Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 864 leading questions

The main body of 'cultivation center' is large, but it does not need so many people. At the beginning, Tang Long is still planning, only Xiao Yang, Bai Mei, Chun Xue will add herself three people.

But in the eyes of the small medicine, it is definitely not the case!

'Cultivation center' can be used in planting herbs, or plants, although only 'one thousand square meters, but other places dozens of times, and even hundreds of times.

The area of ​​'one thousand square meters', about 40 meters, twenty-five meters wide!

In 'cultivation center', there is not only a matrix, but also various instruments, although there are systems, many areas still need to operate.


Xiao Yang got to Tang Long, and the sound is curious to ask: "Listen to the little demon saying, our cultivation center will send a world's most advanced lightning machine?"

Tang Long first wrinkled, then I couldn't help but turn over the eyes: "The little medicine is telling you?"

Xiao Yang smiled and blinked: "No, it is what we accidentally heard!"

Tang Long again and funny, like this, although it can't be said to be the top secret, but not who will make you hear anyone casually.

"Things of the moment, don't be promoted forever, this problem is very sensitive." Tang Long said.

Spring Snow is laughing and said: "I am afraid of it, on the place of my family, can others still don't work?"

"The land of the family is not fake, no matter whether you are you, or your boss, I am still far from the kind of no one, no one cares, no one cares about the degree, good!" Tang Long smiled.

Xiao Yang nodded, this topic she is thinking, holding a question, smiling, smiling: "Boss, let us recruit employees, you said that in addition to gender, can you do not limit other things?"

Tang Long didn't listen to it, I didn't understand: "Don't limit other things, what does it mean?"

"Oh, Xiao Yang means to say, can recruit foreign employees." Bai Mei said straightforward.

Tang Long made them gave you pleasing, helplessly shakes: "All the domestic employees are all recruiting, but also what foreign employees!"

"That is not the same, foreign employees are hiring!" Spring Snow laughed and said.

Tang Long grabbed his head and smiled: "You look at it, as long as you can obey, work, meet the requirements of the specified in the peony medicine, the tube is domestic or foreign, I have no opinion here. ! "

The eyes shift to the 'ginseng', he just seems to see it.



Tang Long just wanted to observe the observation in the past, and the ringtone on his body sounded again.

Looking at Zhang Yi's number, Tang Long couldn't help but shake his head, this big brother is staring at himself.

Hesitating, or the old man is giving the phone!

"The joint venture has passed, joint ventures, including the 'Thunder Manufacturing' and 100 billion funds, is injected into the new company, the investment bureau accounts for 30% shares, Kirin Technologies use the robot technology to enter the share, possess 70%. "

Slightly paused and continued: "Technology can be licensed! But try to communicate before authorization!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Zhang Ge, will we have this whole?"

"Are you too little?" Zhang Yi smiled.

Tang Long wants to think, shake his head and say: "There is a lot of things, just ... it's trouble!"

"The domestic market is the world's largest market, whether it is commercial or military, this area believes that you are more clear than me, right?" Zhang Yi smiled.

Tang Long laughed and said: "This should not be a problem that can't make money, it is not a market problem!"

Zhang Yi took a smile, and I said: "Since Qilin Technology puts the robot into the market, it is the problem of the market!"

"Newly established company is the leading?" Tang Long silently half rang, asked.

Zhang Yi said: "With Kirin Technology, the future Qilin Technology is also the greatest shareholder of the new company, this is unquestionable!"

Tang Long knew that the words said so, but things can't be truthful.

"The management of the Thunder Manufacturing Company, is there all of them?"

Zhang Yi wrinkled the eyebrows and did not answer, and smiled and said: "After this is ok, you can negotiate it!"

Tang Long did not laugh, calmly said: "If you are in the commercial interest, you will get from the actual benefits, you merge the new company, our market, the investment bureau pays, out, out factory, we don't take advantage of the cheap side "

After pause, continue: "If there is too much condition, we, or say me, will not choose cooperation."

100 billion funds, Kirin Technology is not can't get it, and Tang Long has never thought about letting Kirin technology into the military field.

Even if the R & D 'combat type' robot, the most will only be able to use the market.

The vision of the investment bureau is alone, this is nothing to say, otherwise it will not release the robotic products in Kirin Technology, the first time choose to contact Tang Long.

Whether there is any feelings inside, there is still something else, Tang Long does not tend to cooperate.

The combination of the two people, the team produced, is largely, which will not be controlled here, that is, how many shares have a new company, which is also in the moon, seeing Can't touch something.

"Established a new company, you can, Kirin Technology takes out the technology on the 'robot', is related technology, rather than all technology, we have the right to retain some technology, independent research. Second, new company management rights, personnel power , Research and development, should be fully controlled in Kirin Technology, because Kirin Technology is a controlling party.

Finally, the new company is just a private enterprise, not involving any privacy confidentiality, um, can help relevant department research and development required 'combat type' robot, generation production, price is based on the market! "

Speaking of this, Tang Long paused, organized the language, and smiled: "Zhang Ge, if you don't have this thing, you still have to discuss it."

Zhang Yi did not call, but opened, smiled and said: "Thunder manufacturing this company is very good, mechanical equipment is perfect, skilled employees, factory can make Qilin Technology to produce a large number of products in a short time, thus solving the foundry The problem."

Laughing, smiling: "In the commercial speaker, this does a good target, and it is not to buy."

Tang Long smiled and said: "Yes, it is good, but 'label' is also a problem."

Kirin Technology does not only want to limit its restrictions on the country, the future, its goal is global, scientific and technological progress and innovation.

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