long was scaring himself, but if he didn't dare to hit it, it was not, and what is not dare to do.

"Tell, how do you look at her at the beginning?" Tang Long went back, and asked Zhang Qian and asked.

Zhang Qian smiled and said: "It is not banned to temptation!"

"She, there is a temptation you?" Tang Long was curious.

"That specified, when I was originally, Well, I have always been a prostitute before I didn't know her, don't say to the nightclub, I went home after eight o'clock in the evening."

"How did you hook you?"

"It's awkward, give me milk tea every day, pick me up and down, please eat movies, I will fall into her 'magic claws in my unconscious!" Zhang Qian smiled and didn't know how. Said that it is red.

Tang Long smiled and asked: "So you regret it knowing her?"

Zhang Qian wanted to think, wiped the tears of the eyes, shook his head and said, "How to say, sometimes it will regret, but I think of a bit of dripping, not too regret, is it a life?"

After looked up, watching Tang Long, smiling: "And it's your own choice, not someone else."

"Do you want to cry now?" Tang Long asked.

Zhang Qian smiled and shook his head: "Don't want, don't want it at all, just Long Ge, you are right, break your hand, it's not big, like our 'couple', break up, and friends, we are all Friends, what is good to be sad! "

"Do you know who is the biggest lie this life?" Tang Long smiled.

Zhang Qian shook his head: "Who is it listening?"

Tang Longdao: "Let you listen!"

"I really don't regret it!"


Tang Long opens the topic, smiles: "You don't regret it, you don't have much time to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, this, Dragon brother likes you, so give you a few suggestions. First, before doing something, first cold and quiet, don't be too blind.

Second, in terms of work, what do you need to help?

Finally, Meng Fan is just your past, you see Yi Weilan, Yaoyao is between you and Meng Fan, so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Also friends. "

"Gigare, Dragon brother, you won't be afraid because I can't think of this little thing because I've lost love?" Zhang Qian was blinking in Tang Long and asked.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Yes, because you are too strong, the more this, the more worry, you have to show your emotions like Meng Fan, then I don't worry!"

Zhang Qian smiled and whispered: "Long Ge, I am fine, you are relieved."


Tang Long smiled, nodded nothing.

To Meng Fanbo: "Do you call me, don't you say that you want to convene a general meeting? Now all shareholders in the Winter melon bar are here, what do you want to say, let's talk!"

"damn thing!"

Listening to Meng Fan's mouth muttered, Tang Long thought that his ear was wrong: "Do you say?"

"I said that you are a dog!"

Meng Fan is suddenly burst of shocking, and the direction is toward Tang Long: "Dog things, dog things, dog things!"

This is awkward!

Tang Long touched the nose, crying smiling: "Laozi people stronger you?"

I didn't wait for Tang Long to fight, Meng Fan was ignited first red, and she said returned and wronged: "I broke up with her. Is it not sad? Why do you only care about her, I don't care about me. The feelings are both sides, not alone, because I am causing me alone?

You looked at her delicate, think she is a victim and is bullied. But why don't you ask me, why do you break up with her?

I called her, every time I played, busy, hey, she also went out with the male colleague to eat, whispered, and my feelings. "

Tang Long: "..."

I can't laugh, this heart is everywhere in the grass.

Zhang Qian explained: "I have a meal, and I just don't have other relationships."

"Who knows if you have other relationships!"

"I really didn't!"

Tang Long: "..."

I took the brain, stood up from the sofa, smiled and said: "If you still handle private emotions, our 'shareholders' meeting will open again, um, don't worry."

"You don't want to go!"

At least the Tang Long was at least three pairs of hand, five people ten eyes, all stared at him.

Tang Dynasty: "Listen to your emotional drama, I don't leave, let you bend again for a while."


Several people were laughed by Tang Long.

"No, you are a steel pipe straight man, absolutely impossible!"

Tang Long turned over and glanced, it was really can't walk, and he only helplessly sat back.

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