Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 843 Chapter Girl Holdings

"Let's talk about it, I still have something to do." Tang Long sat on the sofa, some helpless, and there was no way.

"Longge, do you know how much we have earned last year?" Sakura shot and transfer topic to the bar above.

Emotional things, others have more hair, and finally don't have to solve themselves!

"How much makes it?" Tang Long smiled.

Sakura reached out and swayed in front of Tang Long.

"One hundred million?"

Listening to Tang Long, a smiling sakivore, the expression instantly solidified there.

"More than 100 million, all entertainment venues in our old town, plus outside large rank snacks, all market GDP add together, can there be a billion?" Meng Fan burned, but soon Go back.

Tang Long smiled and asked: "Isn't it a hundred million? What is it?"

"Different tens of thousands of dollars, there should be tens of millions!" Sakura said, blinking: "Long Ge, this is much better?"


Tang Long raised his hand and knocked on her 'Tianzhen' small melon. It is really true that it is really innocent.

Every month is approaching millions of income, which proves that the profitability of the winter melon bar is really good, but it is also relative.

"Now the bar is lying more than 10 million."

When it comes to the money, the Sakura eyes are in the eyes. This is not installed. She is really very eye-catching, more than 10 million, even if Tang Long is a big shareholder, I have to take halfway, then the remaining five people left. I can have more than one million points.

Millions, so much money, you can buy a room, think about it.

"Do you think?"

Tang Long looked at the Sakura and smiled and asked.

The Sakura said full of light: "Yes, points!" After taking a sorrow, smashing.

Tang Long saw the past, and smiled and said: "What do you mean?"

Meng Fan is not talking, Iwulan asked: "This is much more, it is not used on the book, no points, do you have any good delegation?"

Tang Long wants to say: "I have no special ideas, more than 10 million, saying a lot of no a lot, saying less, according to the Winter melon bar shares, I occupy half, you are one percent Ten, right? Also in your hands, one hundred will be one hundred. "

I paused, smiled and said: "If you urgently need money, then give this money, if you are not too urgent need, you may wish to invest this money to invest, money!"


Yaoyao blinks in Tang Long, laughing and asking: "What industry is investing?"

Tang Long shrugged and said: "" "" "Taoyuan County can invest too much, clothing and food, housing, do it, you can make money in the entertainment industry, in other industries, you can earn money."

"If you don't, let's open a small restaurant?" Yaoyao thought about it.

Ten million open a small restaurant?

Sakura is so laugh and ask: "The line is line, but do you have a craft? Will you be a dish? Or will you make wine? Hire people to operate, or go to business?"

A series of questions, let Yaoyao put the little brow frowned.

I will be a fart, let alone the operation, they don't understand this, designate is to operate others.

"The small restaurant can be opened, or you can do something else!"

Tang Long smiled and thought: "Now there are many people traveling in Taoyuan County, this restaurant, fast food restaurant, hotel, inn, you can do something you", such as specialty stores, free brands Clothing stores, etc.

Zhang Qian said at this time: "Let's get a clear again, then find a place to open a inn, the rest of the money, then get a small restaurant, people who come over, I like to be lively, I recommend them Come to the melon bar, people who like quiet, I recommend them to go clear, the inn can stay, the small restaurant can eat, I think it is very good! "

"Let's have more than 10 million, enough?" Iupan Lan frowned.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Almost, the winter melon bar is not only invested in 10,000, now don't play it. Open, find a place, rent a house, there is enough? Five Millions open a 'Girl Inn', or 'Youth Inn', the scale should not be small, the small restaurant, the 50 million in the buse is not enough? You can even set up a tourist company. "

"Girl Inn? This is good, special business is best, and we are all girls, more good communication. Now single small sisters go out, home is not very relieved, if we put the reputation, users should be quite Many!"

Zhang Qian wanted to say: "Plus Long Ge relationship in Taoyuan County, we have the ability to ensure the safety of playing girls alone."

Tang Long also said with the mouth, smiling: "It is really a good idea!"

"Do you want, let's set up a 'Girl Holding Company', then invest in a 'Girl Clear', invest in a 'Girl Takah', then invest in a 'Girl Inn', Well, if there is rich money, let's get a 'What is the girl's small restaurant'. "Sakura eyes flashed and laughed.

"Money is not a problem, let you get it, if the bar is not enough, I can add investment again, as long as you are willing, don't fight, can be harmonious, other elsewhere is not a problem."

Tang Long smiled and said.

Everyone has a little embarrassment, Tang Long also accepts it, not talking more about this issue.

The general meeting of shareholders, it also opened the taste of the shareholders' meeting. In the end, everyone decided to pay the money on the 'Winter melon bar', and took it to the establishment of 'Girl Holdings', and then invested in this holding company.

The girl is born so much!

Tang Long took eight million, plus the winter melon bar last year, one thousand and two million profit, got a integer, the girl holding company, Tang Long still accounted for half of the shares, the rest of Meng Fan, Zhang Qian , Sakura, Yaoyao, I. Wuhan five people hold, percent of ten percent.

But Tang Long does not participate in management, if someone holding, if someone exits, the shares will take over the price of four times the four times the market.

Finally, I wanted to retreat, the Tang Long will acquire three times the price.

Why do you do this, mainly for prevention.

If you don't make money, Tang Long is not very care, mainly, I hope everyone should not hurt the money.

"Do you want, I will resign sincerity, come to Taoyuan County to start a business!" Zhang Qian suddenly said.

Let everyone have a glimpse, and then I am happy to laugh.

"Okay, so we don't have to worry about you." Iupan Lan said with a smile.

Zhang Qianmu glammed into Meng Fan, and the latter turned over the eyes, he said: "I don't want to do it, the old lady is not allowed to resign every day in Taoyuan County."

"Well, then it is said!"

Tang Long smiled and said with a hammer.

Look at the time, seven o'clock in the afternoon, there is dark outside.

"Would you like you first discuss?" Tang Long wanted to go.


Sakura is a small mouth, the first opposition.

Yaoyao turned his eyes, and also said to: "Yeah, today, our 'Girl Holding' Established Daxi Day, how can you go, Long Ge, let's take a look, add today ... Do you see if you don't want to sweep you? "

Tang Long is still good and laughs: "With you, I still depend on me!"

I. : "How can we be remembering, is we not commending your opinion!"

Tang Long turned over the eyes, looked at Meng Fan, Zhang Qian, hesitated, smiling and said: "Listening to you today, but only once, not for example!"

"Ye, we know that Long Ge is best!"

Sakura came to Tang Dragon, it's a bite on his face.

Putting Tang Dynasty's king, smiling: "Go, actually with me!"


Sakura is not mindful, next to a few girls, the heart does not want to see what I am thinking, I have an estimate that only them know.

"Xiaoming, are you calling?" Tang Long asked.

Meng Fanbo: "I came over in the afternoon, I cedied people."

Tang Long nodes asked: "The group of little farthouses around, I don't have a lot of people, are him?"

Meng Fan fuel is stupid. "You don't ask me, what you will know,"

Tang Long smiled, even if you know, she can't say it.

"Xiaowu doesn't say to chase you?" Tang Long asked Yao Yao again.

Yaoyao blinked: "Long Ge, the things that Chen Valley rotten ascetime is good, now we are friends, good friends, just, there is absolutely no men and women in it, so Please feel relieved! "

Tang Long is pleasing, what is your heart?

Next to Sakura laughed and said: "Yaoyao said with Xiao Wu, she is your woman, almost didn't scare the urine pants, but I dare to chase her."


Tang Long is stunned, smirk: "I like it directly, I don't like it, take me what arrows."


Yaoyao is not explained.

Zhang Qian said: "You think that the development of the old city in Taoyuan County is some in the future, or some of the new city is more prospects?"

"New City!"

"Old Town!"

Napped, some people think that the development of the new city will be better, some people think that the old town will be more lively than the New Town, after all, has developed hot, and the visibility is also higher.

"Girl Inn, Girl Pub, Girls, is our girl holding company next, right?

The girl's inn is actually the hotel, but since it is necessary, the future is only receiving 'women'. As a special hotel.

If you have a good job, you can do what 'teenagers' in the future. "

Tang Long interrupted Zhang Qian's words, smiled and said: "The young inn is not necessary, is a man, there is nothing to attract, unless you have to engage in 'base' characteristics, there is only the girl inn to do."

Zhang Qian thought, smiling and nod: "Dragon brother is right, this is what I think. The girl's inn is mainly for women's hotel, so from employees to the service staff, they must women."

I have paused, watching everyone has no opinion, smiling and saying: "The rest is the location problem."

"The girl is in fact, it is a bit overlap with the Qing, although the name of the pub, but if the male is not allowed to enter, it seems that there is not much means, um, invite something, you can't only ask the girls, not only ask the girls. Zhang Qian said.

"Girls, you can make men enter, we can set up consumption, male customers three times the female customers, and pay more attention to women's experience." Meng Fan said.

She is a 'coffee in the bar industry, and I think more.

Everyone's opinions are almost consistent, 'Girl Inn is a special hotel, only women. But the girl, the girl's restaurant, does not force only women to enter.

The pub can reduce the girl's consumption, improve men's consumption, and decorate the style, biased to women, the theme is 'girl'.

As for the 'Girl Hotel', the position is a restaurant, the name is using the 'girl' 'two words!

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